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We present a new design of a robust cavity-enhanced frequency comb-based spectrometer operating under the continuous-filtering Vernier principle. The spectrometer is based on a compact femtosecond Er-doped fiber laser, a medium finesse cavity, a diffraction grating, a custom-made moving aperture, and two photodetectors. The new design removes the requirement for high-bandwidth active stabilization present in the previous implementations of the technique, and allows scan rates up to 100 Hz. We demonstrate the spectrometer performance over a wide spectral range by detecting CO2 around 1575 nm (1.7 THz bandwidth and 6 GHz resolution) and CH4 around 1650 nm (2.7 THz bandwidth and 13 GHz resolution). We achieve absorption sensitivity of 5 × 10-9 cm-1 Hz-1/2 at 1575 nm, and 1 × 10-7 cm-1 Hz-1/2 cm-1 at 1650 nm. We discuss the influence of the scanning speed above the adiabatic limit on the amplitude of the absorption signal.This manuscript presents an ultrafast-laser-absorption-spectroscopy (ULAS) diagnostic capable of providing calibration-free, single-shot measurements of temperature and CO at 5 kHz in combustion gases at low and high pressures. Additionally, this diagnostic was extended to provide 1D, single-shot measurements of temperature and CO in a propellant flame. A detailed description of the spectral-fitting routine, data-processing procedures, and determination of the instrument response function are also presented. The accuracy of the diagnostic was validated at 1000 K and pressures up to 40 bar in a heated-gas cell before being applied to characterize the spatiotemporal evolution of temperature and CO in AP-HTPB and AP-HTPB-aluminum propellant flames at pressures between 1 and 40 bar. The results presented here demonstrate that ULAS in the mid-IR can provide high-fidelity, calibration-free measurements of gas properties with sub-nanosecond time resolution in harsh, high-pressure combustion environments representative of rocket motors.Linear Computed Laminography (LCL) is used to yield slice images of plate-like objects (PLO) for the advantage of short exposure time, high control precision and low cost. Shift and Add (SAA) is a widely used reconstruction algorithm for LCL. One limitation of SAA is that the reconstructed image of the in-focus layer (IFL) contains information from off-focus layers (OFL), resulting in inter-slice aliasing and blurring. In this paper, an Iterative Difference Deblurring (IDD) algorithm based on LCL is proposed to reduce the blur in reconstructed images. The core idea of the IDD algorithm is contributions from OFL are subtracted from the projection data to remove the blur from the IFL. The corrected projections are then reconstructed using the SAA to remove the superimposed contributions of OFL from the IFL. An iterative approach is utilized to adjust a weighting factor applied during the subtraction stage. The results demonstrate that IDD algorithm can achieve PLO reconstruction in the LCL system under extremely sparse sampling conditions, and can effectively reduce the inter-slice aliasing and blurring.We present precise optical rotation measurements of gaseous chiral samples using near-IR continuous-wave cavity-enhanced polarimetry. Optical rotation is determined by comparing cavity ring-down signals for two counter-propagating beams of orthogonal polarisation which are subject to polarisation rotation by the presence of both an optically active sample and a magneto-optic crystal. A broadband RF noise source applied to the laser drive current is used to tune the laser linewidth and optimise the polarimeter, and this noise-induced laser linewidth is quantified using self-heterodyne beat-note detection. We demonstrate the optical rotation measurement of gas phase samples of enantiomers of α-pinene and limonene with an optimum detection precision of 10 µdeg per cavity pass and an uncertainty in the specific rotation of ∼0.1 deg dm-1 (g/ml)-1 and determine the specific rotation parameters at 730 nm, for (+)- and (-)-α-pinene to be 32.10 ± 0.13 and -32.21 ± 0.11 deg dm-1 (g/ml)-1, respectively. Measurements of both a pure R-(+)-limonene sample and a non-racemic mixture of limonene of unknown enantiomeric excess are also presented, illustrating the utility of the technique.Surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs)-based waveguides, especially hybrid plasmonic nanowires, which have attracted extensive interests due to easy fabrication, high transmittance, subwavelength mode confinement and long propagation distance, are appropriate platforms for enhancing the interaction with graphene. Considering that graphene is a two-dimensional (2D) material with surface conductivity, it is important to enhance the in-plane electrical components parallel to graphene. Here, we propose a tunable graphene optical modulator based on arrayed hybrid plasmonic nanowires, utilizing strong subwavelength confinement of gap-surface plasmonic modes (GSPMs) and near-field coupling in the periodic metasurface structure to enhance effective light-matter interactions. see more The modulator has a typical modulation depth (MD) of 4.7 dB/μm, insertion loss (IL) of 0.045 dB/μm, and a broadband response. The modulation performance can be further optimized, achieving MD of 16.7 dB/μm and IL of 0.17 dB/μm. Moreover, with the optimized modulator, the 3 dB bandwidth can reach 200 GHz. The energy consumption of modulator is about 0.86 fJ/bit. Our design exhibits fascinating modulation performance, fabrication compatibility and integration potential. It may inspire the schematic designs of graphene-based plasmonic modulator and pave a way to the application of 2D materials-involved optoelectronic devices.We demonstrated a method to achieve the two-photon subwavelength effect of true broadband