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Verze z 26. 10. 2024, 18:19, kterou vytvořil Maywilhelmsen2152 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „The specific input of the study of problem is comprehensive analysis of health preserving technologies as special resource to be applied to actualize wide…“)
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The specific input of the study of problem is comprehensive analysis of health preserving technologies as special resource to be applied to actualize wide range of components of resource support of educational process for children with disabilities.In the modern conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, the issue of transportation of immunobiological drugs is particularly actual, since control measures in this direction provide for supply of vaccines to different states, that naturally involves duration of transportation and compliance with certain established temperature regime at all stages of logistics chain, violation of which results in loss of pharmaceutical properties by drugs. The analysis demonstrated that currently transportation of immunobiological drugs is carried out within the framework of cold chain approach, which establishes mandatory compliance with temperature range of storage and transportation. Thus, the most important issue is control of compliance with temperature regime, which requires appropriate technical equipment at all levels of cold chain, ensuring fixation of detected violations.The patients with aneurysm subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) living in remote, inaccessible, rural areas cannot be provided with urgent neurosurgical care on the spot. They require medical evacuation (ME) to neurosurgical hospital. The purpose of the study was to investigate effect of complex (multi-stage) and simple (one-stage) logistic scheme of ME of patients in acute period of aSAH on the outcome of the disease. The retrospective analysis of results of surgical treatment in 145 patients with aSAH hospitalized in regional vascular center (RVC) in Yakutsk in 2017-2018 was carried out. The subjects were allocated into 3 groups group 1 - patients from regions of the Republic of Sakha, who underwent ME to the RSC using simple transportation scheme; group 2 - patients from regions of the Republic of Sakha who underwent ME using complex transportation scheme; group 3 (control) - patients hospitalized from territory of Yakutsk. The RVC hospitalized 145 patients. The sanitary aviation delivered 91 (62.8%) patients from districts of the Republic to the RVC. The duration of time from the onset of disease to surgical treatment in group 1-2 days; in group 2-4 days; in group 3, 2 days (p = 0.018). The frequency of re-rupture of cerebral aneurysm in the group 1 and group 2 did had no statistically significant differences (19,1% and 32.7%) (p = 0.142). Mortality in group 1 7.1%; in group 2 8.2%; in group 3 7.4% and no statistically significant differences between groups 1 and 2 (p = 1,000), between groups 1 and 3 (p = 1,000) and between groups 2 and 3 (p = 0.886). When applying complex logistic scheme of ME, transportation over considerable distance does not deteriorated course of disease and results of surgical treatment of patients with aSAH in acute period of hemorrhage.The primary health care represent the most common segment of medical care in many countries and provides prevention and treatment of diseases, dynamic monitoring of patients with chronic diseases and medical rehabilitation. There is substantial shortage of health personnel to meet health needs all over the world, especially in primary health care. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this problem. It changed workload in primary health care and demonstrated need for new organizational solutions to increase access to primary health care. One of the new transformations in general practice can be redistribution of medical work in primary health care. In this research, five options for organizational models of primary home care were identified. We used "performer (doctor / nurse)", "payment method for the home visit", "frequency of patient visits per week" as indices. There is lack of unified approach in the way how home visits are organized so optimal organizational model of primary home medical care is needed. This will increase access of most demanded type of medical care and ensure rational use of human resources at the primary health care level, especially during COVID-19 pandemic.The article discusses two main problems of organizing medical care in national health care of Russia medical and social monitoring of morbidity and mortality; key performance indices of public health in the Russian Federation. Methodologically, the article is based on interdisciplinary scientific approach that allows to study medical, social and economic components of public health, considering observed trends digitalization of health care and epidemic of new coronavirus infection. Based on statistical analysis of open data on morbidity and mortality of population in the Russian Federation over past few years, results were obtained indicating that collection of medical statistics is not built consistently that medical care in health care is not organized sequentially as cycle or process, but is presented in fragments. This leads to the fact that rural population has very limited access to multidisciplinary and high-tech medical services, and in structure of mortality there is high gender bias (males die more often than females in same classes of causes). Based on identified problems, two organizing solutions are proposed. The first solution is to create, on the basis of the Ministry of Health Care of Russia, special portal for complete, reliable and up-to-date medical statistics, which will be generated and processed using Big Data technologies. The second solution consists in transition from fragmentation to systematic organization of medical care in the "education and prevention-treatment-rehabilitation" continuum, while for each stage special set of key performance indices is established that allows to solve the tasks of improving public health, but also to develop harmonized social and economic public policy.The article discusses some aspects of information and communication technologies in medicine. