corresponding formulations for tissue transformation and bone remodelling in order to achieve complete fracture healing.
E-health is a growing research topic, especially with the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT). Miniaturized wearable sensors are auspicious tools for biomedicine and healthcare systems. In this paper, we present D-SORM, a sensor fusion-based digital solution intended to assist clinicians and improve their diagnosis by providing objective measurements and automatic recognition. The aim is to supply an interface for remote monitoring to the medical staff.
D-SORM platform estimates the wearable device attitude based on its acquired data, and visualizes it in real-time using a graphical user interface (GUI). It also integrates two modules which serve two different medical applications. The first one is arm tele-rehabilitation, where sessions are done online. The practitioner gives the instructions while wearing the device, and the patient has to reproduce the gestures. A processing unit is dedicated to compute statistical features and calculate the success rate. The second one is human motion tracking for elderly care. A novel machine learning architecture is proposed, based on feature fusion, to predict the activities of daily living.
The rehabilitation mechanism was tested under supervised conditions, by performing a set of movements. D-SORM provides extra information and objective measurements, thus facilitates the diagnosis of clinicians. The human activity recognition is also validated using a public dataset. With D-SORM, an efficiency ranging from 97.7% to 99.65% is ensured under unsupervised conditions.
The proposed design constitutes a digital clinical tool for medical teams allowing remote health monitoring. It overcomes geographical barriers while providing faster and highly accurate assessment.
The proposed design constitutes a digital clinical tool for medical teams allowing remote health monitoring. It overcomes geographical barriers while providing faster and highly accurate assessment.
In order to enhance the practicability of the application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of femoral head necrosis, combined with the convolutional neural network (CNN), we propose an automatic identification of femoral head necrosis model based on the ResNet18 network.
In order to verify that MRI has a higher detection rate for early femoral head necrosis, we collected 360 cases of femoral MRI and the same number of femoral CT. Combining this method with ResNet18, AlexNet, and VGG16, compare the clinical staging and typical signs of femoral head necrosis with 8 diagnostic methods.
The total detection rate of MRI combined with ResNet18 is as high as 99.27%, which is much higher than the other three comparison methods. The sensitivity is 97%, the specificity is 98.99%, and the accuracy is 98.23%. The difference is statistically significant.
The automatic recognition femoral MRI model based on the ResNet18 network has a high detection rate for early femoral head necrosis, and can effectively detect bone marrow edema, line-like signs and other signs, providing a reliable reference for early treatment.
The automatic recognition femoral MRI model based on the ResNet18 network has a high detection rate for early femoral head necrosis, and can effectively detect bone marrow edema, line-like signs and other signs, providing a reliable reference for early treatment.
The attained power, calculated conditional on the realized allocation, of a clinical trial may differ from the expected power, obtained pre-randomization through averaging over all potential allocations that could be generated by the randomization algorithm (RA). For example, a two-arm trial using a RA that is expected to allocate 20 participants to each arm will attain less than the expected power if by chance it allocates 25 and 15 participants to the arms. Cluster randomized trials with unequal cluster sizes have elevated risk of realizing an allocation that yields an attained power much lower than the expected power when modest numbers of clusters are randomized.
We developed the R package CRTpowerdist, which implements both simulations and approximate analytic formulae to calculate the attained powers associated with different realized allocations and constructs the pre-randomization power distribution associated with the RA to facilitate assessing the risk of obtaining inadequate power. The package ist package can assist users in identifying an appropriate randomization algorithm by enabling the user to assess the risk that a randomization algorithm will lead to an allocation with inadequate attained power. The Shiny app makes these assessments accessible to researchers who are unable or do not wish to use the CRTpowerdist package.Diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2 infection using real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on nasopharyngeal swabs is now well-established, with saliva-based testing being lately more widely implemented for being more adapted for self-testing approaches. In this study, we introduce a different concept based on exhaled breath condensate (EBC), readily collected by a mask-based sampling device, and detection with an electrochemical biosensor with a modular architecture that enables fast and specific detection and quantification of COVID-19. The face mask forms an exhaled breath vapor containment volume to hold the exhaled breath vapor in proximity to the EBC collector to enable a condensate-forming surface, cooled by a thermal mass, to coalesce the exhaled breath into a 200-500 μL fluid sample in 2 min. EBC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 genes (E, ORF1ab) on samples collected from 7 SARS-CoV-2 positive and 7 SARS-CoV-2 negative patients were performed. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 could be detected in 5 out of 7 SARS-CoV-2 positive patients. Furthermore, the EBC samples were screened on an electrochemical aptamer biosensor, which detects SARS-CoV-2 viral particles down to 10 pfu mL-1 in cultured SARS-CoV-2 suspensions. Using a "turn off" assay via ferrocenemethanol redox mediator, results about the infectivity state of the patient are obtained in 10 min.