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The level of treatment satisfaction for most individual major CC symptoms was lower in females than in males, and overall treatment satisfaction by therapeutic categories ranged from 16% to 46%. Mean overall treatment satisfaction, as well as mean treatment satisfaction for each major symptom, decreased with increasing number of treatments.

The survey results suggest that conventional treatment options were not effective enough to improve bothersome symptoms or treatment satisfaction. Treatment selection that is tailored to individual symptoms and takes patient characteristics into consideration may be key to improving patients' treatment satisfaction.

The survey results suggest that conventional treatment options were not effective enough to improve bothersome symptoms or treatment satisfaction. Treatment selection that is tailored to individual symptoms and takes patient characteristics into consideration may be key to improving patients' treatment satisfaction.

The risk for bacteremia following endoscopic procedures varies among studies. A low neutrophil count is considered as a risk factor.

To assess risk factors for bacteremia following endoscopic procedures, focusing on neutropenia.

This was a retrospective analysis of all inpatients undergoing endoscopic procedures between 2005 and 2018 with neutrophil count taken within 72 hours before the procedure in a tertiary center in Israel. The primary outcome was positive blood culture within 48 hours following the procedure of bacteria that was not cultured before. Risk factors for bacteremia were assessed and multivariate logistic regression models were built. In neutropenic patients, comparator groups were used to assess the risk related to the procedure and neutropenia.

Of 13,168 patients included, postprocedural bacteremia was recorded in 103 (0.8%). Neutropenia, low albumin level, male gender, older age, preprocedure fever, and admitting department were associated with increased risk for bacteremia in bothated.The esophagogastric junction (EGJ) is a complex barrier between the thoracic and abdominal luminal gut compartments, comprised primarily of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and crural diaphragm. Although closed at rest, the EGJ relaxes to allow antegrade bolus transit and retrograde venting of air. Abnormal relaxation is the hallmark of achalasia spectrum disorders, while increased frequency of transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations and/or EGJ disruption are seen in gastroesophageal reflux disease. High resolution manometry (HRM) is the modern day gold standard for assessment of EGJ morphology and function, with better performance characteristics compared with endoscopy and barium esophagography. Conventional LES metrics defining EGJ function include resting LES pressure as well as postswallow residual pressures. Newer HRM-based metrics include EGJ contractile integral, which measures static barrier function at rest, and EGJ morphology, which characterizes the relationship between LES and crural diaphragm. Provocative maneuvers assess dynamic EGJ function during physiological or pharmacologic stress. The most useful of these maneuvers, the rapid drink challenge, assesses for latent obstruction, while multiple rapid swallows evaluate adequacy of deglutitive inhibition. Amyl nitrate and cholecystokinin administration can segregate motor from structural obstruction. Newer provocative tests (straight leg raise maneuver, abdominal compression) and novel diagnostic tools (functional lumen imaging probe) complement HRM evaluation of the EGJ. Although current HRM metrics and maneuvers show promise in identifying clinically relevant EGJ abnormalities, future investigations evaluating management outcomes will improve segregation of normal from abnormal EGJ morphology and function.

This study aims to evaluate the quality of online hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer) resources by using a validated tool to determine the strengths and limitations of hepatocellular carcinoma Web sites designed for patient education.

In recent years, online health information-seeking behavior has become more prevalent. Meanwhile, hepatocellular carcinoma incidence rates have also increased. However, there is currently limited literature assessing the quality of online hepatocellular carcinoma information.

The term "hepatocellular carcinoma" was searched using the search engine Google and the meta-search engines Dogpile and Yippy. A validated rating tool was used to assign quality scores to 100 Web sites based on the domains of Web site affiliation, accountability, interactivity, structure and organization, readability, and content quality. link2 Overall quality scores were tallied for all Web sites.

Noncommercial hepatocellular carcinoma Web sites received significantly higher overall quality scores compared with their commercial counterparts. Overall, 30% of the Web sites identified their author(s), 42% cited sources, and 33% were updated within the past 2 years. The majority of Web sites utilized at least 1 interactive feature and 4 structural tools. Average readability was at a grade 11.8 level using the Flesch-Kincaid grading system, which is significantly higher than the recommended grade 6 level. Definition and treatment were the most commonly covered topics, while prevention and prognosis were the least commonly covered.

The quality of online hepatocellular carcinoma information is highly variable. Health care professionals should be aware of its limitations and be proactive in guiding patients to reliable resources.

The quality of online hepatocellular carcinoma information is highly variable. Health care professionals should be aware of its limitations and be proactive in guiding patients to reliable resources.

Over 14 million colonoscopies are performed annually, and this procedure remains the largest contributor to malpractice claims against gastroenterologists. The aim of this study was to evaluate reasons for litigation and predictors of case outcomes.

