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Verze z 25. 10. 2024, 13:28, kterou vytvořil Stonemassey1329 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „l than GSR in preserving the spatial structure of expected task-related activation patterns. Our findings indicate that care must be exercised when examini…“)
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l than GSR in preserving the spatial structure of expected task-related activation patterns. Our findings indicate that care must be exercised when examining WSDs (and their possible removal) in rsfMRI data, and that DiCER is a viable alternative to GSR for removing anatomically widespread and temporally coherent signals. All code for implementing DiCER and replicating our results is available at https// Default network regions appear to integrate information over time windows of 30 s or more during narrative listening. Does this long-timescale capability require the hippocampus? Amnesic behavior suggests that regions other than the hippocampus can independently support some online processing when input is continuous and semantically rich amnesics can participate in conversations and tell stories spanning minutes, and when tested immediately on recently heard prose they are able to retain some information. We hypothesized that default network regions can integrate the semantically coherent information of a narrative across long time windows, even in the absence of an intact hippocampus. To test this prediction, we measured BOLD activity in the brain of a hippocampal amnesic patient (D. A.) and healthy control participants while they listened to a 7-min narrative. The narrative was played either in its intact form, or as a paragraph-scrambled version, which has been previously shown to interfere with the long-range temporal dependencies in default network activity. In the intact story condition, D. A.'s moment-by-moment BOLD activity spatial patterns were similar to those of controls in low-level auditory cortex as well as in some high-level default network regions (including lateral and medial posterior parietal cortex). Moreover, as in controls, D. A.'s response patterns in medial and lateral posterior parietal cortex were disrupted when paragraphs of the story were presented in a shuffled order, suggesting that activity in these areas did depend on information from 30 s or more in the past. Together, these results suggest that some default network cortical areas can integrate information across long timescales, even when the hippocampus is severely damaged. BACKGROUND Sleeve gastrectomy is the most commonly performed weight loss surgery in adolescents with moderate-to-severe obesity. While studies in adults have reported on the deleterious effects of gastric bypass surgery on bone structure and strength estimates, data are lacking for the impact of sleeve gastrectomy on these measures in adolescents. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the impact of sleeve gastrectomy on bone outcomes in adolescents and young adults over 12 months using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT). PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS We enrolled 44 youth 14-22 years old with moderate to severe obesity; 22 underwent sleeve gastrectomy and 22 were followed without surgery (16 females and 6 males in each group). At baseline and 12 months, DXA was used to assess areal bone mineral density (aBMD), HRpQCT of the distal radius and tibia was performed to assess bone geometry, microarchitecture and volumetric BMD (vBMD), and finite element analysuated after adjusting for 12-month change in BMI. Groups did not differ for changes in strength estimates over time, except that increases in tibial stiffness were lower in the surgical group (p = 0.044) after adjusting for 12-month change in BMI. CONCLUSIONS Over 12 months, weight loss associated with sleeve gastrectomy in adolescents had negative effects on areal BMD and certain HRpQCT parameters. However, bone strength estimates remained stable, possibly because of a simultaneous decrease in cortical porosity and increase in cortical volumetric BMD. Additional research is necessary to determine the relative contribution(s) of weight loss and the metabolic effects of surgery on bone outcomes, and whether the observed effects on bone stabilize or progress over time. OBJECTIVE To verify earlier data in cadavers that in female subjects with OA meniscal coverage is associated with lowered bone mineral density of the underlying subchondral bone in the proximal tibia by investigating the local bone mineral density (BMD) distribution within the epiphysis. METHODS BMD of the subchondral bone of the tibia was measured by QCT in 67 elderly females diagnosed with OA (Kellgren-Lawrence grades 2-3). The epiphysis was subdivided along the axis of the tibia into a subchondral-epiphyseal VOI covering the first 5-6 mm below the subchondral bone plate, a mid-epiphyseal VOI covering the adjacent 7-8 and a juxtaphyseal VOI of another 7-8 mm that bordered the growth plate. These VIOs were further divided into lateral and medial and then into anterior, mid and posterior sub-VOIs. Finally, all subVOIs were divided in one subVOI covered by the menisci (CM) and another not covered by the menisci (nCM). learn more BMD ratios of these two subVOIs were compared. RESULTS In the subchondral epiphysis BMD was significantly lower (Medial mean BMDdiff = 125 mg/cm3, p0.1) change with age. CONCLUSION In-vivo QCT measurements of the BMD distribution in the proximal tibia indicate a protective effect of the menisci in the subchondral bone close to the joint. This protective effect is age independent despite the overall age-related decrease of BMD. TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) selectively induces the apoptosis pathway in tumor cells leading to tumor cell death. Because TRAIL induction can kill tumor cells, cancer researchers have developed many agents to target TRAIL and some of these agents have entered clinical trials in oncology. Unfortunately, these trials have failed for many reasons, including drug resistance, off-target toxicities, short half-life, and specifically in gene therapy due to the limited uptake of TRAIL genes by cancer cells. To address these drawbacks, translational researchers have utilized drug delivery platforms. Although, these platforms can improve TRAIL-based therapies, they are unable to sufficiently translate the full potential of TRAIL-targeting to clinically viable products. Herein, we first summarize the complex biology of TRAIL signaling, including TRAILs cross-talk with other signaling pathways and immune cells. Next, we focus on known resistant mechanisms to TRAIL-based therapies. Then, we discuss how nano-formulation has the potential to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of TRAIL protein.

Autoři článku: Stonemassey1329 (Eriksson McNeil)