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Drought generates a complex scenario worldwide in which agriculture should urgently be reframed from an integrative point of view. It includes the search for new water resources and the use of tolerant crops and genotypes, improved irrigation systems, and other less explored alternatives that are very important, such as biotechnological tools that may increase the water use efficiency. Currently, a large body of evidence highlights the role of specific strains in the main microbial rhizosphere groups (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, yeasts, and bacteria) on increasing the drought tolerance of their host plants through diverse plant growth-promoting (PGP) characteristics. With this background, it is possible to suggest that the joint use of distinct PGP microbes could produce positive interactions or additive beneficial effects on their host plants if their co-inoculation does not generate antagonistic responses. To date, such effects have only been partially analyzed by using single omics tools, such as genomics, metabolomics, or proteomics. However, there is a gap of information in the use of multi-omics approaches to detect interactions between PGP and host plants. This approach must be the next scale-jump in the study of the interaction of soil-plant-microorganism. In this review, we analyzed the constraints posed by drought in the framework of an increasing global demand for plant production, integrating the important role played by the rhizosphere biota as a PGP agent. Using multi-omics approaches to understand in depth the processes that occur in plants in the presence of microorganisms can allow us to modulate their combined use and drive it to increase crop yields, improving production processes to attend the growing global demand for food.Plant molecular farming can provide humans with a wide variety of plant-based products including vaccines, therapeutics, polymers, industrial enzymes, and more. Some of these products, such as Taxol, are produced by endogenous plant genes, while many others require addition of genes by artificial gene transfer. Thus, some molecular farming plants are transgenic (or cisgenic), while others are not. Both the transgenic nature of many molecular farming plants and the fact that the products generated are of high-value and specific in purpose mean it is essential to prevent accidental cross-over of molecular farming plants and products into food or feed. Such mingling could occur either by gene flow during plant growth and harvest or by human errors in material handling. One simple approach to mitigate possible transfer would be to use only non-food non-feed species for molecular farming purposes. However, given the extent of molecular farming products in development, testing, or approval that do utilize food or feed crops, a ban on use of these species would be challenging to implement. Therefore, other approaches will need to be considered for mitigation of cross-flow between molecular farming and non-molecular-farming plants. This review summarized some of the production systems available for molecular farming purposes and options to implement or improve plant containment.Yellow water lily (Nuphar shimadai Hayata) is a critically endangered species in Taiwan. Here, we examined genetic structures of four extant populations, WP, GPa, GPb and GPn, using 39 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Positive genetic correlation was observed within 50 m, beyond which no correlation was detected due to isolation by distance according to Mantel correlogram. This suggests a significant genetic structuring of the species. Besides, multilocus genotype (MLG) analysis revealed that GPa was a panmictic population and the species' putative center of origin. Genetic exchange was observed between GPa and GPb populations, which likely resulted from their geographic proximity. Nevertheless, there was a strong asymmetric migration detected from GPa to WP, but a recent genetic barrier prevented dispersal further northward (WP). Geneland estimated the best number of clusters as K = 2, where WP distinctly separated from the rest of the populations. In STRUCTURE output of K = 3, a third cluster was abundant only in WP. We suggest to consider GPn and WP as separate conservation units, being far from GPa. There is indeed a need to investigate these populations; as predicted, Ne = 1.6 to 3.0 is considered low and that may put the species at risk of extinction.Drought affects common bean productivity, and the severity of its impact is expected to increase due to climate change. The use of versatile genotypes could contribute to securing future bean production. This study investigates the adaptability of 10 common bean genotypes of indeterminate growth type under water scarcity conditions by measuring agronomic and physiological parameters. The evaluation occurs under irrigation treatments applied at two different phenological stages (anthesis (WDA) and seed filling initiation (WDSF)). The recorded adaptabilities of the genotypes (G) showed that G10 produced the highest overall seed yield in the normal irrigation (NI) (197.22 g plant-1) and WDA (192.78 g plant-1), while the G6 had the highest yield at WDSF (196.71 g plant-1). For the genotype's average mean, chlorophyll content decreased by 10.5% under drought at WDSF. