In this review, we present an overview of the existing knowledge about the seven HCoVs, with a focus on the history of their discovery as well as their zoonotic origins and interspecies transmission. Importantly, we compare and contrast the different HCoVs from a perspective of virus evolution and genome recombination. The current CoV disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic is discussed in this context. In addition, the requirements for successful host switches and the implications of virus evolution on disease severity are also highlighted. Tranilast supplier © The author(s).An ongoing outbreak of pneumonia caused by a novel coronavirus, currently designated as the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), was reported recently. However, as SARS-CoV-2 is an emerging virus, we know little about it. In this review, we summarize the key events occurred during the early stage of SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, the basic characteristics of the pathogen, the signs and symptoms of the infected patients as well as the possible transmission pathways of the virus. Furthermore, we also review the current knowledge on the origin and evolution of the SARS-CoV-2. We highlight bats as the potential natural reservoir and pangolins as the possible intermediate host of the virus, but their roles are waiting for further investigation. Finally, the advances in the development of chemotherapeutic options are also briefly summarized. © The author(s).Building upon the formulation of transverse-momentum resummation for heavy-quark hadroproduction, we present the first application of the q T subtraction formalism to the computation of electroweak corrections to massive lepton pairs through the Drell-Yan mechanism. We then study the power suppressed contributions to the q T subtraction formula in the parameter r cut , defined as the minimum transverse momentum of the lepton pair normalised to its invariant mass. We analytically compute the leading power correction from initial and final-state radiation to the inclusive cross section. In the case of initial-state radiation the power correction is quadratic in r cut and our analytic result is consistent with results previously obtained in the literature. Final-state radiation produces linear contributions in r cut that may challenge the efficiency of the q T subtraction procedure. We explicitly compute the linear power correction in the case of the inclusive cross section and we discuss the extension of our calculation to differential distributions. © The Author(s) 2020.Abstract In any DEM simulation, the chosen particle shape will greatly influence the simulated material behaviour. For a specific material, e.g. railway ballast, it remains an open question how to model the particle shape, such that DEM simulations are computationally efficient and simulation results are in good accordance with measurements. While DEM shape modelling for railway ballast is well addressed in the literature, approaches mainly aim at approximating the stones' actual shape, resulting in rather complex and thus inefficient particle shapes. In contrast, very simple DEM shapes will be constructed, clumps of three spheres, which aim to approximate shape descriptors of the considered ballast material. In DEM simulations of the packing behaviour, a set of clump shapes is identified, which can pack at porosities observed at track sites, as well as in lab tests. The relation between particle shape (descriptors) and obtained packing (characteristic) is investigated in a correlation analysis. The simulated packing's porosity is strongly correlated to four shape descriptors, which are also strongly correlated among each other. Thus, to derive simple shape models of a given particle shape, matching one of these shape descriptors, might be a good first step to bring simulated porosities closer to measured ones. The conducted correlation analysis also shows that packing's coordination number and isotropic fabric are correlated to more shape descriptors, making it more difficult to estimate the effect of particle shape on these quantities. Graphic abstract © The Author(s) 2020.Variable-temperature nano-electrospray ionization coupled with ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry is used to investigate the thermal denaturation of the tetrameric protein concanavalin A. As the solution temperature is increased, changes in mass spectra and collision cross section distributions provide evidence for discrete structural changes that occur at temperatures that are ~40 to 50 degrees below the temperature required for tetramer dissociation. The subtle structural changes are associated with four distinct tetramer conformations with unique melting temperatures. Gibbs-Helmholtz analysis of the free energies determined with respect to the most abundant "native" state yields heat capacities of ΔCp = 1.6 ± 0.3, -2.2 ± 0.4, and -2.9 ± 1.6 kJ·K-1·mol-1, and temperature dependent enthalpies and entropies for the three non-native conformations. Analysis of the thermochemistry indicates that the high-temperature products are entropically stable until the threshold for tetramer dissociation, and changes in heat capacity are consistent with increases in solvation of polar residues. Our findings suggest these high-temperature non-native states result from an increase in disorder at surface exposed regions. Such studies provide valuable insight towards the structural details of non-native states.Early childhood education and care (ECEC) can have substantial beneficial effects on overall child development and educational success for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Unfortunately, it is well documented that they are underrepresented in quality ECEC programs. In order to improve access to quality ECEC, it is important to understand the factors leading to these inequities. This paper is based on a synthesis of published literature on interventions aimed at improving access to ECEC. We propose a framework identifying the spectrum of factors influencing access to quality ECEC for disadvantaged populations. We also present, in the context of our proposed framework, different interventions that have been taken to improve access to ECEC opportunities for children from low socioeconomic and/or new immigrant backgrounds. We believe that the framework proposed in this paper serves not only as a framework by which to understand the overlapping processes, factors, and stages affecting access to ECEC, but also as a model to help decision makers coordinate their efforts and maximize their impact towards more equity in access to quality early childhood education.