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Table olives are a food with a high content of bioactive compounds with cardioprotective properties, such as oleic acid, polyphenols, and pentacyclic triterpenes. Here, we investigate the effect of the intake of table olives on blood pressure (BP) and body weight in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and their normotensive controls, Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. 'Arbequina' table olives (3.85 g kg

) were administered by gavage to SHR and WKY rats in short-term (1day) and long-term (7 weeks) experiments. BP was measured by the tail-cuff method, and polyphenols and triterpenes were determined in olives and plasma by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Administration of 'Arbequina' olives to WKY rats did not exert any change in BP in any of the experiments. However, in SHR, the single dose induced a transient reduction in BP of approximately 15 mmHg, from the second to the tenth hour after the administration. In the long-term assay, a similar decrease was established in the second week and was maintaineThe Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.Machiavellianism is a personality trait emphasizing fraud at others' expense. It is yet unclear whether Machiavellianism is also predictive of less obvious deception, for example inaccurate or meaningless information supposed to gain advantages and to avoid disadvantages (i.e., bullshit). Similarly, it is unclear whether those high in Machiavellianism can recognize bullshit claims and valuable information as such (i.e., bullshit sensitivity). In this study, we investigated whether different facets of Machiavellianism are prone to the production of different sorts of bullshit and how these facets of Machiavellianism relate to bullshit sensitivity. In a sample of 525 participants (72% women), we found that the manipulative side of Machiavellianism (Machiavellian approach) was linked to persuasive bullshitting, that is, the production of bullshit intended to gain desired resources. Likewise, the distrustful side of Machiavellianism (Machiavellian avoidance) went along with higher evasive bullshitting, which means spreading information that ought to prevent individual disadvantages. Next, we found that those high in Machiavellian avoidance, but not Machiavellian approach, were better at differentiating information from bullshit. These links were robust irrespective of different levels of cognitive ability. Ultimately, we discussed future directions for research on bullshitting and disseminating deceptive information in general.

Soil fertility is a major concern during vegetable production. Conventional versus organic fertilization has been studied in order to conserve soil properties. While some reports point out an increase in food nutritional properties, the loss of crop yield under organic conditions continues to be a problem. Thus, an experiment with broccoli in the field was carried out, comparing crop management under conventional fertilization (CF) and two soil amendment treatments manure pellet (M) and an enriched-biochar (EB) supplemented by an organic fertilizer (AND) applied alone (M+CF; EB+AND) or in combination (M+EB+AND). Crop yield and the nutritional properties in the flowering heads (mineral content, phenolic compounds and glucosinolates (GSLs)), were determined.

Enriched-biochar and manure as a standalone amendment resulted in higher crop yield regarding CF, but not when they were applied in combination. The number of flowering heads with no-commercial characteristics was lower after enriched-biochar soil applil of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder of unknown etiology. Recently, there has been a growing interest in sensory processing in autism as a core phenotype. However, basic questions remain unanswered. Here, we review the major findings and models of perception in autism and point to methodological issues that have led to conflicting results. We show that popular models of perception in autism, such as the reduced prior hypothesis, cannot explain the many and varied findings. To resolve these issues, we point to the benefits of using rigorous psychophysical methods to study perception in autism. We advocate for perceptual models that provide a detailed explanation of behavior while also taking into account factors such as context, learning, and attention. Furthermore, we demonstrate the importance of tracking changes over the course of development to reveal the causal pathways and compensatory mechanisms. We finally propose a developmental perceptual narrowing account of the condition.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a devastating autoimmune disease that can result in substantial morbidity and mortality. Diagnosis and treatment of SLE are clinical challenges. Patient presentation and response to therapy are heterogeneous because of the complex immune dysregulation that results in SLE disease pathogenesis. An intricate interplay between genetic risk and skewing of adaptive and innate immune system responses leads to overproduction of type I interferons and other cytokines, complement activation, immune-complex deposition, and ultimately inflammation and tissue damage. Here, we review the classification criteria as well as standard and emerging diagnostic tools available to identify patients with SLE. We then focus on medical management, including novel therapeutics, nonpharmacologic interventions, and comorbidity management. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Medicine, Volume 74 is January 2023. Please see http// for revised estimates.

'Sangiovese' (Vitis vinifera L.) is a well-known Italian wine grape utilized for producing the prestigious Chianti Classico brand. Here, 'Sangiovese' is generally trained to a vertical training system, with an imposed crop level of around 3-5 kg per vine to preserve grape quality. Tendone comprises a horizontal trellis system, largely diffused in Mediterranean Countries for table grape production, and is adopted to achieve a high yield and to preserve grapes, by means of its canopy architecture, from excessive solar radiation, which in turn affects the organoleptic aspects of grapes and wines. The present study aimed to evaluate, in terms of phenolic and volatile compounds of grape and wines, 'Sangiovese' trained to Tendone, as affected by two crop levels, namely very high and reduced yields.

