How To Harvest Dry Trim Cure Store Homegrown Cannabis: The Supreme Guide

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You have proudly, legally grown your own beautiful, sticky-sweet cannabis plant, growing it from seed or seedling, in addition to it is finally mature and prepared for harvest! Or wait… Could it be? If you aren’t certain, then this article is perfect for you! While the harvest, cutting, and curing practices may vary slightly from grower to be able to grower, there usually are definitely some tips and guidelines we’ve learned through the years that will I want to reveal to you. How to Harvest, Dry, Trim, Cure, & Store Homegrown Cannabis: The supreme GuideAhhh, the moment we’ve all been looking forward to.

Then, we’ll go over the process for properly drying and treating your finished cannabis - to make sure it is at that ideal "just right" period: not too dried out, but not thus wet that this may mold throughout storage! Basically, everything required to know. Read along to learn how to determine once your cannabis plant is ready for pick. I’ll also share suggestions about trimming, discuss about long-term safe-keeping, and let you in on how we use the cannabis.

If you’re new to growing, or simply need to learn a lot more about how all of us grow and tend to our cannabis plants, be certain to check out these types of articles too:

How to Grow Cannabis, Organically: Soil, Seeds, Containers & Care

How to Feed Cannabis, Organically: Top-Dressings, Teas as well as More

Organic Cannabis Pest Control: How to Maintain the Bugs Off Your Nugs

Sativa, Indica, and Autoflowers: The Difference Explained

Introductory Words on Cannabis: Legality, Stigma, Uses and Quality Control

Now on with the show, shall we?

How to Determine When To Harvest Cannabis Your Plants
Numerous indicators may signal when your current cannabis is almost ready to harvest. Each plant and stress is unique, so these signs could vary, but right here are some general things to appear for:

- The leaves will certainly begin to yellow-colored, curl, and a few will probably fall off

- Buds will be plump and created, and no lengthier seem to be growing larger

- As the buds swell, the particular branches can become weighty and hang even more

Autoflowering cannabis plants live and grow in a timing universe of their own… We usually grow sativa-dominant plant life, starting seed in late April to May and typically harvest the cannabis within October. For example, sativa cannabis plant life routinely have a longer flowering period and later finish than indica strains perform.
Time is not the most effective indicator, since this will vary based on the stress, where you are, growing circumstances, plus the type regarding plant. We’ll speak more about them in a moment.

Personally, the most reliable indicator that we all pay attention to is the cannabis trichomes.

What are Trichomes?
You know those sparkly, sticky, wonderful-smelling crystals you can discover across your cannabis flowers? Those are usually trichomes. They enjoy an important role in the plants normal defense mechanisms, and in addition contain the thing we’re all right after here - cannabinoids.

The real associated with trichome is usually "fine outgrowths or even appendages on plant life, algae, lichens, in addition to certain protists. " Received from the Greek word "Tríchōma, " meaning "growth associated with hair, " these tiny microscopic mushroom-looking protuberances look like something away from a new science fiction story. But they are actually the very factories that generate the numerous identified cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids which make our own favorite cannabis stresses potent, unique, plus effective.

Throughout the growing cycle, the trichomes changes from clear in order to milky and gloomy, and eventually to amber. Aaron starts off keeping track of them even before the aforementioned indicators begin.
Monitoring Your Trichomes to Signal When to Harvest Cannabis
While it needs a little better look, the physical appearance of the trichomes is the best way to decide the stage plus condition of your cannabis plant. More specifically, be aware of trichome color and opacity. Because they’re thus tiny, you’ll want to use a new jewelers loupe since a magnification device . in order to examine them.

Or even a tad later, as described inside the "when inside doubt" bit beneath. Harvesting cannabis at this point may result in a more quick, racy, less clean and comfortable customer experience. This will be when the pals are now in a very a well ballanced stage of advancement. When the trichomes change from very clear to fully gloomy, then we just like to harvest cannabis. As a basic rule of usb, when the trichomes are very very clear, the cannabis grow continues to be immature in addition to the THC will be less developed.

