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Leaf spot diseases of spinach, caused by Colletotrichum spinaciae, has become a major production constraint in several production areas, including Texas, in recent years. Leaf spot symptoms were observed in several fields in Texas in 2016 and 2017, with typical anthracnose-like symptoms and leaves with small, circular, and sunken lesions that appeared similar to injury from windblown sand. The lesions were plated on potato dextrose agar, from which fungal cultures were recovered. The fungi were identified based on morphology and sequence analysis of the introns of glutamate synthetase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (for isolates determined to be Colletotrichum spp.) and the internal transcribed spacer ribosomal DNA (for isolates determined to be Myrothecium spp.). Based on foliar symptoms, fungal colony and spore morphology, pathogenicity tests of fungal isolates on the spinach cultivar 'Viroflay', and DNA sequence analysis of the isolates, the symptoms on spinach leaves for two sets of samples were caused by Colletotrichum coccodes and Colletotrichum truncatum, and leaf spots resembling damage from windblown sand were caused by Myrothecium verrucaria. This is the first report of spinach leaf spot diseases caused by C. coccodes, C. truncatum, and M. verrucaria in the United States. C. coccodes and C. truncatum caused severe symptoms on the spinach cultivar 'Viroflay', whereas M. verrucaria caused symptoms of intermediate severity. Fungicide efficacy tests demonstrated that chlorothalonil, mancozeb, pyraclostrobin, fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin, and penthiopyrad were completely effective at preventing leaf spots caused by any of these pathogens when applied 24 h before inoculation of 'Viroflay' plants in greenhouse trials.Dollar spot, caused by the ascomycete fungus Clarireedia (formerly Sclerotinia), is one of the most resource-demanding diseases on amenity turfgrasses in North America. Differential resistance to the succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide class, conferred by singular point mutations on the SdhB, SdhC, and SdhD subunits of the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme (SDH), has been reported in dollar spot as well as many other plant-pathogenic fungal diseases. Four unique mutations were previously reported from Clarireedia field isolates collected from two different cool-season golf courses in Japan and Rhode Island an amino acid substitution H267Y and a silent mutation (CTT to CTC) at codon 181 on the SdhB subunit gene, and amino acid substitutions G91R and G150R on the SdhC subunit gene. SJ6986 To properly diagnose and monitor SDHI resistance in the field, a rapid detection system for known mutations is crucial. As part of this study, additional SDHI-resistant Clarireedia isolates were collected from Rutgers University research plots and in vitro sensitivity to four SDHI active ingredients was assessed. SdhB, SdhC, and SdhD subunits of these isolates were sequenced to reveal an additional mutation on the SdhB subunit gene, H267R, not previously observed in Clarireedia. Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) and derived CAPS molecular markers were developed to detect five mutations conferring SDHI resistance in Clarireedia isolates and validated using samples from two additional golf courses in Connecticut and Wisconsin experiencing SDHI field failure. This PCR-based molecular detection system will be useful for continued monitoring, assessment, and delay of SDHI resistance in the field.Almond canker diseases are destructive and can reduce the yield as well as the lifespan of almond orchards. These diseases may affect the trunk and branches of both young and mature trees and can result in tree death soon after orchard establishment in severe cases. Between 2015 and 2018, 70 almond orchards were visited throughout the Central Valley of California upon requests from farm advisors for canker disease diagnosis. Two major canker diseases were identified, including Botryosphaeriaceae cankers and Ceratocystis canker. In addition, five less prevalent canker diseases were identified, including Cytospora, Eutypa, Diaporthe, Collophorina, and Pallidophorina canker. Seventy-four fungal isolates were selected for multilocus phylogenetic analyses of internal transcribed spacer region ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and part of the translation elongation factor 1-α, β-tubulin, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene sequences; 27 species were identified, including 12 Botryosphaeriaceae species, Ceratocystis destructans, five Cytospora species, Collophorina hispanica, four Diaporthe species, two Diatrype species, Eutypa lata, and Pallidophorina paarla. The most frequently isolated species were Ceratocystis destructans, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, and Cytospora californica. Pathogenicity experiments on almond cultivar Nonpareil revealed that Neofusicoccum parvum, Neofusicoccum arbuti, and Neofusicoccum mediterraneum were the most virulent. Botryosphaeriaceae cankers were predominantly found in young orchards and symptoms were most prevalent on the trunks of trees. Ceratocystis canker was most commonly found in mature orchards and associated with symptoms found on trunks or large scaffold branches. This study provides a thorough examination of the diversity and pathogenicity of fungal pathogens associated with branch and trunk cankers of almond in California.

To study the proportion of patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) involvement among patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), as well as associated clinical characteristics and signs/symptoms.

We performed a retrospective chart review on consecutive patients followed in the Hamburg Centre for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology Eilbek between January 2010 and July 2012. TMJ involvement was diagnosed based on clinical examination; a subgroup of patients was also assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The study included 2413 patients with JIA (52.1% girls, mean age at JIA onset 9.5years). The most frequent JIA category was oligoarthritis (46.6%), followed by enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA; 38.1%). TMJ involvement was diagnosed in 843/2413 patients (34.9%) (677 MRI-confirmed, four not MRI-confirmed, no MRI examination in 162). Female gender (p=0.017), higher number of additional joints with active arthritis (p<0.001), anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) positivity (p=0.005), higher age (p=0.

Autoři článku: Abelconley8033 (Mcintosh Valencia)