Reduced yield (18.39 kg per vine) by cluster thinning still appeared to provide a considerable yield and quality of grapes and wines. Thinning increased pH, tartaric acid content, flavonoids, anthocyanins, total polyphenols and proanthocyanins, and total free and bound aroma compounds, without affecting soluble solids and titratable acidity of grapes. As regards wines, reduced yield increased pH, tartaric and malic acids and dry reduced extract, flavonoids, anthocyanins, total polyphenols and proanthocyanins, and, finally, the color intensity of wines.

The present study highlights that Tendone training systems, combined with 40% of cluster thinning, allows a high yield to be reached, allowing, at the same time, a very interesting quality of grapes, making it possible to produce qualitative wines. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.

The present study highlights that Tendone training systems, combined with 40% of cluster thinning, allows a high yield to be reached, allowing, at the same time, a very interesting quality of grapes, making it possible to produce qualitative wines. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.Cellular senescence is implicated in a wide range of physiological and pathological conditions throughout an organism's entire lifetime. In particular, it has become evident that senescence plays a causative role in aging and age-associated disorders. This is not due simply to the loss of function of senescent cells. Instead, the substantial alterations of the cellular activities of senescent cells, especially the array of secretory factors, impact the surrounding tissues or even entire organisms. selleck products Such non-cell-autonomous functionality is largely coordinated by tissue-specific genes, constituting a cell fate-determining state. Senescence can be viewed as a gain-of-function phenotype or a process of cell identity shift. Cellular functionality or lineage-specific gene expression is tightly linked to the cell type-specific epigenetic landscape, reinforcing the heterogeneity of senescence across cell types. Here, we aim to define the senescence cellular functionality and epigenetic features that may contribute to the gain-of-function phenotype.Mitochondria are traditionally known as the powerhouse of the cell, but their functions extend far beyond energy production. They are vital in cellular and organismal pathways that direct metabolism, stress responses, immunity, and cellular fate. To accomplish these tasks, mitochondria have established networks of both intra- and extracellular communication. Intracellularly, these communication routes comprise direct contacts between mitochondria and other subcellular components as well as indirect vesicle transport of ions, metabolites, and other intracellular messengers. Extracellularly, mitochondria can induce stress responses or other cellular changes that secrete mitochondrial cytokine (mitokine) factors that can travel between tissues as well as respond to immune challenges from extracellular sources. Here we provide a current perspective on the major routes of communication for mitochondrial signaling, including their mechanisms and physiological impact. We also review the major diseases and age-related disorders associated with defects in these signaling pathways. An understanding of how mitochondrial signaling controls cellular homeostasis will bring greater insight into how dysfunctional mitochondria affect health in disease and aging.During organismal development, organs and systems are built following a genetic blueprint that produces structures capable of performing specific physiological functions. Interestingly, we have learned that the physiological activities of developing tissues also contribute to their own morphogenesis. Specifically, physiological activities such as fluid secretion and cell contractility generate hydrostatic pressure that can act as a morphogenetic force. Here, we first review the role of hydrostatic pressure in tube formation during animal development and discuss mathematical models of lumen formation. We then illustrate specific roles of the notochord as a hydrostatic scaffold in anterior-posterior axis development in chordates. Finally, we cover some examples of how fluid flows influence morphogenetic processes in other developmental contexts. Understanding how fluid forces act during development will be key for uncovering the self-organizing principles that control morphogenesis.

National audits are a common, but variably effective, intervention to improve services. This study aimed to design an intervention to increase the effectiveness of national audit.

We used interviews, documentary analysis, observations, co-design and stakeholder engagement methods. The intervention was described in an intervention manual and illustrated using a logic model. Phase 1 described the current hospital response to a national audit. Phase 2 identified potential enhancements. Phase 3 developed a strategy to implement the enhancements. Phase 4 explored the feasibility of the intervention alongside the National Audit of Dementia and refined the intervention. Phase 5 adapted the intervention to a second national audit (National Diabetes Audit). Phase 6 explored the feasibility and fidelity of the intervention alongside the National Diabetes Audit and used the findings to further refine the intervention.

The developed intervention is a quality improvement collaborative (QIC), containing virtual educational workshop, virtual outreach for local team leads and virtual facilitation of a learning collaborative delivered after feedback has been received.

Autoři článku: Beierbraun3642 (Gardner Churchill)