covery stage from stroke.
Liuzijue exercise showed more changes than conventional respiratory training in improving trunk control ability, respiratory muscle functions, and activities of daily living ability in patients at an early recovery stage from stroke.All living organisms including humans, experience changes in the light exposure generated by the Earth's rotation. In anticipation of this unavoidable geo-physical variability, and to generate an appropriate biochemical response, species of many phyla, including mammals have evolved a nearly 24-hour endogenous timing device known as the circadian clock (CC), which is self-sustained, cell autonomous and is present in every cell type. At the heart of the 'clock' functioning resides the CC-oscillator, an elegantly designed transcriptional-translational feedback system. Notably, the core components of the CC-oscillator not only drive daily rhythmicity of their own synthesis, but also generate circadian phase-specific variability in the expression levels of thousands of target genes through transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms. Thereby, this 'clock'-system provides proper chronological coordination in the functioning of cells, tissues and organs. The CC governs many physiologically critical functions. Among these functions, the key role of the CC in maintaining metabolic homeostasis deserves special emphasis. Indeed, the several features of the modern lifestyle (e.g. travel-induced jet lag, rotating shift work, energy-dense food) which, force disruption of circadian rhythms have recently emerged as a major driver to global health problems like obesity, cardiovascular disease and metabolic liver disease such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Here we review, the CC-dependent pathways in different tissues which play critical roles in mediating several critical metabolic functions under physiological conditions and discuss their impact for the development of metabolic disease with a focus on the liver.
Systemic levels of up-regulated IL-1β and IL-1 receptors promote the pathogenesis of inflammation-associated diabetes. IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-Ra) has shown slightly elevated beta cell function in patients with type 2 diabetes without significant improvement of hyperglycaemia. We investigated whether miR-153, an IL-1β responsive miRNA, could mimic IL-1β effects and whether its interruption would improve blood glucose control then offer an assistant curative approach to inflammation-associated diabetes.
Antago-miR-153 and Ago-miR-153 were injected into the abdominal aorta of leptin receptor-mutant db/db mice and C57BL/6 J mice, respectively. Olcegepant cell line Blood glucose levels, glucose tolerance tests, insulin tolerance tests and insulin levels were regularly checked. Proteomic profiling combined with unbiased bioinformatics analysis, as well as experimental techniques, were utilized to identify target genes of miR-153. Anti-miR-153 and plasmid-based recovery assays were also performed using primary mouse islets andbeta cell failure. Inhibiting miR-153 with Antago-miR-153 prevents hyperglycaemia in db/db mice, indicating that miR-153 may be a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of inflammation-associated diabetes.
The IL-1β-responsive miR-153 targets SNAREs, beta cell specific TFs and other key factors to eventually causes beta cell failure. Inhibiting miR-153 with Antago-miR-153 prevents hyperglycaemia in db/db mice, indicating that miR-153 may be a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of inflammation-associated diabetes.This study examined the processing of ambiguous morphemes in Chinese word recognition with a masked priming lexical decision task. Both behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) were recorded. All targets were bimorphemic compound words that contained ambiguous morphemes as the first morphemes. The ambiguous morphemes either took the dominant or subordinate interpretation, depending on the second morphemes. The prime words contained the same ambiguous morphemes in the dominant interpretation, the subordinate interpretation, or were unrelated to the targets. Analyses on response times revealed significant facilitative priming whenever primes and targets shared morphemes, but the strength of facilitation was stronger when the morpheme meanings were consistent. A similar pattern was found in the analyses of N400 (300-500 ms after target onset) amplitudes. However, in the earlier N250 time window (200-300 ms after target onset), only the dominant targets, but not the subordinate ones, were primed by the morpheme-sharing primes. More importantly, the strength of facilitation was similar between the dominant and subordinate primes. These results have two implications to the processing of ambiguous morphemes during Chinese compound word recognition. First, the morpheme meanings could be activated rapidly. Second, the more frequently used dominant meanings could be activated more easily than the less frequently used subordinate meanings.Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss. Several studies support the idea that life stressors during the postnatal period could play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of AN, underlying the multifactorial etiology of this disease. The activity-based anorexia (ABA) animal model mimics core features of the mental disorder, including severe food restriction, weight loss, and hyperactivity. Previous results obtained in our lab showed that maternal separation (MS) induces behavioral changes in anorexic-like ABA rats in a sexually dimorphic way in females, the MS promoted hyperactivity and a less anxious-like phenotype in ABA animals; in males, instead, the MS attenuated the anxiolytic effect of the ABA protocol. These results led us to investigate the effect of the MS on brain areas involved in the control of the anxiety-like behavior. We focused our attention on the adult hippocampal neurogenesis, a process involved in the response to environmental stimuli and stressful condition. We analyzed the volume of the whole hippocampus and the proliferation rate in the dentate gyrus (DG) by quantifying Ki67-cells density and characterizing neuronal phenotype (DCX) and glial cells (GFAP) with double-fluorescence technique. The results obtained showed that only in maternally separated anorexic rats there is an increase of proliferation in DG, underlying the presence of a synergic effect of MS and ABA that boost the proliferation of new neurons and glia progenitors in a more evident way in females in comparison to males.