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Verze z 22. 12. 2024, 13:55, kterou vytvořil Aldridgekern0897 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Cell fate in tissue engineering (TE) strategies is paramount to regenerate healthy, functional organs. The mechanical loads experienced by cells play an im…“)
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Cell fate in tissue engineering (TE) strategies is paramount to regenerate healthy, functional organs. The mechanical loads experienced by cells play an important role in cell fate. However, in TE scaffolds with a cell-laden hydrogel matrix, it is prohibitively complex to prescribe and measure this cellular micromechanical environment (CME). Accordingly, this study aimed to develop a finite element (FE) model of a TE scaffold unit cell that can be subsequently implemented to predict the CME and cell fates under prescribed loading. The compressible hyperelastic mechanics of a fibrin hydrogel were characterized by fitting unconfined compression and confined compression experimental data. This material model was implemented in a unit cell FE model of a TE scaffold. The FE mesh and boundary conditions were evaluated with respect to the mechanical response of a region of interest (ROI). LY3537982 A compressible second-order reduced polynomial hyperelastic model gave the best fit to the experimental data (C10 = 1.72 × 10-4, C20 = 3.83 × 10-4, D1 = 3.41, D2 = 8.06 × 10-2). A mesh with seed sizes of 40 µm and 60 µm in the ROI and non-ROI regions, respectively, yielded a converged model in 54 min. The in-plane boundary conditions demonstrated minimal influence on ROI mechanics for a 2-by-2 unit cell. However, the out-of-plane boundary conditions did exhibit an appreciable influence on ROI mechanics for a two bilayer unit cell. Overall, the developed unit cell model facilitates the modeling of the mechanical state of a cell-laden hydrogel within a TE scaffold under prescribed loading. This model will be utilized to characterize the CME in future studies, and 3D micromechanical criteria may be applied to predict cell fate in these scaffolds.Loaded jumps are commonly used to improve leg muscle power. However, the additional load during jump-landing might increase the potential for overuse injury. Therefore, the aims of this study were to evaluate the effect that barbell load has on lower limb joint kinematics and kinetics during jump-landing and to evaluate the effect of arresting the barbell load at flight apex prior to landing on joint kinematic and kinetic variables. Barbell-loaded squat jumps (20, 40, and 60 kg) were investigated during two jump-landing conditions 1) barbell-loaded (landing with barbell load) and 2) barbell-arrested (barbell load arrested at flight apex prior to jump-landing). Lower body kinematics and joint kinetics were assessed during jump-landing. In the barbell-loaded jump-landing condition, joint angles at initial contact decreased with increasing barbell load. Knee and hip peak power decreased (knee -38%; hip -46%), while ankle joint work increased with increasing barbell load. Joint moments, powers and work were decreased in the barbell-arrested condition compared to the barbell-loaded condition. Barbell-loaded jump-landings do not pose increased demands on the knee and the hip joint compared to bodyweight only jump-landings, due to the load-based reductions in jump height and joint kinematic adaptions. However, ankle joint contribution in energy dissipation is increased, possibly resulting in an increased overuse injury risk at this joint. Arresting the barbell load at flight apex prior to jump-landing substantially reduces the joint kinetics, hence serving as valuable training tool for athletes returning to sport after injuries.Quadriceps intramuscular anatomy is typically described in two dimensions. However, anatomical descriptions indicate fascicles in the quadriceps may have a three-dimensional orientation. The purpose of this investigation was to quantify the maximum force generating capacity of the individual quadriceps' muscles in three dimensions. Muscle architectural parameters were obtained from three cadaver specimens (two female) and input into a geometry-based multiple fascicle muscle force model. Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris had partitions which could be defined based on differences in the sense and direction of fascicles between partitions. Vastus lateralis and rectus femoris were bipennate due to partitions sharing an aponeurosis. Vastus lateralis deep and superficial partitions exerted posterior- (maximum -29 ± 5 N) and anterior-directed (maximum 58 ± 15 N) forces on their shared distal aponeurosis. Rectus femoris medial and lateral partitions exerted medial- (maximum -38 ± 17 N) and lateral-directed (maximum 19 ± 12 N) forces on their shared proximal aponeurosis. All vastus medialis fascicles ran along the proximal-distal axis. However, fascicles arising near the lesser trochanter also ran along the superficial-deep axis, while fascicles arising from the linea aspera ran along the medial-lateral axis. Thus, vastus medialis could be divided into longus and oblique partitions. Due to the large pennation angle, vastus medialis oblique could exert maximum medial-directed (-219 ± 93 N) and proximal-directed (279 ± 168 N) forces at approximately -40° and -70° knee flexion, respectively, indicating dual roles for vastus medialis oblique dependent on knee flexion angle.From June 11, 2020, a surge in new cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the largest wholesale market of Beijing, the Xinfadi Market, leading to a second wave of COVID-19 in Beijing, China. Understanding the transmission modes of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the personal behaviors and environmental factors contributing to viral transmission is of utmost important to curb COVID-19 rise. However, currently these are largely unknown in food markets. To this end, we completed field investigations and on-site simulations in areas with relatively high infection rates of COVID-19 at Xinfadi Market. We found that if goods were tainted or personnel in market was infected, normal transaction behaviors between sellers and customers, daily physiological activities, and marketing activities could lead to viral contamination and spread to the surroundings via fomite, droplet or aerosol routes. Environmental factors such as low temperature and high humidity, poor ventilation, and insufficient hygiene facilities and disinfection practices may contribute to viral transmission in Xinfadi Market.

Autoři článku: Aldridgekern0897 (Mejer Workman)