We made sure that our patient is experiencing the least possible pain by giving sufficient analgesics after the surgery. We used morphine, paracetamol, and gabapentin for pain control. For 25 days after the surgery, the patient did not complain of any pain. Upon follow-up, sutures were removed, and no surgical wound infection, rashes, or lacerations were noted. We encourage orthopedic surgeons dealing with patients suffering from dermatological conditions with fragile skin such as EB and decreased level of activity that requires total hip arthroplasty to proceed with the surgical intervention after considering adequate infection control to improve quality of life. Copyright © 2020, Kawasmi et al.We hereby present a case of iatrogenic dissection of the superior mesenteric artery dissection in a 63-year-old female undergoing a lumbar puncture (LP). She presented with severe diffused abdominal pain accompanied by lower back pain, nausea and vomiting a few hours after undergoing an LP due to ongoing headaches. Abdominal CT showed evidence of hemoperitoneum. She was then transferred to another facility and while in route received one unit of packed red blood cellsdue to drop in hemoglobin levels from 15 to 11 gm/dl. Physicians should consider the possibility of arterial variations and the level at which spinal tap is performed during interventions. Acute abdominal pain is a significant, common complaint that should be appropriately investigated. Copyright © 2020, Ramirez et al.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to spread globally, outpacing the capacity and resources of health systems worldwide. A therapeutic vaccine is not yet on the rise, and preventive measures are the current approach to restraint the transmission of cases. As the virus is highly contagious via respiratory route (droplets from infected persons, widely spread by coughing or sneezing) and via contact with contaminated surfaces, community transmission and spread can be decreased through the practice of regular and diligent hand hygiene. Frequent hand washing implies a prolonged exposure to water and other chemical or physical agents and may induce several pathophysiologic changes, such as epidermal barrier disruption, impairment of keratinocytes, the subsequent release of proinflammatory cytokines, activation of the skin immune system, and delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. Adverse dermatologic effects, such as excessive skin dryness or even contact dermatitis (particularly the irritant subtype and, to a lesser extent, the allergic subtype), can occur, especially in individuals with a history of atopic dermatitis. These skin conditions are perfectly manageable, and applying a moisturizer immediately after washing hands or after using a portable hand sanitizer is the cornerstone in preventing the development of eczematous changes in the hands. In the current global context, the potential occurrence of these dermatological adverse events should in no way cause people to deviate from strict hand hygiene rules. Copyright © 2020, Beiu et al.Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET, previously referred to as peripheral neuroepithelioma) are rare malignant tumors with various degrees of differentiation belonging to the Ewing's family of sarcomas. They are classified as round cell tumors arising from soft tissues. In rare instances, PNETs may arise from solid organs containing neuroendocrine cells of kidney, bladder, heart, lungs, parotid glands and pancreas. Most cases occur in the second decade of life with a slight preponderance in males. PNET of the pancreas is an aggressive tumor with multiple recurrences and a relatively poor prognosis. These tumors should be considered in the differential diagnosis, especially in a diagnosed pancreatic tumor in individuals less than 35 years of age. Due to the nature of the tumor, surgery with subsequent chemoradiation are widely accepted modalities despite the poor prognosis. In this article, we review 25 cases of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma (ES) of the pancreas which to the best of our knowledge, enlists most cases reported in the literature thus far. Copyright © 2020, Patel et al.Drug reaction, eosinophilia, and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome is a delayed severe drug hypersensitivity (type IVb) syndrome with cutaneous eruption, hematological abnormalities, and multi-organ involvement. The wide spectrum of the disease manifestations, long-term sequelae, and high mortality rates are a clinical concern. Though not commonly reported in spinal surgery patients, the use of long-term antibiotics is a potential causative agent in spinal infections. DRESS syndrome can mimic systemic spinal infections, and clinical diagnosis requires high awareness and extreme vigilance. Prompt recognition and appropriate action can mitigate the potential poor outcomes and improve patient prognosis. Copyright © 2020, Mohammed et al.Lethal congenital malformations (LCMs) are fatal birth defects that are an important cause of fetal/neonatal death. There is a lack of informative data about these malformations in India, a country that shares the maximum burden of neonatal mortality due to congenital birth defects. Therefore, we conducted a retrospective analysis to know the prevalence of LCMs in late pregnancy, to find out associated factor/variables and to evaluate fetal/neonatal outcome of such anomalies; at a tertiary-care referral centre in North India. All deliveries with LCMs after 24 weeks of gestation were included in the study. selleck compound Data about antepartum history (maternal age, parity, education, socioeconomic status, consanguineous marriage, folic acid intake, any chronic medical disorder, availability of anomaly scan, unplanned pregnancy); intrapartum events (gestational age at delivery, mode of delivery); postpartum events (weight of the baby, gender of the baby); newborn evaluation; and details of hospital stay were recorded from medical record sheet over the duration of one year. We found that anencephaly, severe meningomyelocele, multicystic dysplastic kidneys and non-immune hydrops with major cardiac defects were more prevalent among all LCMs. On the evaluation of the various studied variables, maximum babies with LCMs were born to mothers who were between 20 and 35 years of age, those who were illiterate, belonged to middle/lower socio-economic class, multigravida, and those who had no detailed anomaly scan. We feel that there is an urgent need to formulate a universally accepted definition of LCMs, to identify preventable risk factors and to formulate management strategy for both mother and liveborn baby with LCMs, in order to minimize the hidden burden of these defects in stillbirth/ perinatal/ neonatal mortality statistics. Copyright © 2020, Tiwari et al.