Objectives We sought to determine the prevalence of immune-mediated skin disorders (IMDs), their oral manifestations, and the related comorbidity among Omani patients with IMDs attending the outpatient Department of Dermatology and Dental Clinic at Al Nahdha Hospital, Muscat. Methods We conducted a retrospective study of 236 newly-diagnosed patients with IMDs who attended the outpatient clinic between September 2014 and September 2017. Data, such as age, sex, investigations, diagnosis, comorbidity, and associated oral manifestations of the affected individuals, were collected from the hospital health information system. Results Of the 236 diagnosed cases of IMD, lichen planus substantially comprised over half of the total cases (59.7%). This was followed by relatively fewer cases of discoid lupus erythematosus (11.0%), systemic lupus erythematosus (10.2%), and erythema multiforme (8.1%). Pemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigus comprised only 3.0% and 4.2% of the total studied cases, respectively. The other less common disorders found in our study were toxic epidermal necrolysis (1.7%), pemphigus foliaceus (1.3%), and gestational pemphigoid (0.8%). Oral mucosal involvement was seen more commonly with lichen planus (78.7%), pemphigus vulgaris (71.4%), and erythema multiforme (75.0%), while systemic lupus erythematosus and discoid lupus erythematosus were shown to appear with more comorbidities compared to the other skin disorders studied. Conclusions Several IMDs have considerable oral involvement. These oral manifestations of the diseases may be overlooked by other specialists leading to a delay in the diagnosis and its management. In order to circumvent this delay, the analysis and evaluation of a disease need to be done by a team comprising of a dental surgeon, dermatologist, and an oral medicine specialist. The OMJ is Published Bimonthly and Copyrighted 2020 by the OMSB.Early onset fetal growth restriction (EO-FGR) is associated with significant feto-maternal complications, therefore efforts should be made to identify the causes and the potential outcome of the pregnancy. Some of the pitfalls in first-trimester imaging of the fetal anomalies are related to the inadequacy of the examination, because of the fetal position and limited clarity in relation to the size of the structures being examined. In this paper we present a case where careful ultrasound scan follow-up and the use of both approaches transabdominal and transvaginal were useful to complete a detailed structural evaluation as part of the diagnosis, management and prognosis of a fetuses diagnosed with EO-FGR in the first trimester and a triploidy with atypical ultrasound features. Copyright © 2019, Medical University Publishing House Craiova.Recently a visually pleasing smile has become a major concern for the patients; therefore, dental bleaching has gained importance due to its safety and great aesthetic results. The aim of this paper is to report a case of a non-vital, discolored, maxillary central incisor bleached by Sodium Perborate with the use of glass ionomer cement as a mechanical barrier. S-222611 HCl The patient was a 35-year-old female complaining of a discolored and unaesthetic appearance of her upper front tooth. After endodontic retreatment, the bleaching treatment was applied to the maxillary left central incisor. Following the treatment, a satisfactory aesthetic result was achieved. Copyright © 2019, Medical University Publishing House Craiova.The complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a neuropathic disorder, often precipitated by a fracture, injury of the soft tissue or a surgical procedure followed by extended immobilization. Clinical signs and symptoms of this syndrome include abnormalities of pain processing (mechanical and thermal allodynia, hyperalgesia and hyperpathia), skin changes regarding local temperature and the presence of erythema, cyanosis or mottled appearance, neurogenic edema, motor and trophic disorders. The CRPS has three evolutionary stages-acute, dystrophic and atrophic, and it is divided into two types, reflecting the absence or presence of nerve damage. The patient presented in this study was a female with a history of metabolic syndrome, diagnosed with polyarticular chronic gout, which despite the specific drug treatment administered, had multiple predisposing factors for the development of CRPS consecutive to the fracture of both bones of the right forearm. It is evident that the recovery period after injury is slightly different in each individual and depends on the severity of the injury and patient factors such as age, general condition and the presence of other comorbidities. The delay between the onset of symptoms and her presentation to the physician, conferred a poor prognosis for the developing pathology, with important functional and motor impairment. Copyright © 2019, Medical University Publishing House Craiova.Acute pancreatitis is a pathological entity that poses numerous diagnostic and treatment problems. Severe form is a real challenge for a physician because it has multiple obscure causes, as well as a complex pathophysiology. Thus, the diagnosis is difficult and the choice of the right time for surgical treatment is controversial, the treatment being more frequently nonspecific, supportive for the various affected systems and organs. On a group of 337 patients, laboratory and imaging investigations were performed to diagnose and determine the severity score of acute pancreatitis and the correlation level between the neutrophil-lymphocytes ratio values and the Balthazar score, as a valid assessment method for local and systemic inflammatory changes. The distribution's study of acute pancreatitis by gender according to etiology confirms the predominance of the acute ethanolic pancreatitis in male, but also the higher proportion (54%) of male pancreatitis (181 man vs. 156 women) with gender ratio male/female 1.16/1. The neutrophil-lymphocytes ratio mean value varied according with the Balthazar severity score, that got higher as acute pancreatitis got more advanced and with a certain cut-off value can be considered a simple indicator to determine the severity of acute pancreatitis. Copyright © 2019, Medical University Publishing House Craiova.