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hic cystitis, a disease similar to bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis in humans. However, cats with chronic kidney disease had dysbiosis of their bladder microbiome, which was predominated by Escherichia-Shigella and had a community structure similar to that of cats with Escherichia coli cystitis. These findings suggest that chronic kidney disease alters the bladder environment to favor Escherichia-Shigella colonization, potentially increasing the risk of overt clinical infection."Candidatus Aenigmarchaeota" ("Ca. Aenigmarchaeota") represents one of the earliest proposed evolutionary branches within the Diapherotrites, Parvarchaeota, Aenigmarchaeota, Nanoarchaeota, and Nanohaloarchaeota (DPANN) superphylum. However, their ecological roles and potential host-symbiont interactions are still poorly understood. Here, eight metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) were reconstructed from hot spring ecosystems, and further in-depth comparative and evolutionary genomic analyses were conducted on these MAGs and other genomes downloaded from public databases. Although with limited metabolic capacities, we reported that "Ca. Aenigmarchaeota" in thermal environments harbor more genes related to carbohydrate metabolism than "Ca. Aenigmarchaeota" in nonthermal environments. Evolutionary analyses suggested that members from the Thaumarchaeota, Aigarchaeota, Crenarchaeota, and Korarchaeota (TACK) superphylum and Euryarchaeota contribute substantially to the niche expansion of "Ca. Aenigmarchaeota" via ho Aenigmarchaeota" ("Ca. Aenigmarchaeota"), we made one of the first attempts to infer their putative interaction partners and further decipher the potential functional and genetic interactions between the symbionts. We revealed that HGTs contributed by members from the Thaumarchaeota, Aigarchaeota, Crenarchaeota, and Korarchaeota (TACK) superphylum and Euryarchaeota conferred "Ca. Aenigmarchaeota" with the ability to survive under different environmental stresses, such as virus infection, high temperature, and oxidative stress. This study demonstrates that the interaction partners might be inferable by applying informatics analyses on metagenomic sequencing data.Among the many products of metabolic processes are volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the airways, these volatile metabolites are emitted through breathing and thus are easily sampled for analysis. Recent work has connected the functions and structure of the human microbiome with health and disease. Alteration in microbial function in this context can result in differences in metabolite composition, including that of VOCs, presenting the possibility of a new noninvasive method for clinical diagnosis. Screening methods that assess VOCs arising from changes in the airway microbiome could be highly useful in diagnosing viral upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), e.g., COVID-19, which are highly contagious and have an enormous public health impact worldwide. A rapid noninvasive screening test for URTIs would pose major advantages in containing the disease. As early evidence shows that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection alters the human microbiome (both in the gut and the respiratory tract), we propose that detection of a VOC signature of an altered nasal microbiome could be fruitful as a rapid noninvasive measure of URTI in general and of SARS-CoV-2 in particular.Bovine digital dermatitis (DD) is a skin disorder that is a significant cause of infectious lameness in cattle around the world. However, very little is known about the etiopathogenesis of the disease and the microbiota associated with DD in beef cattle. In this study, we provide a comprehensive characterization of DD and healthy skin microbiota of feedlot beef cattle. We also developed and validated a novel multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay to quantify the distribution of DD-associated bacterial species across DD lesion stages. We determined the DD-associated microbiota with deep amplicon sequencing of the V3-V4 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene, followed by the application of novel and existing qPCR assays to quantify species distributions of Treponema, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium, and Bacteroides across lesion stages. Deep amplicon sequencing revealed that Treponema, Mycoplasma, Porphyromonas, and Fusobacterium were associated with DD lesions. Culturing of DD biopsy specimens identified Porpesions is limited. In this study, we provide a framework for the accurate and reproducible quantification of major DD-associated bacterial species from DNA samples. Our findings support DD as a polymicrobial infection, and we identified a variety of bacterial species spanning multiple genera that are consistently associated with DD lesions. The DD-associated microbiota identified in this study may be capable of inducing the formation and progression of DD lesions and thus should be primary targets in future DD pathogenesis studies.Urban living has been reported to cause various skin disorders. As an integral part of the skin barrier, the skin microbiome is among the key factors associated with urbanization-related skin alterations. The role of skin microbiome in mediating the effect of urban stressors (e.g., air pollutants) on skin physiology is not well understood. We generated 16S sequencing data and constructed a microbiome network of individual (MNI) to analyze the effect of pollution stressors on the microbiome network and its downstream mediation effect on skin physiology in a personalized manner. In particular, we found that the connectivity and fragility of MNIs significantly mediated the adverse effects of air pollution on skin health, and a smoking lifestyle deepened the negative effects of pollution stress on facial skin microbiota. This is the first study that describes the mediation effect of the microbiome network on the skin's physiological response toward environmental factors as revealed by our newly developed MNI approach and conditional process analysis. IMPORTANCE The association between the skin