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In recent years, a major rise in the demand for biotherapeutic drugs has centered on enhancing the quality and efficacy of cell culture and developing new cell culture techniques. Here, we report fibronectin (FN) derived, novel peptides fibronectin-based intergrin binding peptide (FNIN)2 (18-mer) and FNIN3 (20-mer) which promote cell adhesion proliferation, and the differentiation of primary cells and stem cells. FNIN2 and 3 were designed based on the in silico interaction studies between FN and its receptors (integrin α5β1, αvβ3, and αIIbβ3). Analysis of the proliferation of seventeen-cell types showed that the effects of FNINs depend on their concentration and the existence of expressed integrins. Significant rhodamine-labeled FNIN2 fluorescence on the membranes of HeLa, HepG2, A498, and Du145 cells confirmed physical binding. Double coating with FNIN2 or 3 after polymerized dopamine (pDa) or polymerized tannic acid (pTA) precoating increased HBEpIC cell proliferation by 30-40 percent, suggesting FNINs potently affect primary cells. Furthermore, the proliferation of C2C12 myoblasts and human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) treated with FNINs was significantly increased in 2D/3D culture. FNINs also promoted MSC differentiation into osteoblasts. The results of this study offer a new approach to the production of core materials (e.g., cell culture medium components, scaffolds) for cell culture.A yeast starter is formulated for commercial practices, including storage and distribution. The cell viability of the yeast starter is one of the most important factors for manufacturing alcoholic beverages to ensure their properties during the fermentation and formulation processes. In this study, 64 potential protective agents were evaluated to enhance the survival rate of the brewing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 88-4 after freeze-drying. In addition, the optimized combination of protective agents was assessed for long-term storage. Finally, response surface methodology was applied to investigate the optimal concentration of each protectant. Twenty of the 64 additives led to an increase in the survival rate of freeze-dried S. cerevisiae 88-4. Among the various combinations of protectants, four had a survival rate >95%. The combination of skim milk, maltose, and maltitol exhibited the best survival rate of 61% after 42 weeks in refrigerated storage, and the composition of protectants optimized by response surface methodology was 6.5-10% skim milk, 1.8-4.5% maltose, and 16.5-18.2% maltitol. These results demonstrated that the combination of multiple protectants could alleviate damage to yeasts during freeze-drying and could be applied to the manufacturing starters for fermented foods.Fine-scale land use and land cover (LULC) data in a mining area are helpful for the smart supervision of mining activities. However, the complex landscape of open-pit mining areas severely restricts the classification accuracy. Although deep learning (DL) algorithms have the ability to extract informative features, they require large amounts of sample data. As a result, the design of more interpretable DL models with lower sample demand is highly important. In this study, a novel multi-level output-based deep belief network (DBN-ML) model was developed based on Ziyuan-3 imagery, which was applied for fine classification in an open-pit mine area of Wuhan City. First, the last DBN layer was used to output fine-scale land cover types. Then, one of the front DBN layers outputted the first-level land cover types. The coarse classification was easier and fewer DBN layers were sufficient. Finally, these two losses were weighted to optimize the DBN-ML model. As the first-level class provided a larger amount of additional sample data with no extra cost, the multi-level output strategy enhanced the robustness of the DBN-ML model. The proposed model produces an overall accuracy of 95.10% and an F1-score of 95.07%, outperforming some other models.

Electrospun fibers have attracted a lot of attention from researchers due to their several characteristics, such as a very thin diameter, three-dimensional topography, large surface area, flexible surface, good mechanical characteristics, suitable for widespread applications. Indeed, electro-spinning offers many benefits, such as great surface-to-volume ratio, adjustable porosity, and the ability of imitating the tissue extra-cellular matrix.

we processed Poly ε-caprolactone (PCL) via electrospinning for the production of bilayered tubular scaffolds for vascular tissue engineering application. Endothelial cells and fibroblasts were seeded into the two side of the scaffolds endothelial cells onto the inner side composed of PCL/Gelatin fibers able to mimic the inner surface of the vessels, and fibroblasts onto the outer side only exposing PCL fibers. Extracellular matrix production and organization has been performed by means of classical immunofluorescence against collagen type I fibers, Scanning Electron-Microscopy (SEM) has been performed in order to evaluated ultrastructural morphology, gene expression by means gene expression has been performed to evaluate the phenotype of endothelial cells and fibroblasts.

results confirmed that both cells population are able to conserve their phenotype colonizing the surface supporting the hypothesis that PCL scaffolds based on electrospun fibers should be a good candidate for vascular surgery.

