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[Effect of Huangqi decoction on slowing down kidney cell apoptosis induced by 12C6+ irradiation within subjects as well as mechanism].

Grow demise a result of unproductive induction involving antiviral R-gene-mediated resistance may be the suicidal human population opposition mechanism.

The present qualitative study analyzes how cultural capital, gender, class, and family involvement impact Chinese female students' aspirations of studying in the United Kingdom. We investigated how these factors facilitate or limit female students' choice of study destination, as well as choices of subject and program. Data were gathered through participant observation and semi-structured interviews in a British university. A total of 25 young Chinese female students from different subject areas took part in the semi-structured interviews. Out of those, five students are undergraduates, 11 are taught master's students, and the other nine students are doctoral candidates. Most of the undergraduates and postgraduates are from middle-class families, while some of the Ph.D. JNK inhibitor students are from working-class families. The results of the content analysis were examined in light of gender and cultural capital theory. It was found that although there exist differences within the middle-class families regarding the possession of cultural capital, many female students from middle-class families obtained high levels of cultural capital, and these students usually internalized the idea of pursuing a place in the United Kingdom's tertiary education system as a way of enhancing women's competency in future job markets. Furthermore, compared with working-class students, many respondents' choice of subject and program was highly gendered, as their families expect them to live a feminine life by choosing "appropriate" feminine subjects. JNK inhibitor Therefore, despite having the privilege to study abroad, female middle-class students' educational choices are still constrained by gender and class.Learning to live together is the central concern of education everywhere in the world (UNESCO). Traditional sporting games (TSGs) provide interpersonal experiences that shape miniature communities charged with emotional meanings. The objective of this study was to analyze the ethnomotor features of TSG (relationship between the internal characteristics of the TSG and sociocultural variables) in three Catalan-speaking Autonomous Communities and to interpret them for constructing emotional communities. The study followed a phenomenological-interpretative paradigm. The identification of TSG was done by a hermeneutic methodological approach by using an exhaustive exploratory documentary research. link2 We studied 503 games collected in the Dictionary Català-Valencià-Balear de Alcover and Moll (1926-1963). Instruments and procedure A database was built up with information about the internal and external logic of the games. The validity of the information was confirmed by means of a concordance test between the researchers. Data processing was carried out by means of classification trees (inferential level), identifying the predictive variables of the types of TSG. Most of the TSGs were sociomotor games (n = 405/503; 80.5%). The classification tree identified four explanatory variables. JNK inhibitor Three variables were internal traits (body contact, material, and score), and one variable corresponded to external logic (age). Features of the TSG of the Catalan-speaking Autonomous Communities build original emotional communities. The ethnomotor regularities triggered emotional experiences associated with pleasure for (a) living together (predominance of sociomotor games); (b) domesticating of aggressiveness over opponents (different motor licit aggressiveness); (c) developing sustainability (presence and absence of objects from the surrounding environment); (d) educating the competition (games with and without final score); and (e) interpersonal well-being based on the community (transmission of ludic culture from children to young TSG).Previous studies have demonstrated positive correlations between children's interpersonal trust and social adjustment. However, the psychological mechanism underlying this effect is still unclear. link3 The current study tested the indirect roles of teacher-student relationships from both students' and teachers' perspectives in a Chinese context. In total, 709 pupils from grade three to grade five, and their 17 head teachers from a Chinese public primary school participated in this study. The Children's Generalized Trust Beliefs Scale, Social Adjustment Scale for Children and Adolescents, and Teacher-Student Relationship Questionnaire were used in this study. All these variables were correlated with each other. Structural equation models showed that the interpersonal trust indirectly influenced social adjustment through the teacher-student relationship from students' perspectives, while the teacher-student relationship from teachers' perspectives did not play an indirect role. link2 These findings suggest that the teacher-student relationship perceived by students is more important for children's social adjustment than that perceived by teachers. Both parents and teachers should pay more attention to developing children's interpersonal trust, build better teacher-student relationships, and focus more on how children feel about the relationship.Prioritizing friendship is associated with many health and well-being benefits. However, to date, there have been relatively few studies that have examined cultural moderators of the link between friendship and important outcomes. In other words, is prioritizing friendships more beneficial in some contexts than others? In the current study, we examined how culture- and country-level factors were associated with the importance people place on friendships and the benefits derived from this importance. The sample comprised of 323,200 participants (M = 40.79 years, SD = 16.09 years) from 99 countries from the World Values Survey. Multilevel analyses revealed that women, people with higher levels of education, and people living in countries that are more economically equal and high in indulgence placed more value on friendships. Prioritizing friendships in life was associated with better health and well-being, but these associations depended on many cultural factors. The findings are discussed in the context of the ways in which friendships can enrich health and well-being across different settings.Shared leadership is lauded to be a performance-enhancing approach with applications in many management domains. It is conceptualized as a dynamic team process as it evolves over time. link3 However, it is surprising to find that there are no studies that have examined its temporally relevant boundary conditions for the effectiveness of the team. Contributing to an advanced understanding of the mechanism of shared leadership in engineering design teams, this research aims to investigate whether shared leadership is positively related to team effectiveness and when shared leadership is more likely to be effective. Using a field sample of 119 individuals in 26 engineering design teams from China and the technique of social network analysis, we found that, consistent with cognate studies, shared leadership is positively related to team effectiveness when measured in terms of team task performance and team viability. Moreover, by integrating the project life cycle as a moderator, this study is among the first to investigate the temporal factors, for the effectiveness of shared leadership. The result shows that the stage of the project life cycle moderates the positive shared leadership-team effectiveness relationship, such that this association is stronger at the early phase than at the later phase of the project. Overall, these findings offer insightful thoughts to scholars in the field of shared leadership and bring practical suggestions for project managers in business who seek to implement best practice in organizations toward high team effectiveness.The Universal Space-Time Mapping Hypothesis suggests that temporal expression is based on spatial metaphor for all human beings. This study examines its applicability in the Chinese language using the data elicited from the Early Childhood Mandarin Corpus (ECMC) (Li and Tse, 2011), which collected the utterances produced by 168 Mandarin-speaking preschoolers in a semistructured play context. The unique pair of Chinese words, qian (/before/front) and hou (/after/back), which can be used to express either time (before/after) or space (front/back) in daily communication, was the unit of analysis. The results indicated that (1) there was a significant age effect in the production of "qian/hou," indicating that the period before the age of 4.5 may be critical for the development of temporal and spatial expression; (2) the pair was produced to express time (before/after) much earlier than space (front/back), indicating that the expression of time might not necessarily be based on the spatial metaphor; and (3) the pair was used more frequently to express time (before/after) than space (front/back) by the preschoolers, thus challenging the hypothesis.

