QM/EFP excitation energies are compared to the fully quantum mechanical calculations with the configuration interaction singles (CIS) method. We find that the charge penetration correction diminishes the accuracy of the QM/EFP calculations. On the other hand, while the effect of exchange-repulsion is negligible for most ππ* transitions, the exchange-repulsion significantly improves description of nπ* transitions with blue solvatochromic shifts. As a result, addition of the exchange-repulsion term improves the overall accuracy of QM/EFP. Performances of QM/EFP models remain similar when excitation energies are modeled with cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVDZ basis sets.Orbital-free approaches might offer a way to boost the applicability of density functional theory by orders of magnitude in system size. Tat-BECN1 mouse An important ingredient for this endeavor is the kinetic energy density functional. Snyder et al. [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012, 108, 253002] presented a machine learning approximation for this functional achieving chemical accuracy on a one-dimensional model system. However, a poor performance with respect to the functional derivative, a crucial element in iterative energy minimization procedures, enforced the application of a computationally expensive projection method. In this work we circumvent this issue by including the functional derivative into the training of various machine learning models. Besides kernel ridge regression, the original method of choice, we also test the performance of convolutional neural network techniques borrowed from the field of image recognition.Segmented contracted basis sets of quadruple-ζ quality for exact two-component (X2C) calculations are presented for the elements H-Rn. These sets are the all-electron relativistic counterparts of the Karlsruhe "def2" and "dhf" systems of bases, which were designed for Hartree-Fock and density functional treatments and-with a somewhat extended set-also for correlated treatments. The bases were optimized with analytical basis set gradients and the finite nucleus model based on a Gaussian charge distribution at the scalar-relativistic X2C level. Extensions are provided for self-consistent two-component treatments to describe spin-orbit coupling, polarization effects, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shielding constants. The basis sets were designed to yield comparable errors in atomization energies, orbital energies, dipole moments, and NMR shielding constants all across the periodic table of elements. A test set of more than 360 molecules representing (nearly) all elements in their common oxidation states was utilized for the valence properties, and a test set of more than 250 closed-shell molecules was employed for the NMR shielding constants. The quality of the developed basis sets is compared to other frequently used relativistic all-electron bases.The analytic gradient theory for both iterative and noniterative coupled-cluster approximations that include connected quadruple excitations is presented. These methods include, in particular, CCSDT(Q), which is an analog of the well-known CCSD(T) method which starts from the full CCSDT method rather than CCSD. The resulting methods are implemented in the CFOUR program suite, and pilot applications are presented for the equilibrium geometries and harmonic vibrational frequencies of the simplest Criegee intermediate, CH2OO, as well as to the isomerization pathway between dimethylcarbene and propene. While all methods are seen to approximate the full CCSDTQ results well for "well-behaved" systems, the more difficult case of the Criegee intermediate shows that CCSDT(Q), as well as certain iterative approximations, display problematic behavior.By using a combination of classical Hamiltonian replica exchange with high-level quantum mechanical calculations on more than one hundred drug-like molecules, we explored here the energy cost associated with binding of drug-like molecules to target macromolecules. We found that, in general, the drug-like molecules present bound to proteins in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) can access easily the bioactive conformation and in fact for 73% of the studied molecules the "bioactive" conformation is within 3kBT from the most-stable conformation in solution as determined by DFT/SCRF calculations. Cases with large differences between the most-stable and the bioactive conformations appear in ligands recognized by ionic contacts, or very large structures establishing many favorable interactions with the protein. There are also a few cases where we observed a non-negligible uncertainty related to the experimental structure deposited in PDB. Remarkably, the rough automatic force field used here provides reasonable estimates of the conformational ensemble of drugs in solution. The outlined protocol can be used to better estimate the cost of adopting the bioactive conformation.One route to numerically propagating quantum systems is time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). The application of TDDFT to a particular system's time evolution is predicated on V-representability, which we have analyzed in a previous publication. Here, we describe a newly developed solver for the scalar time-dependent Kohn-Sham potential. We present and interpret the force-balance equation central to our numerical method, describe details of its implementation, and present illustrative numerical results for one- and two-electron systems in both one-dimensional and three-dimensional grids. Innovations of our numerical implementation include the use of preconditioning when inverting the force-balance matrix and an improved propagation method obtaining the Kohn-Sham potential self-consistently at each step of the propagation. A new characterization of V-representability for one-electron systems is also included, along with possible improvements and future directions.The optical properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials are accurately described by many-body methods including specifically pronounced electron-electron and electron-hole effects. Such methods are, however, computationally demanding and applicable on small computational cells only. We provide approximate optical gaps for 2D materials from time-dependent (TD) density functional theory based on a set of specific screened hybrid functionals and show that this approach effectively accounts for all important physical effects including excitons. Optical gap values obtained from the TD-HSE06 approach for a broad gap range 1-6 eV of eight 2D materials are in agreement with both experimental optical gaps and accurate GW+BSE calculations. Further, we show that such an approach is eligible and practicable for van der Waals heterostructures containing incommensurate cells of different monolayers and enables detailed analysis of intra- and interlayer excitonic wave functions. TD-HSE06 is therefore a suitable method for a reliable description of the optical properties of extended periodic 2D systems.