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, special attention is paid to development of telemedicine. The informational computer technologies are especially relevant where there is shortage of medical personnel. Taking into account that by the year 2035 there will be shortage of 12.9 million medical workers worldwide due to aging of population, increase in prevalence of non-communicable diseases, migration and turnover of medical personnel, remote consultations of patients are becoming increasingly relevant. The examples of information and communication technologies in health care that proved their effectiveness are given.The trends in development of National health care in Russia are considered. The need in formation of intersectorial system of management of health protection activities is established with priority of preventive direction, including mental prevention, based on systematic observation and participation of both sick and healthy people. The system goal was determined - to improve population health. The main tasks and principles of system functioning are formulated. The reasonableness of application of mechanisms of motivating and stimulating all subjects of health protection system in order to increase their interest, is indicated as one of directions of organizing and introducing intersectorial health protection system. The basic principles of development and implementation of incentive systems of remuneration were formulated. The attention is focused on such aspect related to management of health protection system as legal support. The review of sources of law in the field of health protection revealed that all subjects have duties, and everyone has responsibilities, except citizens and insured persons. To resolve this problem, it was proposed to conclude agreement between the parties, indicating rights and obligations of both parties and responsibility for violation of contractual obligations. The structure is proposed, the main principles of health protection system management are described, designed to provide real shift in achieving settled goals.The article is devoted to the issue of studying attitude of students to their own health, to healthy lifestyle, to regional health care system. The results of sociological survey carried out in February-April 2021 are presented. The factors and conditions contributing to preservation and strengthening of youth health were identified. N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid manufacturer The conclusions and recommendations concerning formation of value orientations for healthy lifestyle of students were formulated.The article considers specifics of health-preserving culture of family members of serviceman and parameters of its sociological assessment. It is proved that military personnel consider family as social element of military collective and at the same time as sociocultural subsystem of military unit. The latter determines subordination of sociocultural interests of serviceman family to interests of development of military organization, which manifests itself as a factor complicating development, strengthening contradictions in system of health-preserving culture of this family. It is proved that in modern conditions it is necessary to strengthen state regulation of processes of formation of health-preserving culture of family of serviceman by inclusion in system of existing programs of physical culture and sports of military units of entire serviceman family, activation of interaction of military health experts in order to develop knowledge, formation of specific norms, rules of health-preserving behavior of family of military personnel; by provision of organizational, sociocultural, economic conditions for self-development of culture of health-preserving behavior of family members of serviceman; by activation of external social control, expansion and improvement of effectiveness of army social services, prevention and suppression of destructive health behavioral practices not only of serviceman, but also of his family members.The paper considers issue of professional burnout of oncologists through the prism of their relationship with patients and their close relatives. The study was carried out using direct and online sociological survey method. The sample included 534 specialists being in constant contact with cancer patients. The results revealed pronounced prevalence of such main burnout domains as emotional exhaustion (55%), depersonalization (19%), reduction of professional achievements (22%). The most common methods of dealing with stress were recreation, sports, communication with immediate relatives, hobbies, walking (7-20%), 4% used alcohol. The high frequency of patient requests to oncologist for psychological support (88%) was established as well as difficulties in communication between doctor and patient because available communication skills are not always sufficient for 76% of oncologists. The majority of respondents support idea of patient need for psychological support and its effectiveness for their treatment and ommunication with patients and coping with negative experiences.The article describes the role of green stands in preserving and improving population health. They positively effect human emotional background, improving cognitive functions and mood, forming subjective feeling of cheerfulness, restoring vitality and contribute to normalization of somatic health. The article presents criteria for assessing quality of green stands. The recommendations on planning and designing green stands, considering climatic requirements are given. It is concluded that urban trees are a significant factor that brings economic dividends to population.

Autoři článku: Maywilhelmsen2152 (Watts Slater)