Self-efficacy has been argued theoretically and shown empirically to be an essential construct for students' improved learning outcomes. However, there is a dearth of studies on its causal effects on performance in mathematics among university students. Meanwhile, it will be erroneous to assume that results from other fields of studies generalize to mathematics learning due to the task-specificity of the construct. As such, attempts are made in the present study to provide evidence for a causal relationship between self-efficacy and performance with a focus on engineering students following a mathematics course at a Norwegian university.

The adopted research design in the present study is a survey type in which collected data from first-year university students are analyzed using structural equation modeling with weighted least square mean and variance adjusted (WLSMV) estimator. Data were generated using mainly questionnaires, a test of prior mathematics knowledge, and the students' final examination scoindings of the present study confirm some postulates of Bandura's agentic social cognitive theory.

The findings of the present study provide empirically supports for designing self-efficacy interventions as proxies to improve students' performance in university mathematics. Further, the findings of the present study confirm some postulates of Bandura's agentic social cognitive theory.This study aims to investigate the impact of stakeholders' views on the practices of green innovation (GI), consequent effect on environmental and organizational performance (OP), and moderating influence of innovation orientation. A quantitative method was employed for the sample size of 515 responses. link2 To accumulate the data from the respondents, convenient random sampling was used. Data were collected from manufacturing and services firms through a field survey by using a closed-ended questionnaire based in the Punjab province of Pakistan. link3 The analysis was done using the structural equation model of the partial least square analysis method. Our findings proved a positive and significant link between stakeholders' views on GI practices. A significant association has been found between GI practices and environmental and OP. The moderating effect was found to be negative but statistically significant. This research offers numerous contributions and provides decision-making insinuations.

Autoři článku: Ballardkamper1371 (Alvarez Ware)