On the some other end of the spectrum, in the event you let the cannabis carry on and grow too extended as well as the trichomes switch all the way up amber, typically the result is normally a more lethargic, heavy body high. Some people prefer a a lot more sedate and sleepy vibe. I seldom know about a person, but I was not a fan associated with "couch lock"! If that is the case, I suggest you grow strains that are usually known for those features to begin with, rather as compared to trying to drive your cannabis plant to an overly mature state by simply prolonging the collect.

When within doubt, pick cannabis if the plants trichomes are mainly cloudy and also a small amber, rather than a combination of clear in addition to cloudy. More declaring no to prop have the feel dissapointed about of harvesting their plants too early as opposed to past too far.

Determining When should you Harvest an Autoflower Cannabis Plant
Figuring out any time an autoflower plant is looking forward to collect is a bit more tricky. Yet some oddball stresses never turn amber whatsoever! They don’t always lose their particular leaves. It isn’t as simple in order to confidently say "Yep, you’re ready to go! Their trichomes differ from clear to cloudy in addition to amber, however, not constantly as obvious or even evenly. " since you would with a regular grow, so you have to simply perform your best in order to judge.

Autoflower breeders will most likely offer a timeframe, such as 12 weeks coming from seed to pick. But if the breeder claims "this plant will take 11 weeks", when you hit the 14th week, this is likely period. It’s likely, if the buds are great and swollen, plus some of the trichomes are seeking cloudy with regard to at least per week, you can pull it then. This assists provide you a new general concept of whenever the plant will probably be ready, but it isn’t set in stone. We possess found that our autoflower cannabis plant life almost always take a couple weeks extended than predicted.

Why? Well, with regard to a couple associated with reasons… When that comes to our big girls, sometimes we harvest cannabis plants in sections instead. That is certainly one choice, and something we do with autoflower plants for sure!
How to Harvest Cannabis
It is better to harvest cannabis plants in the particular early morning hours or before your current lights turn on. When the time is right, many cannabis farmers simply chop the whole plant down at the same time.

Therefore, we may choose to slice the main stalk concerning halfway up -- in order to remove the top portion of the particular plant only - or cut off individual upper twigs first. In the experience, the buds on the upper branches become ripe and ready with regard to harvest faster. This will provide even more time and sunshine to reach the particular lower flowers, in addition to allow them to be able to fatten up with regard to another week or so.

Taking the plant in sections also areas out the time, effort, and area required for drying and trimming too. It will help make the particular next steps a new bit more workable, especially if we are harvesting several huge plants.

Following a "no till" and recycled organic living soil practice, we leave the roots in position inside of the grow bag! When we finally harvest the lower portion, we cut the stalk along with a small hands saw down at the soil level or perhaps below. The root ball will break down, feeding the earthworms and soil above the next several months until the following growing season.

We don’t remove our plants as the way we naturally grow cannabis does not require it. It defeats the objective.
What About Flushing? If you study other websites directions on how to be able to harvest cannabis, a person will often view a section about flushing the plants just before harvest. In distinction, flushing living organic and natural soil essentially pieces it of the particular complex ecosystem a person worked so hard to build in your own soil!

Those plants will need a "flushing" period. If not purged, the bud may burns really tough and tastes unpleasant. Hmm… I question why? If a person need instructions on flushing, see this particular article. This is usually where the vegetation root ball and soil is repeatedly flushed with water for about two weeks prior to collection, to assist rid the plant of built up chemicals plus salts. However, numerous home growers and a lot commercial growers use chemical fertilizers and pesticides that get absorbed into in to the plants vascular system, and in to the buds.

(I mean, an individual wash your generate before eating it, proper?
Washing CannabisMany outdoor growers choose to wash their own cannabis flower after harvest. It’s not mandatory, but can definitely be a great idea. ) Distinct from flushing (which colon cleanser the plants vascular system), washing requires physically cleaning the particular flower to eliminate outdoor air toxins for example dirt, dust particles, pollen, toxic wildfire ash, insects, caterpillar poop, bird debris along with other particulate issue - all the particular stuff you seldom want to consume or inhale!

