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5% vs 65.2%), and less likely to have influenza (22% vs 27.8%). The mean age did not differ among IC and non-IC (61.4 vs 60.8 years old). The overall VE against influenza hospitalization, including immunocompetent adults, was 33% (95% CI, 21% to 44%). VE among IC vs non-IC adults was lower at 5% (-29% to 31%) vs. 41% (27% to 52%) (p<0.05 for interaction term).

VE in one influenza season was very low among IC individuals. Future efforts should include evaluation of VE among the different immunocompromising conditions and whether enhanced vaccines improve the suboptimal effectiveness among the immunocompromised.

VE in one influenza season was very low among IC individuals. Future efforts should include evaluation of VE among the different immunocompromising conditions and whether enhanced vaccines improve the suboptimal effectiveness among the immunocompromised.BACKGROUND Although influenza primarily affects the respiratory system, it can cause severe neurological complications, especially in younger children, but knowledge about the early indicators of acute necrotizing encephalopathy (ANE) is limited. The main purpose of this article is to summarize the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological complications of influenza in children, and to identify factors associated with ANE. MATERIAL AND METHODS This was a retrospective study of children with confirmed influenza with neurological complications treated between 01/2014 and 12/2019 at Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center. A receiver operating characteristics curve analysis was performed to determine the prognostic value of selected variables. RESULTS Sixty-three children with IAE (n=33) and ANE (n=30) were included. Compared with the IAE group, the ANE group showed higher proportions of fever and acute disturbance of consciousness, higher alanine aminotransferase, higher aspartate aminotransferase, higher creatinine kinase, higher procalcitonin, higher cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein, and lower CSF white blood cells (all P0.48 g/L to predict ANE were 76.7% and 69.7%, respectively. Thirteen (43.3%) children with ANE and none with IAE died (P less then 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS High levels of CSF protein and serum procalcitonin might be used as early indicators for ANE. All children admitted with neurological findings, especially during the influenza season, should be evaluated for influenza-related neurological complications.BACKGROUND This report describes a case of delivery of an infant with airway compression due to cystic hygroma at 37 weeks' gestation requiring a multidisciplinary decision to use a combination of ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) and airway palliation at cesarean section. This infant did not require support with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). CASE REPORT A 22-year-old G1P0 woman with past medical history of morbid obesity underwent an EXIT procedure due to a large fetal neck mass. Anesthesia included a narcotic-only single-shot spinal, total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) was used for maintenance, and high-dose volatile anesthetics and nitroglycerin infusion was used for complete uterine relaxation. The infant's airway was secured by the otolaryngologist, after which delivery was completed. Sevoflurane and nitroglycerin were discontinued and the previous TIVA was restarted. Uterotonics were aggressively administered to prevent uterine atony, and the patient was extubated. CONCLUSIONS This report shows the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the management of delivery of infants with airway obstruction. This case demonstrates the approach to the decision for the use of EXIT combined with airway palliation, as ECMO was not combined with EXIT in this case.BACKGROUND This retrospective study aimed to investigate co-infections with common respiratory pathogens and SARS-CoV-2 and laboratory biochemistry findings in patients with COVID-19 in the Zhuzhou area of China, in order to provide a reference for the disease assessment and clinical treatment of COVID-19. MATERIAL AND METHODS The clinical data of COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital of Zhuzhou City from January 28 to March 15, 2020, as well as laboratory test results for respiratory pathogens and biochemical indicators, were collected to conduct correlation analyses. All patients were diagnosed based on fluorescence-based PCR assay for SARS-CoV-2. RESULTS Eleven of the 78 patients (14.1%) were co-infected with other respiratory pathogens, among which Mycoplasma pneumoniae (n=5, 45.5%) and respiratory syncytial virus (n=4, 36.4%) were the most frequent. IWP-2 There were 8 patients co-infected with 1 other pathogen and 3 patients co-infected with 2 other pathogens. Compared with mono-infected COVID-19 patients, patients with co-infections had significantly higher levels of procalcitonin (P=0.002). CONCLUSIONS The findings showed that Mycoplasma pneumonia and respiratory syncytial virus were the most common co-infections in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Increased levels of PCT in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were associated with co-infection.Összefoglaló. Bevezetés Az endoszkópos retrográd cholangiopancreatographiát (ERCP) követő pancreatitis (PEP) incidenciája a magas kockázatú betegcsoportban 14,7%. Célkitűzés A munkacsoportunk által szerzett tapasztalatok elemzése. Módszerek A profilaktikus pancreassztentes (PPS), magas kockázatú betegek adatait tartalmazó prospektív adatbázisunkat elemeztük retrospektív módon. Az adatokat a PEP-incidencia és a súlyosság tekintetében összehasonlítottuk a korábbi, hasonlóan magas kockázatú, sztent nélküli beteganyagunkkal, illetve a sztenteléssel kapcsolatos szövődményeket és a különböző sztenttípusokat is elemeztük. A Cotton-kritériumok szerint értékeltük a PEP-t. Eredmények A 317, magas kockázatú betegből 288 esetben (90,9%) volt sikeres a PPS-implantáció. A sztent nélküli kontrollcsoportba 121, magas kockázatú beteget választottunk be. A sikeresen sztentelt betegekben a PEP incidenciája 10,0% volt. Ez és a PEP súlyossága (enyhe 8,3%, középsúlyos 1,4%, súlyos 0,3%) is szignifikánsan alacsonyabb volt a PPS nélküli beteganyaghoz (PEP 31,4%, enyhe 15,7%, középsúlyos 10,7%, súlyos 5,0%) és a sikertelenül sztentelt betegekhez (PEP 41,3%, enyhe 24,1%, középsúlyos 13,8%, súlyos 3,4%) képest.

Autoři článku: Bradshawmckinney4889 (McCann Linde)