chaotic light in polarization-selective Michelson interferometer based on two-photon absorption detection. To our knowledge, it is the first time that this effect has been observed with broadband chaotic light. In theory, the two-photon polarization coherence matrix and probability amplitudes matrix are combined to develop polarized two-photon interference terms, which explains the experimental results well. To make better use of this interferometer to produce the subwavelength effect, we also make a series of error analyses to find out the relationship between the visibility and the degree of polarization error. Our experimental and theoretical results contribute to the understanding of the two-photon subwavelength interference, which shed light on the development of the two-photon interference theory of vector light field based on quantum mechanics. The characteristic of the two-photon subwavelength effect have significant applications in temporal ghost imaging, such as it helps to improve the resolution of temporal objects.Depth estimation is a fundamental task in light field (LF) related applications. However, conventional light field suffers from the lack of features, which introduces depth ambiguity and heavy computation load to depth estimation. In this paper, we introduce phase light field (PLF), which uses sinusoidal fringes as patterns and the latent phases as the codes. With PLF and the re-formatted phase-epipolar-plane-images (phase EPIs), a global cost minimization framework is proposed to estimate the depth. In general, EPI-based depth estimation tests a set of candidate lines to find the optimal one with most similar intensities, and the slope of the optimal line is converted to disparity and depth. Based on this principle, for phase-EPI, we propose a cost with weighted phase variance in the candidate line, and we prove that the cost is a convex function. After that, the beetle antennae search (BAS) optimization algorithm is utilized to find the optimal line and thus depth can be obtained. Finally, a bilateral filter is incorporated to further improve the depth quality. Simulation and real experimental results demonstrate that, the proposed method can produce accurate depth maps, especially at boundary regions. Moreover, the proposed method achieves an acceleration of about 5.9 times over the state-of-the-art refocus method with comparable depth quality, and thus can facilitate practical applications.The interaction of ultrashort laser pulses above the ablation threshold of thin-film indium tin oxide (ITO) is examined with pump-probe microscopy. We are able to observe photomechanical spallation at delay times of hundreds of picoseconds, which plays a stronger role near the ablation threshold of 0.17 J/cm2. A phase explosion may also be observed at tens of picoseconds, playing a stronger role for increasing peak fluences. As one exceeds the material removal efficiency maximum near 0.6 J/cm2, a second spallation is observable in the center of the irradiated spot at a delay time of one nanosecond and corresponds to a crater depth of 50 nanometers. No discernable ridge formation has been observed. We recommend an industrial processing window of at least two pulses per position with a peak fluence between 0.6-1.0 J/cm2.We report results from our extensive studies on the fabrication of ultra-thin, flexible, and cost-effective Ag nanoparticle (NP) coated free-standing porous silicon (FS-pSi) for superior molecular sensing. The FS-pSi has been prepared by adopting a simple wet-etching method. The deposition time of AgNO3 has been increased to improve the number of hot-spot regions, thereby the sensing abilities are improved efficiently. FESEM images illustrated the morphology of uniformly distributed AgNPs on the pSi surface. Initially, a dye molecule [methylene blue (MB)] was used as a probe to evaluate the sensing capabilities of the substrate using the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) technique. The detection was later extended towards the sensing of two important explosive molecules [ammonium nitrate (AN), picric acid (PA)], and a pesticide molecule (thiram) clearly demonstrating the versatility of the investigated substrates. The sensitivity was confirmed by estimating the analytical enhancement factor (AEF), which was ∼107 for MB and ∼104 for explosives and pesticides. We have also evaluated the limit of detection (LOD) values in each case, which were found to be 50 nM, 1 µM, 2 µM, and 1 µM, respectively, for MB, PA, AN, and thiram. Undeniably, our detailed SERS results established excellent reproducibility with a low RSD (relative standard deviation). Furthermore, we also demonstrate the reasonable stability of AgNPs decorated pSi by inspecting and studying their SERS performance over a period of 90 days. The overall cost of these substrates is attractive for practical applications on account of the above-mentioned superior qualities.Coherent modulation imaging (CMI) is an effective lensless diffraction imaging method with fast algorithmic convergence and high robustness to data defects. In the reported algorithms for CMI, one important requirement is that the modulator function need to be known a priori; and an additional step for the modulator characterization is required to be carried out in advance by other methods, such as ptychography, which could be cumbersome in practice. Here, we propose an improved algorithm that allows for the transmission function of a completely unknown modulator to be recovered during the same iterative process of image reconstruction. We have verified the method in both simulations and optical experiments. This improvement would turn CMI into a more practical and standalone technique for broader applications in biology and materials science.

Autoři článku: Beckakhtar2968 (Stokholm Prater)