To report a case of recurrent Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) tube exposure dueto scleral patch graft (SPG) melt Background AGV is a useful modality in the management of medically refractory glaucoma. Human donor SPG has been employed to cover the external portion of the tube to prevent its exposure.
A 23 year old male with Anterior chamber intraocular lens (ACIOL)had undergone retinal detachment (RD) surgery with silicone oil insertion (SOI)followed by SO removal (SOR), re- RD and SO re-injection, followed by implantation of Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) for uncontrolled glaucoma in the right eye. Three months after the AGV implantation, he presented with exposure of the subconjuctival portion of AGV tube with melted, displaced and shrunk donor sclera graft, which was managed by placing larger sized, full thickness, donor scleral patch graft (SPG) over the exposed tube. Six months later, he presented again with tube exposure and the donor SPG was found to be retracted nasally and shrunk to one fourth of its original size. The AC portion of the tube was blocked by the SO bubble and the emulsified SO could be seen inside the exposed tube. The patient underwent SOR with tube explanation and intraocular pressure was later controlled with transscleral cyclophotocoagulation and medical management.
SPG thinning and the overlying conjunctival erosion can occur after the AGV implantation. This can cause AGV tube exposure and hence, long - term patient follow up is essential to ensure timely identification of this possible complication and prompt treatment.
SPG thinning and the overlying conjunctival erosion can occur after the AGV implantation. This can cause AGV tube exposure and hence, long - term patient follow up is essential to ensure timely identification of this possible complication and prompt treatment.
Parasitic infestation of the eyes are a major cause of ocular diseases across the globe. Filarial and filarial-like nematodes top the list of the nematodes that affect the eye.
A rare case of live sub retinal worm is reported in a 25 years old apparently healthy young male. The case presented with unilateral loss of vision and floaters in the affected eye. Upon examination a live subfoveal worm was identified with continuous wriggling movements and diffuse retinal edema. The worm was removed surgically and sent for parasitological examination.
The worm was identified microscopically as Loa Loa. However detailed histopathological examination could not be incorporated. The patient's vision improved to 6/12 (0.30 Log MAR) from the initial presentation of 3/60 (1.30 Log MAR) after three months follow-up.
The rare sub retinal live worm presents a challenge in management. The management depends upon the location and viability of the parasite. Surgical management is aimed at worm removal and vision preservation.
The rare sub retinal live worm presents a challenge in management. The management depends upon the location and viability of the parasite. Surgical management is aimed at worm removal and vision preservation.A hundred and three year old female patient was evaluated for ulcer over the nasion area and a mass arising from the right upper eyelid, appearing two months apart. Histopathology revealed nasion ulcer as basal cell carcinoma while right eyelid mass was diagnosed as poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Based on these findings and the time gap between two lesions a diagnosis of synchronous double primary malignant tumor was made. TAS-120 price Although the prevalence of multiple primary malignant tumor is highest in breast, colo-rectum and prostate cancer we report a rare case of double primary malignant tumor of the eyelid and nasion in a centenarian female.
Ocular involvement in Behçets disease (BD) is characterized by recurrent inflammatory attacks leading to poor long-term visual prognosis. The development of biologic agents has heralded a new era in the management of BD uveitis enabling more targeted immune modulation with greater efficacy and has now become the first line agents.
To report a case of young gentleman with Behçets disease whose ocular recurrence was controlled with injection Adalimumab.
A 31-year-old male with recurrent oral and genital ulcers with bilateral recurrent uveitis was diagnosed as bilateral ocular Behçet's disease based on positive HLA B51typing and ferning pattern in FFA. He was on oral Prednisolone and Cyclosporine and was advised for biological agents. On presentation to us, he had anterior uveitis with pseudophakia and secondary open angle glaucoma in right eye and posterior sub capsular cataract in left eye. After starting Inj Adalimumab with oral Methotrexate, he ocular inflammation was under control and patient underwent uneventful cataract surgery in left eye. Over 1-year follow-up, the patient is on remission, on injection Adalimumab with the steroid tapered off.
Biological agents like Adalimumab is effective in controlling recurrences in Behçet's disease.
Biological agents like Adalimumab is effective in controlling recurrences in Behçet's disease.
Sino-orbital fistulas (SOF) are a well-reported complication of orbitalexenteration and sinonasal carcinoma resection. Despite repair, however, complete fistula closure may be difficult.
A 79 -years-old man had undergone total exenteration of right orbit for spreading sqamous cell carcinoma of conjunctiva. Subsequently he developed two large sinoorbitalfistulae medially to the ethmoid sinus wall of the orbit. Post- operatively good socket hygiene was maintained but the fistulae increased in size. At 3 month follow-up, closure of the fistulae using glabellar rotation advancement flap was done. The defects have remained closed at follow-up with excellent cosmetic results. There is no recurrence of fistula or malignancy till date. Patient was cosmetically rehabilitated with spectacle prosthesis.
Glabellar rotation flap for closure of medially situated sino- orbital fistulae is a good option with excellent cosmetic result.
Glabellar rotation flap for closure of medially situated sino- orbital fistulae is a good option with excellent cosmetic result.