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Verze z 22. 10. 2024, 22:14, kterou vytvořil Childerswinters6445 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „We study three-atom inelastic scattering in ultracold ^39K near a Feshbach resonance of intermediate coupling strength. The nonuniversal character of such…“)
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We study three-atom inelastic scattering in ultracold ^39K near a Feshbach resonance of intermediate coupling strength. The nonuniversal character of such resonance leads to an abnormally large Efimov absolute length scale and a relatively small effective range r_e, allowing the features of the ^39K Efimov spectrum to be better isolated from the short-range physics. Meticulous characterization of and correction for finite-temperature effects ensure high accuracy on the measurements of these features at large-magnitude scattering lengths. For a single Feshbach resonance, we unambiguously locate four distinct features in the Efimov structure. Three of these features form ratios that obey the Efimov universal scaling to within 10%, while the fourth feature, occurring at a value of scattering length closest to r_e, instead deviates from the universal value.We report on a precision measurement of the ratio R_τμ^ϒ(3S)=B(ϒ(3S)→τ^+τ^-)/B(ϒ(3S)→μ^+μ^-) using data collected with the BABAR detector at the SLAC PEP-II e^+e^- collider. The measurement is based on a 28  fb^-1 data sample collected at a center-of-mass energy of 10.355 GeV corresponding to a sample of 122 million ϒ(3S) mesons. The ratio is measured to be R_τμ^ϒ(3S)=0.966±0.008_stat±0.014_syst and is in agreement with the standard model prediction of 0.9948 within 2 standard deviations. The uncertainty in R_τμ^ϒ(3S) is almost an order of magnitude smaller than the only previous measurement.We show that the gravitational phase space for the near-horizon region of a bifurcate, axisymmetric Killing horizon in any dimension admits a 2D conformal symmetry algebra with central charges proportional to the area. This extends the construction of Haco et. al. [J. High Energy Phys. 12 (2018) 098JHEPFG1029-847910.1007/JHEP12(2018)098] to generic Killing horizons appearing in solutions of Einstein's equations and motivates a holographic description in terms of a 2D conformal field theory. The Cardy entropy in such a field theory agrees with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the horizon, suggesting a microscopic interpretation. A set of appendixes is included in the Supplemental Material that provides examples and further details of the calculations presented in the main text.In this Letter we set up a suggestive number theory interpretation of a quantum ladder system made of N coupled chains of spin 1/2. Using the hard-core boson representation and a leg-Hamiltonian made of a magnetic field and a hopping term, we can associate to the spins σ_a the prime numbers p_a so that the chains become quantum registers for square-free integers. The rung Hamiltonian involves permutation terms between next-neighbor chains and a coprime repulsive interaction. The system has various phases; in particular, there is one whose ground state is a coherent superposition of the first N prime numbers. We also discuss the realization of such a model in terms of an open quantum system with a dissipative Lindblad dynamics.We investigate the role of the effective range on the bulk viscosity of s- and p-wave Fermi gases. At resonance, the presence of the effective range breaks the scale invariance of the system, and hence results in a nonzero bulk viscosity. However, we show that the effective range plays a very different role in the two cases. In the s-wave case, the role of the effective range is perturbative, and its contribution to the bulk viscosity vanishes in the limit of zero effective range. On the other hand, the effective range in p-wave Fermi gases leads to a nonzero bulk viscosity, even in the zero-range limit. We employ a general diagrammatic approach to compute the bulk viscosity spectral function that includes the effects of the effective range. We then compute the analytic expressions for the spectral function in the high temperature limit, at low and high frequencies. We also derive the sum rules for the bulk viscosity spectral function for both s- and p-wave gases.Despite the fundamental importance of quantum entanglement in many-body systems, our understanding is mostly limited to bipartite situations. KWA 0711 Indeed, even defining appropriate notions of multipartite entanglement is a significant challenge for general quantum systems. In this work, we initiate the study of multipartite entanglement in a rich, yet tractable class of quantum states called stabilizer tensor networks. We demonstrate that, for generic stabilizer tensor networks, the geometry of the tensor network informs the multipartite entanglement structure of the state. In particular, we show that the average number of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) triples that can be extracted from a stabilizer tensor network is small, implying that tripartite entanglement is scarce. This, in turn, restricts the higher-partite entanglement structure of the states. Recent research in quantum gravity found that stabilizer tensor networks reproduce important structural features of the AdS/CFT correspondence, including the Ryu-Takayanagi formula for the entanglement entropy and certain quantum error correction properties. Our results imply a new operational interpretation of the monogamy of the Ryu-Takayanagi mutual information and an entropic diagnostic for higher-partite entanglement. Our technical contributions include a spin model for evaluating the average GHZ content of stabilizer tensor networks, as well as a novel formula for the third moment of random stabilizer states, which we expect to find further applications in quantum information.We propose a new dynamical method to connect equilibrium quantum phase transitions and quantum coherence using out-of-time-order correlations (OTOCs). Adopting the iconic Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick and transverse-field Ising models as illustrative examples, we show that an abrupt change in coherence and entanglement of the ground state across a quantum phase transition is observable in the spectrum of multiple quantum coherence intensities, which are a special type of OTOC. We also develop a robust protocol to obtain the relevant OTOCs using quasi-adiabatic quenches through the ground state phase diagram. Our scheme allows for the detection of OTOCs without time reversal of coherent dynamics, making it applicable and important for a broad range of current experiments where time reversal cannot be achieved by inverting the sign of the underlying Hamiltonian.

Autoři článku: Childerswinters6445 (Rojas Drejer)