We didn’t make use of to wash our plants, but have started to in recent years after several smoky/ashy summers in addition to moving into a more dirty, dusty home. See this guide to be able to learn how to organically wash cannabis using lemon juice and baking soda, or with hydrogen peroxide - and then carry upon with your typical drying and curing process thereafter. Washing doesn’t reduce your high quality or potency associated with the flower, and isn’t necessary regarding indoors grows.

Others periodically trim within the middle regarding the drying method, or do a little of the two. It really all depends on your schedule and personal preference, which you’ll develop with time. Some ganja maqui berry farmers require trimming their finished plants prior to they dry - also called a "wet trim" or ‘trimming wet". On the other hand, several cannabis growers favor to wait until they are dry. TRIM
When to Trim CannabisI could have set this trimming area either here, cannabi or even after the "How to Dry" area to follow, since you can perform either!

Trimming will be really tedious in addition to time-consuming, so all of us go after it whenever we have got the opportunity! And by "we"… I mean Aaron. He has more free period within the afternoon than I actually do (which will be still limited) therefore he’ll usually get a semi-dry hanging branch to be effective upon here and right now there whenever he could, hoping to get it all taken care of before this is time to cure.

How to Trim Cannabis
We find that easiest to trim off at minimum some of the larger, prominent enthusiast leaves while they’re still fairly moist. Additionally , as the particular leaves dry they will will curl close to themselves and the particular buds, which makes it more challenging to slip the cutting off snips in presently there. On the additional hand, after the cannabis has dried, the particular leftover leaves may become so brittle and loose they are easy to flick off with the end of your snips or even the toothpick. Removing bulky leaves helps market drying.

Not in our opinion in least! We seldom need perfectly groomed buds, nor do we have the particular patience for that. When it will come to trimming, perfection is not the particular goal. Therefore, we all hardly bother with seeking to remove typically the "sugar leaves" -- the smallest ones coming out through the center of the buds. Plus, there are trichomes and THC on some of the leaves! We develop for personal use, family, and buddies. Yet we carry out trim away typically the larger, non-sugary simply leaves that are attached to the main come around the buds.

We have many pairs, and make use of them extensively both for cannabis and the garden - like for thinning seedlings. They actually can be found in a non-stick option.
Cannabis Trimming ToolsIn regards in order to tools, I very recommend these accurate trimming snips. They make the job much simpler!

It is ergonomic, with dips for your own arms. The rubbish bin has two elements: a screened upper section to capture all the leaf debris that you will likely discard, and also a lower compartment of which collects trichomes/keef that falls through typically the screen. (Post arriving on that soon) I also suggest investing in the "trim bin" to be able to trim your cannabis over. Keep that! Sprinkle it about top of your current bowls, or employ it to try out homemade canna oil!

We compost our excess leaf debris, both inside a passive mélange pile and within our worm bin. Yep, the earthworms love it! Smart little buggers.

THC also slightly degrades with drying, and buds that are dried too quickly will experience a more significant decomposition of THC than those that are permitted to dry a lot more slowly. DRY
How to Dry Your Cannabis
After these are cut down, cannabis plants are typically hung upside down to dry. As the cannabis dries, the particular THC converts from a non-psychoactive condition to one that will is psychoactive. However, you don’t need to rush typically the drying process!

An ideal time and energy to dry cannabis is about 5-7 days. Yet , the time it takes to achieve the ideal dryness (explained below) will differ according to your climate and drying area. Also, the condition of your grow will play a new role, like just how fat the buds are, the amount of fan leaves remain linked, and so on.

Ideal Cannabis Drying Conditions
It is best to dried out cannabis within a temperate, relatively dark location. You’ll want to offer a fan to improve air circulation within the room produce a constant light breeze, but stay away from pointing the fan directly at your current plants - except if you’re in an exceedingly hot and humid weather. Light also degrades THC, so keep those drying plant life out of direct sunlight! Good air flow is also very important. Even then, keep the wind on the gentle side.

