BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE WORK The main objectives of our work were the regional harmonization and standardization of pharmaceutical supplies on MSA in Lombardy. METHODS The retrospective investigation was articulated in 2 phases the first was the collection of data in every area of the Region (2012), the second was the analysis and elaboration of the information retrieved. RESULTS Beginning with 24 common drugs used by 8 AATs out of 12 an evaluation of the chemical-therapeutic characteristics was performed. The temporary list, including over 80 drugs classified in more than 25 therapeutic groups, was finally reduced to provide bags that were easier to handle but at the same time complete. Between October and November 2014, the proposed supply, including 71 formulations and approved by the Technical Board of AREU, officially entered into force. At the same time, the working group followed the same procedure to define the standard equipment for the Region's helicopters, with only 58 formulations for relatively reduced weight allowed on board. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, we can state that, thanks to the support of experts, of the literature review, and thanks to the practical experience of the members of the AREU working groups and thanks to the documents coming from AIFA and EMA, the first operative regional project of unified pharmacological supply for MSA was delivered.BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE WORK Hepatitis A is an infectious disease characterized by fecal-oral transmission; however, a rise in sexually-transmitted cases has been observed, particularly among "men who have sex with men". In Europe, a Hepatitis A epidemic occurred among men who have sex with men between 2016 and 2018. The aim of this study is to describe this Hepatitis A epidemic in the city of Milan and to analyze the incidence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases co-infection among Hepatitis A cases. METHODS Hepatitis A cases were traced and identified. Epidemiological data were collected and Hepatitis A vaccination was investigated. Cases were georeferenced, calculating incidence rates for each Milan Municipality. Viral genotypic analysis was carried out. RESULTS 353 cases were reported in Milan. Incidence rates resulted significantly higher in males (RR 18.1 CI9 5% 11.5 - 28.4). 70 cases reported foreign travel. 172 cases reported "Men who have Sex with Men" behaviour. Genotypic analysis revealed correlation with strains of the European "Men who have Sex with Men" epidemic. Georeferencing showed asymmetric case distribution. Only 12 cases reported Hepatitis A vaccination. The Relative Risk for syphilis infection among Hepatitis A cases was 133.9 (95% CI 81.7 - 219.7) and 29.7 (95%CI 9.5 - 92.7) for gonorrhea. CONCLUSIONS Most genotyped cases (93.7%) correlated to the European Hepatitis A epidemic among Men who have Sex with Men. Georeferencing showed a greater incidence of Hepatitis A cases in areas characterized by the homosexual community. The higher incidence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases co-infection in Hepatitis A cases correlated to clusters responsible for the European Hepatitis A epidemic, suggests increased sexual promiscuity among Men who have Sex with Men. These data support the need for Hepatitis A vaccination programs and sensitization of Men who have Sex with Men to the adoption of safe sexual practices.BACKGROUND Bioaerosol plays an important role in human life with potentially infectious, allergic and toxic effects. Active and passive methods can be used to assess microbial air contamination, but so far there is not a unanimous consensus regarding the indications about methods to be used and how to interpret the results. The passive method has been standardized by the Index of Microbial Air contamination (IMA). Classes of contamination and maximum acceptable levels of IMA have been proposed, related to different infection or contamination risks. The aim of this study was to provide information about the use of the passive sampling method, with reference to the IMA standard. METHODS We searched PubMed and Scopus for articles published until January 2020 reporting the citation of the article by Pasquarella et al. "The index of microbial air contamination. J Hosp Infect 2000". Only studies in English language where the IMA standard was applied were considered. Studies regarding healthcare settings were excluded. RESULTS 27 studies were analyzed; 12 were performed in Europe, 8 in Asia, 5 in Africa, 2 in America. Cultural heritage sites, educational buildings and food industries were the most common indoor monitored environments; in 8 studies outdoor air was monitored. CONCLUSIONS This review has provided a picture of the application of standard IMA in different geographic areas and different environments at risk of airborne infection/contamination. The analysis of the results obtained, together with a wider collection of data, will provide a useful contribution towards the definition of reference limits for the various types of environments to implement targeted preventive measures.BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE WORK The International Health Regulations Emergency Committee declared in 2014 that poliovirus circulation is a public health emergency of international concern. In 2017 and 2018 Italy was classified at intermediate risk of poliovirus reintroduction based on suboptimal poliovirus surveillance. Acute flaccid paralysis active surveillance is the gold standard in the polio eradication process. The aims of this study were to investigate the causes of reduced acute flaccid paralysis case reporting in Emilia-Romagna in the last few years (step 1) and to study a public health intervention to restore an adequate level of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance in that region (step 2). METHODS In the first step a context analysis was performed by analysing the 2015-2017 Hospital Discharge Registers in Emilia-Romagna with the ICD-9-CM differential diagnosis codes for acute flaccid paralysis. Data from context analysis was then used to plan a new regional collaborative network of acute flaccid paralysis active surveillance. Sotuletinib order RESULTS The active surveillance network was, at the end of the study, composed by 49 doctors from both hospital administrations and clinical wards from 4 University Hospitals and 7 Local Health Authorities throughout the Region. In 15 months, 7 acute flaccid paralysis cases have been reported; 85,7% received a full clinical and virological investigation and 83,3% completed the 60 day's follow-up. The mean response to each e-mail was 48,5% (SD 7,5%). CONCLUSIONS In 2019, the Emilia-Romagna's active surveillance system reached the sensitivity, completeness of case investigation and follow-up required to achieve the minimum levels for certification standard surveillance.