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ion-induced deficits in attention.

There is evidence that hypoglycemia, a metabolic stressor, can negatively impact mood and motivation, and can interact with other stressors to potentiate their effects on behavior and physiology.

The current study in male Sprague-Dawley rats explored the interaction between impaired glucose metabolism induced by 0, 200, or 300mg/kg 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) and a psychophysical stressor induced by forced swimming stress (FSS; 6 sessions, 10min/session). The endpoints of interest were blood glucose levels, progressive behavioral immobility, and saccharin preference (2-bottle choice test). Furthermore, it was investigated whether pre-treatment with 0, 10, or 20mg/kg ketamine could modify the interaction between 2-DG and FSS on these endpoints.

It was found that 2-DG increased blood glucose levels equally in all experimental groups, accelerated the immobile response to FSS, and suppressed saccharin preference 1week following termination of stress exposure. As well, pre-treatment with ketamine blocked the effects of combined 2-DG and FSS on immobility and saccharin preference without affecting blood glucose levels and produced an anti-immobility effect that was observed during a drug-free test swim 1week following administration.

Overall, these findings demonstrate that impaired glucose metabolism can potentiate the effects of a psychophysical stressor, and that this interaction can be modulated pharmacologically by ketamine.

Overall, these findings demonstrate that impaired glucose metabolism can potentiate the effects of a psychophysical stressor, and that this interaction can be modulated pharmacologically by ketamine.

Asbestosis and silicosis are preventable fibrotic forms of pneumoconiosis. Decades ago, the World Health Organization began prevention campaigns for eliminating these diseases worldwide.

To establish Italian hospitalization costs of asbestosis and silicosis in relation to national adopted prevention policies.

This is a retrospective population-based study of Italian hospitalizations treating asbestosis or silicosis in the period 2001-2018. We have extracted data from the National Hospital Discharge Registry and merged with national standard charges of hospitalizations through diagnosis-related group coding. We expressed costs in 2018 euros and evaluated data time-trends by linear normal and logistic regression models.

During 2001-2018, hospitalization costs per year were 3,787,540 € for asbestosis and 10,103,215 € for silicosis. There were significant annual reductions in frequency (-41 and -266 hospitalizations per year for asbestosis and silicosis, respectively), length of stay (-148 and -2781days picosis is associated with the occupational health policies instituted from the 1990s to reduce exposures to asbestos and silica. Extending existing epidemiological surveillance systems to pneumoconioses would help to control the social costs of work-related diseases.

To determine long-term predictors of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV

) decline.

A longitudinal study in 110 bakers in 4 industrial bakeries and 38 non-exposed workers was conducted at the workplace with a mean of 3.3 visits per subject over a period of 13years and a mean duration of follow-up of 6years in bakers and 8years in non-exposed subjects. A respiratory health questionnaire was administered; occupational allergen skin prick tests, spirometry and a methacholine bronchial challenge test were performed at each visit. In each bakery, full-shift dust samples of the inhalable fraction were obtained in order to assess the exposure of each job assignment. The repeated measurements of BHR and FEV

were analyzed using mixed effects logistic and linear regression models in subjects seen at least twice.

BHR, respiratory symptoms and their simultaneous occurrence depended on the duration of exposure. FEV

significantly decreased with duration of exposure and BHR at a preceding visit. This result persisted when adjusting for the effect of BHR at the current visit. The measured exposure levels were not a significant predictor for any outcome. Occupational sensitization was only a predictor of a decline in FEV

when duration of exposure was not included.

In flour-exposed industrial bakers, length of exposure and smoking are long-term determinants of BHR and of the decrease in FEV

. BHR at a preceding visit predicted lower FEV

even when accounting for the effect of BHR at the current visit.

In flour-exposed industrial bakers, length of exposure and smoking are long-term determinants of BHR and of the decrease in FEV1. BHR at a preceding visit predicted lower FEV1 even when accounting for the effect of BHR at the current visit.Cohesin is essential for sister chromatid cohesion, which ensures equal segregation of the chromatids to daughter cells. However, the molecular mechanism by which cohesin mediates this function is elusive. Tebipenem Pivoxil price Scc3, one of the four core subunits of cohesin, is vital to cohesin activity. However, the mechanism by which Scc3 contributes to the activity and identity of its functional domains is not fully understood. Here, we describe an in-frame five-amino acid insertion mutation after glutamic acid 704 (scc3-E704ins) in yeast Scc3, located in the middle of the second armadillo repeat. Mutated cohesin-scc3-E704ins complexes are unable to establish cohesion. Detailed molecular and genetic analyses revealed that the mutated cohesin has reduced affinity to the Scc2 loader. This inhibits its enrichment at centromeres and chromosomal arms. Mutant complexes show a slow diffusion rate in live cells suggesting that they induce a major conformational change in the complex. The analysis of systematic mutations in the insertion region of Scc3 revealed two conserved aspartic acid residues that are essential for the activity. The study offers a better understanding of the contribution of Scc3 to cohesin activity and the mechanism by which cohesin tethers the sister chromatids during the cell cycle.Ossifying fibroma (OF) is an uncommon benign fibro-osseous lesion. Based on its clinical, morphological, and radiological features, OF is further divided into cemento-ossifying fibroma (COF), juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma (JPOF), and juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma (JTOF). JPOF rarely involves the cranial base, with limited reports published on spheno-orbital JPOF. In this paper, we report a case of JPOF of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and lateral orbital wall in an 11-year-old child and show a surgical video. Although rare, JPOF should be considered in the differential diagnosis of fibro-osseous lesions of the spheno-orbital region.

