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tures studied. No microbial growth was observed. Viscosity and pH values did not change significantly. This study demonstrates that hydrocortisone is physically, chemically, and microbiologically stable in SuspendIt for 185 days in the refrigerator and at room temperature, thus providing a viable, compounded alternative for hydrocortisone in a liquid dosage form, with an extended beyond-use date to meet patient needs.The authors provide a report on the preparation of an extemporaneous liquid formulation of diazepam enema using an alcohol-free base solution for use by both pediatric and adult patients. A solubility study using this base and the chemical stability of the drug in this formulation was performed by using a high-pressure liquid chromatography analytical method. Results of this study showed that the intrinsic solubility of the drug in this liquid base was 6.03 mg/mL ± 0.06 mg/mL and that diazepam was chemically stable when the formulation was stored at 25°C over a period of 3 months.Transdermal products are intended to be applied topically but to promote the biological effects systemically, while transmucosal products have the same final effect but are to be applied on mucosa (for example, vaginal mucosa). The extension and velocity in which absorption occurs vary depending on the vehicle used, the active pharmaceutical ingredient and a broad range of other factors related to the formulation, patient, and environmental characteristics. Ready-to-use vehicles, such as Pentravan, with proven penetration efficacy for various active pharmaceutical ingredients, are paramount. Pentravan, specially developed for compounding pharmacies, has been extensively studied. To date, most studies have focused on endocrinology (e.g., sexual hormones), anti-aging strategies, and gynecology (endometriosis and related conditions). In this work, we have determined the compatibility of Pentravan and three active pharmaceutical ingredients gestrinone, a steroidal substance for vaginal use (endometriosis), and nimesulide and piroxicam, two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used both for topical and vaginal application. This article shows an excellent beyond-use date of 180 days when stored at room temperature, which renders it suitable for daily practice.Silicone oil is commonly used for vial and cartridge stopper movement and in syringes to allow for smooth movement of the syringe plunger and removal of the contents. Particulates in injectables are a concern because the silicone oil often becomes a part of the injection solution, creating a potential for patient harm. Much has been written recently concerning silicone oil in syringes used in ophthalmology and the injections into the eye. There are methods and techniques presented here that can minimize the amount of silicone oil in the final injection that is ultimately administered to the patient. New syringe products are becoming available that are silicone oil free.Many drugs inherently have a taste associated with them when in solution; these are the innate or inherent tastes associated with the drug itself and are often included in the official United States Pharmacopeia-National Formulary description of the drug. Some drugs will induce a taste or a change in taste characteristics when administered to a patient; these are induced tastes and a long list of examples is included in this article. Oftentimes, it is necessary to alter the properties of a dosage form to overcome disagreeable tastes of drugs through the use of different flavoring methods, which is also discussed. Patient compliance is critical for effective therapy and taste is important for compliance.Container-closure integrity provides assurance that compounded sterile preparation quality attributes are met throughout its shelf life. Since compounded sterile preparations lacking container-closure integrity are considered adulterated as per the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and are therefore unsafe for patient use, compounders must be able to produce a well closed sealed vial. Furthermore, 503B outsourcing facilities must qualify the capping process as described by the proposed "Current Good Manufacturing Practice - Guidance for Human Drug Compounding Outsourcing Facilities Under Section 503B of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Guidance for Industry." This article is the second in a series describing vial crimping and capping equipment selection and the qualification necessary to create a well-closed sealed vial in a Current Good Manufacturing Practice environment to ensure patient safety and maintain compliance.The development of compounding science in the Republic of Uzbekistan began in ancient times. The emergence of medical science on the territory of modern Uzbekistan was associated with the activities of the famous physician Ibn Sina (Avicenna). His Canon of Medicine is still considered the main source of medical knowledge in the world. He paid great attention to herbal medicines, its collection, storage, and application. The main development of compounding in Uzbekistan fell within the 20th century, after the Main Directorate of Pharmacies was established and new pharmacies were opened in all cities. In the beginning of 1975, there were about 2000 pharmacies in Uzbekistan and all pharmacies were engaged in the preparation of medicines. Today, there are more than 14 thousand pharmacies in Uzbekistan, which belong to large pharmacy chains, in the structure of which there are compounding pharmacies that compound injections and infusions, nasal and eardrops, ointments and suppositories, tinctures, decoctions, etc. Among the pharmaceutical networks in Uzbekistan, JSC Dori-Darmon is one of the largest. JSC Dori-Darmon, having about 120 branches, provides the population of Uzbekistan with medicines. Another one, Osiyo Farm, specializes in the compounding of external solutions and semi-solid dosage forms, while JSC Dori- Darmon mainly dispenses injections, mixtures, and solutions for external use. In Uzbekistan, pharmaceutical compounding is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 415-I. The development of the pharmaceutical market in Uzbekistan is very active since the number of pharmaceutical enterprises is increasing and new drugs of synthetic and herbal origin are being developed. The main educational institutions that train pharmacists are the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute and the Tashkent Medical College.Dermal healing occurs via a linear sequence of events in which growth factors cause cell proliferation and a subsequent integration of changes that involve soluble mediators, parenchymal and blood cells, and the production of extracellular matrix. Myriad factors influence the process and progress of healing damaged skin, and numerous agents have been used alone or in combination with other active substances to enable both responses to skin injury or disease. In this third article in a series on compounding for dermal healing, the role of nitric oxide in dermal repair is examined, as is the effectiveness of both sildenafil and naltrexone in promoting recovery. Also provided are compounded skin-healing formulations that proved effective when treatment with commercially manufactured medications failed.The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) Do Not Crush List is a common resource for healthcare providers to determine whether an oral solid drug product can be manipulated. However, evidence is weak or missing for a number of immediate-release products. The purpose of this study was to perform an in-depth analysis of these products on the ISMP Do Not Crush List with the goal of removing unnecessary restrictions and providing conditional recommendations if needed. The ISMP Do Not Crush List was reviewed, and the products in question were identified if they were listed with "no reason" provided or "film-coated" as the only reason. A checklist of evaluation criteria was then developed and used for analysis, including special dosage form design, hazardous drug status, and stability and pharmacokinetics concerns. Appropriate references and search strategies were streamlined to perform the evaluation, and manufacturers were also contacted with a standard drug-information inquiry. A total of 20 "film-coateure immediate release oral solid drug products when there are no suitable alternatives.In the U.S., determining whether it is legal to compound with a particular substance for human patients is governed by a patchwork of laws, regulations, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidance. Furthermore, there is no single, unified source where a compounder can determine whether a particular substance is legal to compound with. This article provides 503a compounders a step by- step tool to evaluate the legality of compounding with a particular substance for human patients. It does so in a systematic way that considers the patchwork of law, regulations, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidance documents that must be considered.[This corrects the article DOI 10.2196/25531.].