Serious growers, or those in particularly challenging climates, may use the assistance of humidifiers, dehumidifiers, heating units, or air AC to achieve that will sweet spot. The ideal humidity stage for drying cannabis is around 45-55%. If your humidity is usually lower than of which, keep the lover extra low or even omit it altogether to prevent overdrying your buds. We’ll talk read more about how in order to measure humidity in just a moment.

A heat right around 70°F is ideal, though something from 60-80°F is usually adequate. When possible, hang your cannabis to dry in a new climate-controlled location : not in an outdoor shed, garage area, or other place that is prone to extreme temperature swings. Excessive heat could also dry out cannabis more quickly.

We use this combo thermometer/hygrometer in our own drying room in order to assess the circumstances. It really is easiest to break the plant down into branches plus spread them away a bit, because opposed to dangling the whole really thing like a new dying Christmas tree. We dry our own cannabis within a spare room in our homes alongside a clothes range, or in the particular spare shower.

The hygrometer will end up being used during curing as well.
How you can Tell When Your Cannabis is usually Dry Enough
If you are capable to dry your cannabis in a surroundings with the ideal conditions described over, it will probably be done inside the suggested moment frame of 5-7 days. You’ll need a moisture meter, also identified as a hygrometer, to do this particular. To evaluate if your own cannabis is dry enough to go about to the treating process, test the particular humidity amount of typically the buds themselves! For inside jars, we all use these cigar hygrometers.

The goal is to get the particular humidity of the particular flowers down to about 60-65% by the time they are ready for long expression storage. Therefore , I recommend to start the treating process when your current cannabis is in the range of 62-68% humidity. With humidity over 70%, the probabilities of mold developing in storage will be far greater! Additionally , the buds will only get more dry out as time passes.

Check returning in a new day or 2. Close up the jar and have a reading through. In the event the humidity sets to 70% or perhaps greater quickly, they are not ready to cure! Put the buds inside a closed jar with the particular hygrometer inside since well. If following 24 hours, it really is within the targeted range, proceed in order to curing. If you realise typically the humidity has creeped up, allow typically the plants to keep on to dry. Whenever you think the cannabis is fairly dry, clip off a new few sample pals. On the additional hand, when it is flying right around the sweet spot, allow them stay sealed within the jar for 24 hours to obtain a real reading. I would recommend taking a nug from the couple locations around the plant to get a nice average.

If you have not trimmed yet, do so prior to moving on to curing - keeping in mind that may get a couple of days too, and the weed won’t just quit drying for a person at the same time. Therefore, I suggest trimming inside small batches and adding it in order to sealed jars as you go.


What is Curing CannabisDo not overlook the significance of curing! Perhaps you have noticed that a few cannabis smokes actually smooth and likes absolutely amazing, although others are more severe and flavorless? but the key of which makes weed fantastic or woeful is: if it has been cured properly! No, the crummier stuff isn’t simply "old". Old weed could taste good and smooth too! Sure, a tiny bit of that will has to carry out with the tension or growing conditions… As well as the final flavor and experience, curing also ensures the cannabis will shop well long-term in addition to retain quality.

Sure, you can sample some earlier here and right now there naturally , but super fresh bud is usually not going to be able to be the same as the stuff that offers been allowed to be able to cure. Ideally, an individual should allow the cannabis to cure fully before enjoying that. Meaning, once the cannabis is dry out, it isn’t necessarily prepared to enjoy at its prime yet. Curing is essentially a continuation of the drying out process, but in the more slow, controlled environment - for example in sealed mason jars - plus occurs for up to two months.

Proper treating stops the degradation process before volatile compounds like terpenes and cannabinoids evaporate or transform directly into less favorable compounds. In addition , cannabinoid activity (the process associated with creating those valuable chemicals) is constantly on the get place even after harvest!