Lambdoid synostosis (LS) is a rare condition, which is either isolated; associated with sagittal synostosis, the "Mercedes-Benz" syndrome (MBS); or with synostosis of the coronal sutures (oxycephalic form). In addition, LS is part of the phenotype of a growing number of genetic diseases. The nosology, pathophysiology, and management are controversial. We decided to review our experience with LS.

We reviewed retrospectively pediatric cases of LS proved on CT-scanner, isolated or associated with other conditions, followed in our craniofacial center during the last 15 years, regarding clinical presentation, anatomical lesions, syndromic associations, surgical management, and outcome.

We reviewed 48 cases 6 isolated LS, 22 MBS, and 20 oxycephalic. A syndromic context was present in 72% (up to 80% of oxycephalic cases), and faciostenosis was present in 23%, mostly oxycephalic cases (40%). Transverse sinus agenesis was found in 61% of documented patients. A total of 31% of children had a dystocic birth, up toic context.

Tumors affecting peripheral nerves in children are rare. Accurate diagnosis ensures that management is appropriate and timely. A review of intrinsic nerve tumors was completed to differentiate common peripheral nerve lesions based on clinical characteristics and investigations.

A retrospective review was conducted for children (< 18 years old) diagnosed with an intrinsic tumor affecting peripheral nerve(s) or roots at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) from 2009 to 2019.

We report 14 children with perineurioma (N = 6), neurofibroma (N = 4), intraneural ganglion cyst (N = 2), or lipomatosis (N = 2). Mean age of symptom onset was 8.2 years (range 0.3 to 17.3 years). Presenting symptoms included muscle weakness (7/14), painless muscle wasting (2/14), contracture (1/14), pain (1/14), or the identification of a painless mass (3/14). Nerve conduction studies (NCS) or electromyography (EMG) were performed in 11/14 patients. MRI was useful at differentiating between these pediatric nerve tumors. Biopsies were performed in nine patients with additional surgical management pursued in four patients.

The rare nature of peripheral nerve tumors in children can pose diagnostic challenges. NCS/EMG are important to assist with localization, and MRI is useful to distinguish more benign tumors. Key MRI, clinical, and NCS features can in some cases guide management, potentially avoiding the need for invasive procedures.

The rare nature of peripheral nerve tumors in children can pose diagnostic challenges. NCS/EMG are important to assist with localization, and MRI is useful to distinguish more benign tumors. Key MRI, clinical, and NCS features can in some cases guide management, potentially avoiding the need for invasive procedures.

Compared to adult AVMs, there is a paucity of data on the microsurgical treatment of pediatric AVMs. We report our institutional experience with pediatric AVMs treated by microsurgical resection with or without endovascular embolization and radiation therapy.

We retrospectively reviewed all patients ≤ 18years of age with cerebral AVMs that underwent microsurgical resection at Rady Children's Hospital 2002-2019.

Eighty-nine patients met inclusion criteria. The mean age was 10.3 ± 5.0years, and 56% of patients were male. In total, 72 (81%) patients presented with rupture. Patients with unruptured AVMs presented with headache (n = 5, 29.4%), seizure (n = 9, 52.9%), or incidental finding (n = 3, 17.7%). The mean presenting mRS was 2.8 ± 1.8. AVM location was lobar in 78%, cerebellar/brainstem in 15%, and deep supratentorial in 8%. Spetzler-Martin grade was I in 28%, II in 45%, III in 20%, IV in 6%, and V in 1%. Preoperative embolization was utilized in 38% of patients and more frequently in unruptured than ruptured AVMs (62% vs. 32%, p = 0.022). Radiographic obliteration was achieved in 76/89 (85.4%) patients. Complications occurred in 7 (8%) patients. Annualized rates of delayed rebleeding and recurrence were 1.2% and 0.9%, respectively. The mean follow-up was 2.8 ± 3.1years. A good neurological outcome (mRS score ≤ 2) was obtained in 80.9% of patients at last follow-up and was improved relative to presentation for 75% of patients.

Our case series demonstrates high rates of radiographic obliteration and relatively low incidence of neurologic complications of treatment or AVM recurrence.

Our case series demonstrates high rates of radiographic obliteration and relatively low incidence of neurologic complications of treatment or AVM recurrence.

Autoři článku: Blandsivertsen0288 (Ladefoged Zhao)