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Therefore, the legislation of African countries regulating the organization of gambling is rather unclear.kinwiki.me Despite this, most types of gambling are officially allowed in most regions, and a categorical ban applies only in some countries.

The range of gambling in South Africa is somewhat limited - the activities of land-based casinos, the national lottery and bookmakers accepting sports betting and horse racing are allowed here.

The national Lottery and sports betting are on the first place in the rating of gambling in South Africa. The local population prefers them, and only then gambling entertainment and casinos are on the list.

The history of gambling in South AfricaGambling in South Africa was banned until 1994. A law called South Africa’s Gambling Act, passed in 1965, prohibited all forms of gambling except betting on horse racing. They were recognized as a sport.

Illegal betting shops have been developing since the late 1970s.68.104 They worked in the Bantustans of Bophuthatswana, Siskei, Transkei, Venda.

Bantustans are a special phenomenon in the history of South Africa. They are somewhat similar to reservations in the USA, but they have their own characteristics. These are territories that were used as reservations for the indigenous population of South Africa. Some Bantustans gained independence, and this made it possible to organize a gambling business.

For example, a casino city Sun City was built in Bophuthatswana.

When apartheid ended in 1994 and a democratic government came to power, all forms of gambling were allowed.

The National Gambling Act, issued in 1996, approved a system for licensing sports betting and conducting a state lottery. Horse racing was again recognized as a form of gambling and after them online betting on all kinds of sports was allowed.

Gambling Legislation and Regulators in South AfricaToday, each of the ten provinces of South Africa has its own commission, which regulates the business of organizing and conducting online betting on its territory.

First of all, it is the National Gambling Board - the state regulator of gambling in South Africa.

The duties of the regulator include:

- To determine the rules by which the gambling business operates;
- Conduct research;
- statistics;
- Be responsible for the proper handling of gambling addiction.

This is followed by three acts defining the legal basis of gambling in South Africa:
- National Gambling Act of 1996;
- National Gambling Act 2004 - complementing the previous one;
- National Gambling Amendment Act of 2008, which defines the position of online gambling.

At the same time, it is the National Gambling Act of 1996 that clearly prescribes how the licenses of betting shops should be distributed between the provinces of the country.

The age limit for the average South African player is 18 years. Minors do not have the right to play in gambling establishments and, accordingly, register on Betting Sites.

Where to place bets in South AfricaIt is no secret that for every player the best is the bookmaker in which he plays himself.

However, the experts of our site tried to move away from the subjective framework as much as possible by analyzing a large number of factors.

As a result, we have collected the best bookmakers and, accordingly, the Best Betting Apps that are available to players from South Africa.

The assessment of bookmakers, as a rule, is formed based on such criteria:

Reviews of real playersOf course, no one will tell you better about the office than its clients. However, reviews do not always reflect the real picture, because they are subjective. Everyone knows that more often comments are written by those who are dissatisfied with the service. This applies not only to betting, but also to any public sphere.

Thus, before making a choice in favor of one or another office, carefully read the real reviews about the company.
SafetyLike any organization that works on the Internet and in some way has to do with customer funds, a bookmaker must securely store money and protect it from fraudsters. Today there are many technologies that help in this. For example, double identification, which makes it impossible to use the account, even if the login and password were stolen. Offices are required to verify their clients, which also protects both sides from fraud.
These factors must also be taken into account when choosing a bookmaker to play for real money.

Term of workThe number of years on the market is the most obvious indicator of reliability and good reputation. If you choose a bookmaker with a working life of more than five years, he is more likely to pay the winnings on time and promptly resolve disputes.

However, the main disadvantage of old companies is high margins. Usually, such companies already have an established base of regular customers who are used to putting it in this office and do not plan to leave.

Therefore, the company can reduce the coefficients without fear of an outflow of players.
New companies, on the contrary, offer favorable conditions and high odds for customers not only to play through the site, but also through their Best Betting Apps. So they try to attract as large an audience as possible.

Deposit and withdrawal methodsFor any player from South Africa, the convenience and speed of payments is a key factor. It is difficult not to agree with this, because everyone wants to see a quick transfer of funds and the most prompt withdrawal of winnings.

Thus, we strongly recommend that you carefully read this moment in order to choose the most favorable conditions for financial transactions in the company for yourself

Line and paintingNo matter how safe and reliable the office is, almost no one will play in it if it does not offer a wide selection of events and markets. It is not enough for a modern player only top football matches and elections for the winner. Many people like to play with statistics; they are looking for so-called small markets of unpopular events, where there may be unique types of bets that give an advantage over a bookmaker at a distance.

Therefore, the line and the painting are very important factors in the context of which bookmaker is the best.

Coefficients and marginMargin is also very important, because the attractiveness of coefficients depends on it. Some bookmakers try to increase their own income and invest large commissions in each market. Of course, it scares away experienced players.

Therefore, before starting the game, carefully study the level of coefficients and margins of the proposed bookmaker.

Bonuses and promotionsPerhaps the presence of incentives is not a key factor, but for beginners it is an important point. Everyone loves gifts, especially when they allow you to practice using not your own money, but the funds of the office. In particular, bonuses for new customers look especially attractive.

Almost all betting companies offer bonuses upon registration. Bonuses can be free-bets (free bets) or extra money plus for the first deposit to the account.

Thus, when choosing a Bookmaker, pay attention not to the amount of the bonus, but to the conditions of its withdrawal. In most cases, to get a bonus, you need to win it back - put it on a bet with a certain coefficient. Most often, the amount of wagering depends on the amount of the first deposit.

Support ServiceIn the process of using any office, questions always arise. Therefore, high-quality support work matters. When the technical service cannot give answers to basic questions or does it for hours, it is difficult to talk about the quality of the bookmaker. Therefore, the best bookmakers usually pay attention to personnel and work with clients.

Also, it is worth considering the availability of a technical assistance service when using a mobile program. As a rule, Best Betting Apps provide their customers with such a service.

Adaptability to mobile devicesIt is unlikely that anyone will be surprised that in 2021, most people will use portable devices to play sports betting. The most popular bookmakers in South Africa have been providing their customers with software for smartphones and tablets for a long time. This is not an advantage in our time, but a banal necessity.

The lack of appropriate software is a huge disadvantage for a company that wants to work in the modern African market, where 90% of players are customers and active users of mobile bookmakers.

What sports to bet on in South AfricaThe average Bookmaker offers its clients about 20-30 different sports for betting.

But it’s no secret that football is the most popular sport for an African player. Almost all, without exception, the players in the betting shops here bet on football. In the football line, a player can bet on the score, the issuance of cards to players, the number of substitutions, deletions and other moments of the game. This sport is considered the easiest to predict, but it is always possible that "dark horses" can turn the predictable course of the game.

Basketball is the second most popular not only on websites, but also in the Best Betting Apps. In bets on winning basketball matches, there are often very small odds on winning the favorite, and as a result, very large penalties for underdogs. Therefore, it is customary to bet on victories with a handicap of points. Also on the total, this is the total number of points scored.

The third sport that South African players love so much is tennis.

When betting on tennis, it is better to limit your choice to 10-15 of the most interesting athletes. Here the outcome depends on the condition of the tennis player, the qualifications of the coach, the presence of injuries and other factors.

The coverage also has a certain influence on the outcome of the game: the athlete may prefer the ground, grass or hard. On tennis, bookmakers offer several types of bets: on games, sets, the number of errors.

ConclusionExperts in the field of gambling say that the African gambling business is only gaining momentum and continues to develop actively. With the spread of the mobile Internet network, the number of people who will bet on sports on the Internet will only grow exponentially.

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