I also recently discovered that during the healing process, bacteria functions to break lower the chlorophyll in the plant materials. Therefore, less environmentally friendly finished nugs is not necessarily a poor factor! Chlorophyll is what makes the particular plants nice and eco-friendly in color, yet also contributes to be able to a harsh smoking experience.

The purpose is to be able to allow some air flow exchange - in order to introduce oxygen in addition to release moisture or even other off-gassing substances. By "burping typically the jars", Really dont suggest a quick open-and-close of the cover. Now, over the following weeks, periodically burp the jars.
How you can Cure Cannabis
Once you are able to obtain a humidity level of regarding 62-68%, put typically the trimmed buds within airtight containers, this kind of as in the sealed mason jar. Leave the cover off for ten to 15 mins, and then re-seal the jar. We use these half gallon jars. Store the containers in a dark, temperate place.

It is especially essential to burp frequently if your cannabis is on the particular high end of that will humidity range, in addition to leave the lids open even lengthier - as much as a great hour. How often do i need to burp typically the jars while healing, you ask? On typically the other hand, all of us usually get the nugs down in order to around 63%, so we burp rather less frequently. We aim for once per time, but sometimes miss a few days. Some farmers burp their cisterns 1 to 2 times for each day throughout the first week or two. It isn’t the particular end worldwide.

After the very first couple of weeks, a new burp just once per week is fantastic - for typically the following month. A shorter burp will be fine. During that time, you also don’t need to worry as much concerning the length of time the particular lids are away. After a full 6 to 8 weeks of curing, you can reduce the burping regularity to once per month.

There are a number of things you’ll desire to pay attention in order to during the curing process:

Try to position this in a way that is obvious through the attributes of the pot. Spread them out somewhere together with good airflow, these kinds of as on an plant drying rack, display, or even about cardboard. Keep a hygrometer inside one or more of your pots. You are able to rotate it amongst jars when needed, or make use of a handful of these people. If humidity inside the jars starts to climb to 70% or over, get the buds back out of the particular jar for a new day or 2.

When you open the cisterns to burp them, require a sniff! Yet if you use a luftfeuchtigkeitsmesser, you shouldn’t operate into this issue. A slight ammonia fragrance is a sign that this cannabis will be too wet in addition to is starting to spoil. A solid ammonia odor or even visible mold usually are indications that this cannabis was much too moist, and is probably now ruined.

You can likewise place them with your current buds during long lasting storage to regulate humidity, which may end up being particularly helpful in hot, arid areas. On the switch side, in case your cannabis has become too dry (less than 60%), you may possibly be able to assist it - using the assistance of these kinds of Boveda packets! Originally created for the cigar industry, Boveda bouts may be used to re-introduce moisture to overly dried out cannabis. They arrive in various targeted humidity levels that they help to achieve or maintain, regarding example a 65% packet, 63% box, and so about.

We store our cannabis within the same half-gallon jars they had been cured in. For us, this appears no different than the curing period - except that all of us aren’t opening the particular jars as frequently. It is recommended to be able to quickly burp typically the jars about monthly, but we don’t stress that part too much. Choose any air-tight pot, and store it inside a temperate, darkish location. If youre getting into your stash to employ it, the cisterns are being burped plenty then. STORE
How to Store Cannabis Long Term
Once your cannabis offers finished curing, you can shift to long-term storage.

We also aren’t massive fans of typically the concept of plastic touching the buds typically the whole time. On the other hands, if you are usually giving weed aside, this is a different story. You might have seen that will some people do vacuum/seal and also freeze their own weed. Either way, I don’t recommend fully vacuum securing. We do occasionally use plastic and then. If anything, make use of the seal feature only. Sucking all the air out regarding the package entirely crushes the pals! We don’t find this necessary, or even preferable, Just exactly how frozen and defrosted food doesn’t preference as good as fresh meals, we’d rather retain the buds away - more new, and easy in order to monitor.

The color and blattgrün will naturally reduce, and THC may degrade slightly, but it still smokes and feels quite amazing. Check out typically the photo above! That is our cannabis harvest from final fall, and it is still measuring 65% humidity.
In summary, when cannabis is properly gathered, dried, cured, plus stored, it can stay fresh, delicious, and potent for up to the year - merely in time with regard to the next growing season!