Nurses are at the forefront of the COVID 19 pandemic. During the pandemic, nurses have faced an elevated risk of exposure and have experienced the hazards related to a novel virus. While being heralded as lifesaving heroes on the front lines of the pandemic, nurses have experienced more physical, mental and psychosocial problems as a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak. Social media discussions by nursing professionals participating in publicly formed Facebook groups constitute a valuable resource that offers longitudinal insights.

This study aimed to explore how COVID-19 impacted nurses through capturing public sentiments expressed by nurses on social media discussion platforms and how these sentiments changed over time.

We collected over 110,993 Facebook discussion posts and comments in an open COVID-19 group for nurses from March 2020 until the end of November 2020. A de-identified offline HTML scraping on social media posts and comments was performed. Using subject-matter expert opinions and socialre venues for nurses to express their experience, opinions and concerns and can offer researchers an important insight to understand the COVID-19 impact on health care workers.

In 2020, the Singapore government rolled out the TraceTogether (TT) Programme, a digital system to facilitate contact tracing efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This system is available as a smartphone app and Bluetooth-enabled token to help identify close contacts. As of February 1 2021, more than 80% of the population have either downloaded the mobile app or received the token in Singapore. Despite the high adoption rate of the TT mobile app and token (i.e. JAK activation device), it is crucial to understand the role of social and normative perceptions in the uptake and usage by the public, given that the collective efforts for contact tracing.

This study aimed to examine the normative influences (descriptive and injunctive norms) on the TT device use for contact tracing purposes, informed by the Theory of Normative Social Behavior (TNSB), a theoretical framework to explain how perceived social norms are related to behaviors.

From January to February 2021, cross-sectional data were collected by a local research company through emailing their panel members who were 1) Singapore citizens or permanent residents aged 21 years and above; 2) able to read English; and 3) Internet users with access to a personal email account.

Autoři článku: Bentzenwaddell0933 (Mayer Stark)