Cases related to colonoscopy were reviewed within the Westlaw legal database. Patient demographics, reasons for litigation, case payouts, and verdicts were assessed. Multivariate regression was used to determine predictors of defendant verdicts.

A total of 305 cases were included from years 1980 to 2017. Average patient age was 54.9 years (range, 4 to 93) and 52.8% of patients were female. Juries returned defendant and plaintiff verdicts in 51.8% and 25.2% of cases, respectively, and median payout was $995,000. Top reasons for litigation included delay in treatment (65.9%) and diagnosis (65.6%), procedural error (44.3%), and failure to refer (25.6%). Gastroenterologists were defendants in 71% of cases, followed by primary care (32.2%) and surgeons (14.8%). Cns were frequently cited codefendants, underscoring the significance of interdisciplinary care for colonoscopy.Jackhammer esophagus (JE) is a recently recognized esophageal motility disorder that is characterized by hypercontractile peristalsis. More than 500 cases have been reported in the literature. Among patients referred for esophageal motility disorders, the prevalence of JE ranges from 0.42% to 9%, with most series describing a prevalence of 2% to 4%. Most cases are women (60.5%). The mean reported age of patients with JE is 65.2 years, and patients commonly have dysphagia (62.8%). Reflux symptoms occur in ∼40% of patients, and chest pain affects more than one-third of patients (36.4%). JE is a heterogenous disorder that is associated with several conditions, including obesity, opioid use, lung transplantation, eosinophilic infiltration of the esophagus, neoplasia, and systemic diseases. The cause and pathogenesis remain unknown, but several observations suggest that it is the result of multiple conditions that likely precipitate increased excitation and abnormal inhibition of neuromuscular function. The natural course of JE also is unknown, but progression to achalasia has been observed in a few patients. Treatment is challenging, in part because of the insufficient understanding of the disorder's underlying mechanisms. link3 Various therapeutic modalities have been used, ranging from observation only to pharmacologic and endoscopic interventions (eg, botulinum toxin injection) to peroral endoscopic myotomy. Treatment efficacy remains largely anecdotal and insufficiently studied.

Determine whether various dimensions of smoking increase risk for gastric intestinal metaplasia.

Cigarette smoking has been implicated in the etiology of gastric cancer, but it is not clear if smoking is a risk factor for gastric intestinal metaplasia, a precursor lesion of gastric cancer.

We compared data from 385 gastric intestinal metaplasia cases and 1577 controls without gastric intestinal metaplasia recruited into a cross-sectional study at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston, Texas. All participants completed standardized questionnaires and underwent a study endoscopy with gastric mapping biopsies. Gastric intestinal metaplasia cases included participants with intestinal metaplasia on any noncardia gastric biopsy. We calculated odds ratios and associated 95% confidence intervals using multivariable logistic regression models.

Compared with never smokers, current smokers had 2-fold increased risk for gastric intestinal metaplasia (odds ratio, 2.05; 95% confidence interval, 1.47-2.85). Among ever smokers, increasing duration and total dose were significantly associated with increased risk for gastric intestinal metaplasia (P-trend, 0.004 and 0.01, respectively). Among former smokers, risk for gastric intestinal metaplasia decreased over time and was no different to never smokers after 15 years smoking cessation. Cases with gastric intestinal metaplasia were more likely than controls to have Helicobacter pylori infection (53.2% vs. 21.7%); however, smoking effect on gastric intestinal metaplasia was not different by H. pylori infection status.

Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for gastric intestinal metaplasia. Risk of gastric intestinal metaplasia among former smokers remained significantly elevated until 15 years postcessation.

Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for gastric intestinal metaplasia. Risk of gastric intestinal metaplasia among former smokers remained significantly elevated until 15 years postcessation.We examined data from 374 laboratories staining for Ki-67 as part of external quality assessment over 8 runs between 2013 and 2017 (total data sets=2601). One of 5 primary antibodies was used for 94.8% of submissions, with MIB-1 (Agilent Dako) comprising 58.8% of the total. Examining assessment score as a continuous variable showed the 30-9 (Ventana) and K2 (Leica Biosystems) clones were associated with the highest mean scores (17.0; 95% confidence interval, 16.8-17.2 and 16.3; 95% confidence interval, 15.9-16.6, respectively). Stain quality was not significantly different between them. Both were associated with significantly better staining compared with MIB-1 (Agilent Dako), MM1 (Leica Biosystems), and SP6 from various suppliers (P less then 0.05). Similarly, categorical assessment of "Good" versus "Not good" staining quality showed that the 30-9 and K2 clones were both significantly associated with "Good" staining (both P less then 0.001). Other methodological parameters were examined for significant primary antibody-specific effects; none were seen for 30-9, K2, or SP6.

Autoři článku: Bjerrumhyde6552 (Mooney Celik)