Speaking of smoking…

It heats in addition to delivers the preferred cannabinoids and terpenes without actual combustion of the flower. Combustion (burning) the cannabis much more harsh on your throat in addition to lungs, and it also basically doesn’t do your own bud justice. It totally destroys the particular flavor, and overheats the cannabinoids in addition to terps to a far less efficient plus effective temperature.
Using Your Homegrown Cannabis Harvest
To clarify, all of us don’t actually "smoke" our cannabis. At least not inside the traditional feeling. We also make canna oil plus capsules, but that is a whole different write-up for another day! We make use of a high-quality vaporizer.

Here will be an article all about vaporizing, which goes over the particular science and safety behind vaporizing cannabis. It also explores the differences between smoking and vaping, between using entire flower and concentrates, as well as how to make the particular most efficient, efficient, safe use of your herb.

In short, the particular Firefly 2+ vaporizer is pretty much the best factor on the market. We applied the Firefly a couple of for many yrs, and just upgraded to the 2+ when it came out there two months ago. It is the safest for your lung area and body (no heavy metals, just like other vapes! ), may be used for flowers or concentrates, and exudes a managed and wide-range convection heat on each draw - in order to get the the majority of out of our your own bud. Most vape uses that technology. It is effective, effective, sexy, and the flavor will be insanely good - because you usually are actually tasting your current cannabis in its full potential!

How you choose in order to consume your cannabis harvest is in the end a personal decision. Our thought is: following all that difficult work to grow beautiful organic organic cannabis, why turn around and burn the hell from it?

That wraps upward our Ultimate Guide on processing your homegrown cannabis.

If so, make sure you pass it on to your close friends - to the left of course. Please ask concerns or leave feedback in the feedback! I hope you found this article interesting, informative in addition to useful! You can even such as this article about how precisely to activate (decarboxylate) raw cannabis to get ready for to make homemade cannabis-infused essential oil, edibles, homemade cannabis tinctures, or relaxing topical salve.

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MJB October 28, 2022 in 1: 22 pm Reply

Thanks so much for the discussing of the understanding on growing cannabis. Totally helped myself during the harvest season!

Aaron (Mr. DeannaCat) October 29, 2022 at 8: 09 am Reply

So great to be able to hear MJB in addition to congrats on your collect!

anthonyWOW! great go through. I really loved reading your article on all typically the bases for harvesting, trimming, and treating. i want to thank the advice and tips.


Aaron (Mr. DeannaCat) October 12, 2022 at 8: 19 am Reply

Glad it was helpful Anthony, enjoy your harvest!

Should I move the plant life out of typically the growhouse? Two associated with the plants are usually ready to pick, and the other 6 plants will need another week. I’m at week 8-10 with some Northern Lights plants, my first success along with growing. You contact upon all the bases for enjoying, trimming, and treating in a manner that make me personally feel confident regarding the process. It is really an excellent site. Draught beer susceptible to destruction by any creatures which could reach all of them more readily? Being past due within the season, typically the sun is currently having blocked between 11: 00 am-1: 00 pm by the color of a tall pine tree. StuartHey Deanna and Aaron! The plants are in a protected, open air growhouse outside. Please put myself in your mailing list.


Aaron (Mr. DeannaCat) October 8, 2022 at 2: 00 pm Reply

Hi Stuart, glad to know a person enjoy the website and also you found the article helpful! Hope that helps plus reach out if you have every other questions, good luck on your harvest plus processing those flowers! It’s great of which you are getting close to harvest and everything has gone properly, I might just keep the plants where they may be, even in case they get some good color for a couple of hours in the particular middle of the day, it should never affect your vegetation flowering and they also should still be capable to finish solid. Thank you regarding your interest within signing up with regard to our weekly publication, unfortunately we can’t sign you up ourselves but presently there is a section at the bottom of each content if you might like to subscribe yourself.

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