results confirmed that both cells population are able to conserve their phenotype colonizing the surface supporting the hypothesis that PCL scaffolds based on electrospun fibers should be a good candidate for vascular surgery.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are organic pollutants that are harmful to environment and toxic to humans. Numerous studies, based on basidiomycete strains, have reported unsatisfactory results in the mycoremediation of PCB-contaminated soils mainly due to the non-telluric origin of these strains. link2 The abilities of a five-Ascomycete-strain consortium in the mycoremediation of PCB-polluted soils and its performance to restore their sound functioning were investigated using mesocosm experiments associated with chromatography gas analysis and enzymatic activity assays. With the soil H containing 850 ppm PCB from which the strains had been isolated, a significant PCB depletion of 29% after three months of treatment was obtained. This led to an important decrease of PCBs from 850 to 604 ppm. With the soil L containing 36 ppm PCB, biodegradation did not occur. In both soils, the fungal biomass quantified by the ergosterol assay, did not increase at the end of the treatment. link3 Biodegradation evidenced in the soil H resulted in a significantly improved stoichiometry of N and P acquiring enzymatic activities. This unprecedented study demonstrates that the native Ascomycetes display remarkable properties for remediation and restoration of functioning of the soil they originated from paving the way for greater consideration of these strains in mycoremediation.The study of growth and possible metastasis in animal models of tumors would benefit from reliable cell labels for noninvasive whole-organism imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging. Genetically encoded cell-tracking reporters have the advantage that they are contrast-selective for viable cells with intact protein expression machinery. Besides, these reporters do not suffer from dilution during cell division. Encapsulins, which are bacterial protein nanocompartments, can serve as genetically controlled labels for multimodal detection of cells. Such nanocompartments can host various guest molecules inside their lumen. These include, for example, fluorescent proteins or enzymes with ferroxidase activity leading to biomineralization of iron oxide inside the encapsulin nanoshell. The aim of this work was to implement heterologous expression of encapsulin systems from Quasibacillus thermotolerans using the fluorescent reporter protein mScarlet-I and ferroxidase IMEF in the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2. The successful expression of self-assembled encapsulin nanocompartments with functional cargo proteins was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Also, coexpression of encapsulin nanoshells, ferroxidase cargo, and iron transporter led to an increase in T2-weighted contrast in magnetic resonance imaging of HepG2 cells. The results demonstrate that the encapsulin cargo system from Q. thermotolerans may be suitable for multimodal imaging of cancer cells and could contribute to further in vitro and in vivo studies.Chitinases catalyze the degradation of chitin, a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine found in crustacean shells, insect cuticles, and fungal cell walls. There is great interest in the development of improved chitinases to address the environmental burden of chitin waste from the food processing industry as well as the potential medical, agricultural, and industrial uses of partially deacetylated chitin (chitosan) and its products (chito-oligosaccharides). The depolymerization of chitin can be achieved using chemical and physical treatments, but an enzymatic process would be more environmentally friendly and more sustainable. However, chitinases are slow-acting enzymes, limiting their biotechnological exploitation, although this can be overcome by molecular evolution approaches to enhance the features required for specific applications. The two main goals of this study were the development of a high-throughput screening system for chitinase activity (which could be extrapolated to other hydrolytic enzymes), and the deployment of this new method to select improved chitinase variants. We therefore cloned and expressed the Bacillus licheniformis DSM8785 chitinase A (chiA) gene in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells and generated a mutant library by error-prone PCR. We then developed a screening method based on fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) using the model substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl β-d-N,N',N″-triacetyl chitotrioside to identify improved enzymes. We prevented cross-talk between emulsion compartments caused by the hydrophobicity of 4-methylumbelliferone, the fluorescent product of the enzymatic reaction, by incorporating cyclodextrins into the aqueous phases. We also addressed the toxicity of long-term chiA expression in E. coli by limiting the reaction time. We identified 12 mutants containing 2-8 mutations per gene resulting in up to twofold higher activity than wild-type ChiA.Management of excessive aqueous sulfide is one of the most significant challenges of treating effluent after biological sulfate reduction for metal recovery from hydrometallurgical leachate. The main objective of this study was to characterize and verify the effectiveness of a sulfide-oxidizing bacterial (SOB) consortium isolated from post-mining wastes for sulfide removal from industrial leachate through elemental sulfur production. The isolated SOB has a complete sulfur-oxidizing metabolic system encoded by sox genes and is dominated by the Arcobacter genus. XRD analysis confirmed the presence of elemental sulfur in the collected sediment during cultivation of the SOB in synthetic medium under controlled physicochemical conditions. The growth yield after three days of cultivation reached ~2.34 gprotein/molsulfid, while approximately 84% of sulfide was transformed into elemental sulfur after 5 days of incubation. Verification of isolated SOB on the industrial effluent confirmed that it can be used for effective sulfide concentration reduction (~100% reduced from the initial 75.

Autoři článku: Boltonlauritsen5836 (Lloyd Bilde)