microbiome and skin health has been widely reported. However, the role of the skin microbiome in mediating skin physiology remains a challenging and yet priority subject in the field. Through developing a novel MNI method followed by mediation analysis, we characterized the network signature of the skin microbiome at an individual level and revealed the role of the skin microbiome in mediating the skin's responses toward environmental stressors. Our findings may shed new light on microbiome functions in skin health and lay the foundation for the design of a microbiome-based intervention strategy in the future.Humans are inextricably linked to each other and our natural world, and microorganisms lie at the nexus of those interactions. Microorganisms form genetically flexible, taxonomically diverse, and biochemically rich communities, i.e., microbiomes that are integral to the health and development of macroorganisms, societies, and ecosystems. Yet engagement with beneficial microbiomes is dictated by access to public resources, such as nutritious food, clean water and air, safe shelter, social interactions, and effective medicine. In this way, microbiomes have sociopolitical contexts that must be considered. The Microbes and Social Equity (MSE) Working Group connects microbiology with social equity research, education, policy, and practice to understand the interplay of microorganisms, individuals, societies, and ecosystems. Here, we outline opportunities for integrating microbiology and social equity work through broadening education and training; diversifying research topics, methods, and perspectives; and advocating for evidence-based public policy that supports sustainable, equitable, and microbial wealth for all.Longitudinal studies of gut microbiota following specific interventions are vital for understanding how they influence host health. However, robust longitudinal sampling of gut microbiota is a major challenge, which can be addressed using in vitro fermentors hosting complex microbial communities. Here, by employing 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we investigated the adaptation and succession of human fecal microbial communities in an automated multistage fermentor. We performed two independent experiments using different human donor fecal samples, one configured with two units of three colon compartments each studied for 22 days and another with one unit of two colon compartments studied for 31 days. The fermentor maintained a trend of increasing microbial alpha diversity along colon compartments. Within each experiment, microbial compositions followed compartment-specific trajectories and reached independent stable configurations. While compositions were highly similar between replicate units, they were c different colon compartments, we investigated the adaptation dynamics of two different human fecal microbial communities over 22 and 31 days. By observing the temporal trends of different community members, we found that many dominant members of the fecal microbiota failed to maintain their dominance in vitro, and some of the low-abundance microbes undetected in the fecal microbiota successfully grew in the in vitro communities. Microbiome compositional changes and blooming could largely be explained by feed composition and pH, suggesting that these communities can be modulated to desired compositions via optimizing culture conditions. see more Thus, our results open up the possibility of modulating in vitro microbial communities to predefined compositions by optimizing feed composition and culture conditions.The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic introduced unique challenges to teaching at the university level, while also heightening awareness of existing social and health disparities as these shaped interactions and influenced learning outcomes in class settings. Based on ethnographic and autoethnographic data, this article reflects on teaching about human-microbial relations in the context of the course "Anthropology of Food" and specifically at the start of the pandemic. Data demonstrate how students shifted from demystifying microbes to distrusting microbes to reacquainting with microbes through a hands-on experiment with fermentation. The article introduces a microbiopolitical perspective in interpreting students' learning trajectories and ultimate course outcomes. IMPORTANCE As evidenced by classroom experiences in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, microbes are "good to teach with" not only within microbiology and related fields but across a variety of academic disciplines. Thinking with microbes is not a neutral process but one shaped by social, political, and economic processes. Imploring students to contemplate how power dynamics and patterns of inequality are detectable at the microbial level may offer a unique opportunity for transforming one's view of the world and our relatedness with both humans and nonhumans.CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) is a powerful tool to study cellular physiology under different growth conditions, and this technology provides a means for screening changed expression of essential genes. In this study, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae CRISPRi library was screened for growth in medium supplemented with acetic acid. Acetic acid is a growth inhibitor challenging the use of yeast for the industrial conversion of lignocellulosic biomasses. Tolerance to acetic acid that is released during biomass hydrolysis is crucial for cell factories to be used in biorefineries. The CRISPRi library screened consists of >9,000 strains, where >98% of all essential and respiratory growth-essential genes were targeted with multiple guide RNAs (gRNAs). The screen was performed using the high-throughput, high-resolution Scan-o-matic platform, where each strain is analyzed separately. Our study identified that CRISPRi targeting of genes involved in vesicle formation or organelle transport processes led to severe growth inhibition during acetic acid stress, emphasizing the importance of these intracellular membrane structures in maintaining cell vitality.

Autoři článku: Blevinsstrand7580 (Pearce Munch)