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The purpose of this study was to explore the immediate effects of running speed and midsole type on foot loading during heel-toe running. Fifteen healthy male college students were required to complete 3 running trials on an indoor 45-m tartan runway at 4 different speeds (3, 4, 5, and 6 m/s) using 2 different running footwear types (engineering thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer, polyurethane elastomer; and ethylene vinyl acetate, vinyl acetate). The ground reaction force and plantar pressure data were quantified. Significant speed effects were detected both in ground reaction force and plantar pressure-related data (P less then .05). Vertical average loading rate was significantly less, and time to first peak occurred later for the polyurethane elastomer compared with vinyl acetate footwear (P less then .05). The peak pressure of the heel, medial forefoot, central forefoot, lateral forefoot, and big toe was significantly less when subjects wore a polyurethane elastomer than vinyl acetate footwear (P less then .05). Overall, our results suggested that, compared with the vinyl acetate footwear, the special polyurethane elastomer footwear that is adhered with thousands of polyurethane elastomer granules was effective at reducing the mechanical impact on the foot.The purpose of this study was to examine the interrater reliability of a new evidence-based classification system for Para Va'a. Twelve Para Va'a athletes were classified by three classifier teams each consisting of a medical and a technical classifier. Interrater reliability was assessed by calculating intraclass correlation for the overall class allocation and total scores of trunk, leg, and on-water test batteries and by calculating Fleiss's kappa and percentage of total agreement in the individual tests of each test battery. All classifier teams agreed with the overall class allocation of all athletes, and all three test batteries exhibited excellent interrater reliability. At a test level, agreement between classifiers was almost perfect in 14 tests, substantial in four tests, moderate in four tests, and fair in one test. The results suggest that a Para Va'a athlete can expect to be allocated to the same class regardless of which classifier team conducts the classification.Moral disengagement (MD) has been positively associated with antisocial behavior (AB) in sport. However, the longitudinal associations between MD and AB are unexamined to date. Adopting a three-wave cross-lagged panel design, the authors examined the reciprocal relations between MD and two forms of AB (i.e., toward opponents and teammates) across a competitive season with a sample of 407 team-sport athletes (Mage = 15.7 years) from Canada. Using structural equation modeling, the authors found strong positive autoregressive effects for MD and both forms of AB across both time periods. They also identified strong positive synchronous correlations between MD and both types of AB at each time point. Finally, cross-lagged effects were only found between MD and AB toward opponents; effects from MD to AB toward opponents were stronger than the reciprocal effects. These findings contribute important knowledge on the regulation of AB in sport.We often estimate, or perceive, the quality of materials, surfaces, and objects, what the Japanese refer to as 'shitsukan', by means of several of our senses. The majority of the literature on shitsukan perception has, though, tended to focus on the unimodal visual evaluation of stimulus properties. In part, this presumably reflects the widespread hegemony of the visual in the modern era and, in part, is a result of the growing interest, not to mention the impressive advances, in digital rendering amongst the computer graphics community. Nevertheless, regardless of such an oculocentric bias in so much of the empirical literature, it is important to note that several other senses often do contribute to the impression of the material quality of surfaces, materials, and objects as experienced in the real world, rather than just in virtual reality. Understanding the multisensory contributions to the perception of material quality, especially when combined with computational and neural data, is likely to have implications for a number of fields of basic research as well as being applicable to emerging domains such as, for example, multisensory augmented retail, not to mention multisensory packaging design.OBJECTIVES High-dose opioid use is associated with increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare utilization. People living with HIV (PLHIV) are frequently prescribed these medications to manage their pain. However, little is known about the relationship between being prescribed high doses of opioids (> 90 MME/d) and mortality risk among this population. The objective of this study was to examine the trends in mortality and the relationship between high-dose opioid analgesic prescribing and mortality among PLHIV. METHODS Utilizing the STOP HIV/AIDS cohort--a population-level linked database of treatment of PLHIV in British Columbia--we conducted bivariable and multivariable generalized estimating equation (GEE) models with a Poisson distribution to examine the relationship between high-dose opioid prescription and all-cause mortality rates in the study sample. RESULTS Between 1996 and 2015, 9272 PLHIV were included in the study. Age- and sex-adjusted mortality rate (using the 2011 Canadian population as the reference) was 30.99 per 1000 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI] 28.11-33.88). Serine inhibitor In a multivariable GEE model with adjustment for various demographic and clinical confounders, there was a positive and independent association between being prescribed high-dose opioids and all-cause mortality rates (adjusted rate ratio [ARR] = 3.01; 95%CI 2.47-3.66). DISCUSSION We found that mortality rates were significantly higher among PLHIV who were prescribed high-dose opioids compared to those who were prescribed lower doses. Our results highlight the risk associated with the prescribing of high-dose opioids to manage HIV-related pain and emphasize the need to explore non-opioid approaches to pain management.

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