When performed correctly in excellent surgical candidates by skilled surgeons, vaginoplasty can be a rewarding surgical endeavor for the patient and surgeon.BACKGROUND To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of incidental prostate cancer (IPCA) in a contemporary cohort of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) patients who underwent trans-urethral resection of the prostate (TURP). METHODS A series of 458 consecutive patients who underwent TURP were evaluated between January 2016 to June 2018. Evaluated factors included age (years), body mass index (BMI; kg/square meters), treatment with inhibitors of 5-alpha reductase, previous prostate biopsies, basal prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels (ng/mL), serum leukocyte count (n*10^9/L), weight of resected prostate tissue (grams), grade and stage of IPCA. The multivariate logistic regression model evaluated associations of significant clinical factors with the risk of IPCA. RESULTS Overall, IPCA was detected in 30 out of 454 patients (6,6%). A mean of 21,8 grams of tissue was resected. The mean number of positive chips was 5,6 (mean percentage 3,9%) with tumor grade group 1 in 22 cases (73,4%) and tumor stage cT1a in 23 patients (76,7%). selleck compound On multivariate analysis, independent factors that were positively associated with the risk of IPCA were BMI (odds ratio, OR = 1,121; p = 0,017) and leukocyte count (OR = 1,144; p = 0,027). CONCLUSIONS In a contemporary cohort of patients undergoing TURP for the treatment of LUTS, the risk of IPCA was not negligible with a rate of being 6,6%. BMI and serum leukocyte count were found to be independent factors that were positively associated with the risk of IPCA.AIM In endoscopic resection of colorectal tumours, the pathological assessment of the lateral margins is a strong predictor of tumor recurrence after resection. The aims of the current study are to evaluate the value of the peritumoral margins assessment in ERBT on tumor recurrence. METHODS We retrospectively analysed the data of 50 consecutive patients with NMIBC and treated by ERBT between January and December 2017. RESULTS The lateral margins showed dysplasia in 16 patients and malignancy in 3 patients. Local recurrence occurred in 14 (28%) patients. It was noted that 57% of patients with recurrence showed some degree of dysplasia or malignancy in the lateral margin; however, on multivariate logistic regression lateral margins lesions were not significantly associated with recurrence (OR 2.175, 95% CI 0.430 - 10.996, p=0.35). CONCLUSIONS ERBT may improve the pathological report of bladder tumor. There was a trend toward increased rate of recurrence in patients with dysplasia or malignancy in their lateral margins; however, this was not statistically significant on multivariate analysis. Further studies with larger sample sizes are required to assess the value of lateral margin analysis.Introduction In recent years, COPD is observed as not an isolated, but an associated pathology, in particular, concurrent with metabolic syndrome. The aim of the research is to identify the differences in changes of the rheopulmonography parameters (RPG) depending on the presence of hypertrophy or atrophy of the right ventricular myocardium in patients with COPD concurrent with metabolic syndrome. Material and Methods We studied changes in rheopulmonography (RPG) in 145 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) concurrent with metabolic syndrome. Results We detected precapillary hypertension of the pulmonary circulation in patients with right ventricular myocardial hypertrophy anacrotism serration; flattened peak of the systolic wave; decreased Vcp; high placement of incisura; horizontal course of catacrotism; decreased amplitude of the systolic wave (in this case, due to a greater increase in the resistance of the blood flow in the pulmonary vessels than the decreased impact volume of the right ventricle); prolonged Q-a (in this group of patients, it depends more on hypertension of the pulmonary circulation than on the reduction of contractile function of the myocardium). In atrophy of the right ventricular myocardium, the following changes in the RPG were revealed decreased systolic wave at its dramatic rise; prolonged Q-a (in this case, due to the weakened heart contraction); Vmax reduction (it reflects the reduction of myocardial contractility); in hypertrophy of the myocardium, Vcp., unlike RPG, does not decrease, which is explained by the decrease in the pressure of the pulmonary circulation. Conclusions We believe that these changes in RPG allow differentiating hypertrophy and right ventricular myocardial atrophy along with established diagnostic criteria, and can be used as markers for the diagnosis and treatment of COPD concurrent with metabolic syndrome.Introduction Negative demographic trends are often associated with high levels of infertility, including male. In the modern literature there are data on morphofunctional changes in various organs and tissues during inflammation of various origins, obtained in experiments on animals. At the same time, there are practically no studies on changes in the seminal glands in inflammation of different etiologies. The aim of this study is to identify the morphofunctional features of the seminal glands in the dynamics of acute infectious (staphylococcal) inflammation in rats. Material and methods Experimental studies were performed on 40 nonlinear male rats weighing 180-200 g. Microscopic and histochemical studies were performed on the 7th, 14th, and 28th day. Results On the 7th day of staphylococcal inflammation, morphofunctional changes in the seminal glands were detected in rats in the form of a moderate rearrangement of the spermatogenic epithelium, which was manifested by a decrease in Sertoli cells and the numbe. The presence of type A light and dark spermatogonia indicates the reserve capacity of the seminal glands.in English, French Le vécu de l'adolescent atteint de drépanocytose homozygote est influencé par plusieurs facteurs qui le différencient de l'enfant moins âgé entièrement dépendant de ses parents. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire l'état de santé, d'apprécier la qualité du suivi et d'identifier les déterminants de mauvais suivi de l'adolescent drépanocytaire suivi à Brazzaville depuis en moyenne 12 ± 9,6 ans, à partir d'une étude transversale réalisée au CHU de Brazzaville de mars à septembre 2016. Elle était fondée sur un questionnaire composé des éléments d'appréciation de l'état de santé et de la qualité du suivi. La couverture vaccinale des adolescents était faible 81,3 % pour le DTCP, 66,5 % pour le Typhim Vi, 50,2 % pour l'hépatite virale B, 76,4 % pour le pneumocoque et 59,1 % pour le ROR. Au cours des deux dernières années ayant précédé l'enquête, 99 (48,7 %) adolescents avaient seulement deux consultations de suivi au lieu des quatre prévues par an. L'observance thérapeutique était bonne dans 132 cas (65 %).