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration rate (E) were reduced at WDA by 53%, 80.8%, and 61.4% and at WDSF by 43.75%, 57.7%, and 36%, respectively, while relative water content (RWC) reduced by 16.48%, on average, for both stages. G10 and G6 showed adaptability when water scarcity occurred at an early (WDA) or later stage (WDSF), respectively, providing insights into using germplasm resources to cope with the drought effect.The genus Nymphaea L. (water lily) is the most diverse genus in the family Nymphaeaceae, with more than 50 species worldwide, including 11 species distributed in Africa. The complex and variable morphology of Nymphaea makes it extremely difficult to accurately identify species based on morphological characteristics alone. DNA barcoding has the potential to identify species accurately. In this study, 158 Nymphaea populations from seven African countries were collected for species identification by ITS, trnT-trnF and rpl16. Additionally, the three candidate DNA barcodes were evaluated for genetic distance and barcoding gap. Based on the comprehensive analysis of sequence similarity, genetic distance method and phylogenetic tree, a total of 137 populations of seven Nymphaea species from African were well-identified, including N. lotus, N. petersiana, N. zenkeri, N. nouchali var. caerulea, N. micrantha and N. guineensis. ITS has more obvious advantages over trnT-trnF, rpl16 and trnT-trnF+rpl16 in the intraspecific and interspecific variation differences and barcoding gap and can identify most species. trnT-trnF and rpl16 can identify some species that cannot be identified by ITS. The results showed that it is more appropriate to apply the combination of ITS and trnT-trnF (or rpl16) as the DNA barcoding of Nymphaea. Additionally, this study further enriches the DNA barcoding database of Nymphaea and provides a reference basis for studying taxonomy, phylogenetics and evolutionary origin of Nymphaea.This lysimeter study investigated the effect of late-autumn application of dicyandiamide (DCD), co-poly acrylic-maleic acid (PA-MA), calcium lignosulphonate (LS), a split-application of calcium lignosulphonate (2LS), and a combination of gibberellic acid (GA) and LS (GA + LS) to reduce N leaching losses during May 2020 to December 2020 in lysimeter field sites in Manawatu (Orthic Pumice soil) and Canterbury (Pallic Orthic Brown soil), New Zealand. In a second application, urine-only, GA only and GA + LS treatments were applied during July 2020 in mid-winter on both sites. Results showed that late-autumn application of DCD, 2LS and GA + LS reduced mineral N leaching by 8%, 16%, and 35% in the Manawatu site and by 34%, 11%, and 35% in the Canterbury site, respectively when compared to urine-only. There was no significant increase in cumulative herbage N uptake and yield between urine-treated lysimeters in both sites. Mid-winter application of GA and GA + LS reduced mineral N leaching by 23% and 20%, respectively in the Manawatu site relative to urine-only treated lysimeters, but no significant reduction was observed in the Canterbury site. Our results demonstrated the potential application of these treatments in different soils under different climate and management conditions.Leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the most important functional traits in plants which affect biogeochemical cycles. this website As the most widely observed plant-fungus mutualistic symbiosis, mycorrhiza plays a vital role in regulating plant growth. There are different types of mycorrhiza with various ecological functions in nature. Drought, as a frequent environmental stress, has been paid more and more attention due to its influence on plant growth. Numerous studies have confirmed that drought affects the concentration of N and P in plants, but few studies involve different mycorrhizal types of plants. In this study, the differences of N and P between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) plants under different drought patterns, drought duration and cultivation conditions were explored based on a dataset by a meta-analysis. Drought stress (DS) showed negative effects on AM plant N (-7.15%) and AM plant P (-13.87%), and a positive effect on AM plant NP ratio (+8.01%). Drought significantly increased N and the NP ratio of ECM plants by 1.58% and 3.58%, respectively, and decreased P of ECM plants by -2.00%. Short-term drought (<30 d) reduces more N and P than long-term drought (<30 d) in AM plant species. The duration of drought did not change the N concentration of ECM plant N, while short-term drought reduced ECM plant P. The effects of N and P on DS also varied with different planting conditions and functional groups between AM and ECM plants. Therefore, mycorrhizal effects and stoichiometry of N and P play a key role in plant response to drought. So mycorrhizal effects should be considered when studying plant responses to drought stress.One of the most important proxy archives for past climate variation is tree rings. Tree-ring parameters offer valuable knowledge regarding how trees respond and adapt to environmental changes. Trees encode all environmental changes in different tree-ring parameters. In this study, we analyzed how air temperature is encoded in different Norway spruce tree-ring proxies along an altitude gradient in an intramountain valley of the Carpathians. The study area, in the Gheorgheni region, Romania (Eastern Carpathians), has a mountain climate with a frequent temperature inversion in winter. The climate-growth relationship was analyzed for two contrasting altitudes low elevation, i.e., below 1000 m a.s.l., and high elevation, i.e., above 1500 m a.s.l. Two local weather stations, one in the valley and the other on the upper part of the mountains, provide daily temperatures (Joseni-750 m a.s.l. and Bucin-1282 m a.s.l.). The bootstrap Pearson correlation between cumulative daily temperature data and three tree-ring proxies (tree-ring width-TRW, basal area increment-BAI, and blue intensity-BI) was computed for each series.

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