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It is shown that angular stiffness in the hexagonal lattice model plays a significant role in the geometrical nonlinear terms in the equations of the continuum limit. A geometrically nonlinear discrete model is formulated for the hexagonal lattice by considering the interaction of two sublattices. An asymptotic procedure is developed in order to obtain the nonlinear coupled equations of motion in the continuum limit of the discrete model. An interaction of longitudinal and shear plane strain waves is studied by using the solutions of the obtained equations.A significant step has been made towards understanding the physics of the transient surface current triggered by ejected electrons during the interaction of a short intense laser pulse with a high-conductivity target. Unlike the commonly discussed hypothesis of neutralization current generation as a result of the fast loss of hot electrons to the vacuum, the proposed mechanism is associated with excitation of the fast current by electric polarization due to transition radiation triggered by ejected electrons. We present a corresponding theoretical model and compare it with two simulation models using the finite-difference time-domain and particle-in-cell methods. Distinctive features of the proposed theory are clearly manifested in both of these models.If deterministic dynamics is dominant in the data, then methods based on predictions in reconstructed state spaces can serve to detect causal relationships between and within the systems. Here we introduce two algorithms for such causal analysis. They are designed to detect causality from two time series but are potentially also applicable in a multivariate context. The first method is based on cross-predictions, and the second one on the so-called mixed predictions. In terms of performance, the cross-prediction method is considerably faster and less prone to false negatives. The predictability improvement method is slower, but in addition to causal detection, in a multivariate scenario, it also reveals which specific observables can help the most if we want to improve prediction. The study also highlights cases where our methods and state-space approaches generally seem to lose reliability. We propose a new perspective on these situations, namely that the variables under investigation have weak observability due to the complex nonlinear information flow in the system. Thus, in such cases, the failure of causality detection cannot be attributed to the methods themselves but to the use of data that do not allow reliable reconstruction of the underlying dynamics.We propose an alternative method of estimating the mean diameter and dispersion of clusters of particles, formed in a cooling gas, right after the nucleation stage. Tamoxifen Angiogenesis chemical Using a moment model developed by Friedlander [S. K. Friedlander, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 404, 354 (1983)10.1111/j.1749-6632.1983.tb19497.x], we derive an analytic relationship for both cluster mean diameter and diameter dispersion as a function of two of the characteristic times of the system the cooling time and the primary constituents collision time. These formulas can be used to predict diameter and dispersion variation with process parameters, such as the initial primary constituents' concentration or cooling rate. It is also possible to use them as an input to the coagulation stage, without the need to compute complex cluster generation during the nucleation burst. We compared our results with a nodal code (NGDE) and got excellent agreement.We study the pedestrian motion along a corridor in a nonpanic regime, as usually happens in evacuation scenarios in, e.g., schools, hospitals, or airports, by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We present a model, a combination of the well-known social force model (SFM) and Vicsek model (VM), that takes into account both model interactions, based on the relative position (SFM) and based on the velocity of the particles with some randomness (modulated by an external control parameter, the noise η, VM), respectively. To clarify the influence of the model ingredients we have compared simulations using (a) the pure Vicsek model (VM) with two boundary conditions (periodic and bouncing back) and with or without desired direction of motion, (b) the social force model (SFM), and (c) the model (SFM+VM). The study of steady-state particle configurations in the VM with confined geometry shows the expected bands perpendicular to the motion direction, while in the SFM and SFM+VM particles order in stripes of a given width w along the direction of motion. The results in the SFM+VM case show that w(t)≃t^α has a diffusivelike behavior at low noise η (dynamic exponent α≈1/2), while it is subdiffusive at high values of external noise (α less then 1/2). We observe the well-known order-disorder transition in the VM with both boundary conditions, but the application of a desired direction condition inhibits the existence of disorder as expected. Similar behavior is observed in the SFM case. For the SFM+VM case we find a susceptibility maximum which slowly increases with system size as a function of noise strength. This might be indicative of a order-disorder transition in the range of densities (ρε[1/12,1/9]) and speeds (v_0ε[0.5,2]) studied.We propose Möbius maps as a tool to model synchronization phenomena in coupled phase oscillators. Not only does the map provide fast computation of phase synchronization, it also reflects the underlying group structure of the sinusoidally coupled continuous phase dynamics. We study map versions of various known continuous-time collective dynamics, such as the synchronization transition in the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model of nonidentical oscillators, chimeras in two coupled populations of identical phase oscillators, and Kuramoto-Battogtokh chimeras on a ring, and demonstrate similarities and differences between the iterated map models and their known continuous-time counterparts.We present simulation results on the properties of packings of frictionless spherocylindrical particles. Starting from a random distribution of particles in space, a packing is produced by minimizing the potential energy of interparticle contacts until a force-equilibrated state is reached. For different particle aspect ratios α=10⋯40, we calculate contacts z, pressure as well as bulk and shear modulus. Most important is the fraction f_0(α) of spherocylinders with contacts at both ends, as it governs the jamming threshold z_c(α)=8+2f_0(α). These results highlight the important role of the axial "sliding" degree of freedom of a spherocylinder, which is a zero-energy mode but only if no end contacts are present.

Autoři článku: Ballardherman2398 (Zhou Childers)