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to characterize oscillometric blood pressure measurement devices for sale in the virtual market and identify which ones have undergone a validation study.

this was a cross sectional study. The search for devices for sale was conducted on websites, and the sample was composed of 137 devices obtained from 644 ads. We conducted a bibliographic survey in five databases and web pages enlisting devices submitted for validation. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check data distribution, followed by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests for comparisons, using the SAS 9.4 program.

only 16.7% of the devices were validated. The home devices ranged from USD 10.57 to USD 275.67. Only 102 ads informed the cuff size, with different nomenclatures.

most ads contained non-validated devices, which were cheaper. We identified some ads falsely informing validation.

most ads contained non-validated devices, which were cheaper. We identified some ads falsely informing validation.

To analyze the temporal trend of mortality from sickle cell anemia in Brazil, by region, in the period 1997-2017.

epidemiological study, with an ecological design, with a temporal trend, carried out with data from the Mortality Information System. For descriptive analysis, absolute and relative frequencies were used. In the correlation analysis, the ANOVA test was used, followed by Tukey's post-test. The temporal trend was obtained using the cubic polynomial regression test.

6,813 deaths from sickle cell anemia were registered. Brown individuals (50.87%) were more frequent, with a predominance of males (50.4%), aged between 25 and 34 years and a higher incidence of deaths in the Midwest (0.25/100 thousand inhabitants). The time curve showed an increasing trend of deaths in the country between 1997 and 2015 (R2 = 0.98).

sickle cell anemia showed increasing mortality in the 21 years analyzed and alerts health professionals and managers.

sickle cell anemia showed increasing mortality in the 21 years analyzed and alerts health professionals and managers.

to analyze the expression of sociopolitical-emancipatory knowledge, based on the participation of women-nurses in social movements, and the implications for nursing care.

a research-interference, whose data were obtained from narrative interviews with six women-nurses inserted in social movements and with political representation. Data were submitted to discourse analysis, based on Michel Foucault.

women-nurses' social and political involvement is driven by the contexts of life and work, marked by gender inequalities. Ability to criticize oneself, the profession and health policies and practices are presented as expressions of sociopolitical-emancipatory knowledge. Nursing care is conceived as a political practice that, influenced by learning from social movements, must go through a denial of the historically performed form.

participation in social movements triggers sociopolitical-emancipatory knowledge, resulting in differentiated care, a way of acting oriented towards reducing inequalities.

participation in social movements triggers sociopolitical-emancipatory knowledge, resulting in differentiated care, a way of acting oriented towards reducing inequalities.

to analyze the accuracy of the defining characteristics of hypothermia in patients on hemodialysis.

a diagnostic accuracy study was assembled within a cross-sectional study with 124 patients from two dialysis centers. A latent class model was used for data analysis.

the nursing diagnosis hypothermia was present in 13 (10.48%) study participants. The most prevalent defining characteristics were hypoxia (100%), decrease in blood glucose level (83.1%), hypertension (65.3%), piloerection (45.2%), and skin cool to touch (41.1%). The defining characteristics acrocyanosis (99.96%) and cyanotic nail beds (99.98%) had a high sensitivity. Acrocyanosis (91.8%), skin cool to touch (64.8%), and peripheral vasoconstriction (91.8%) had high specificity.

specific and sensitive indicators of hypothermia work as good clinical indicators for confirming this diagnosis in patients on hemodialysis. The study findings can assist nurses in their clinical reasoning for a correct inference of hypothermia.

specific and sensitive indicators of hypothermia work as good clinical indicators for confirming this diagnosis in patients on hemodialysis. The study findings can assist nurses in their clinical reasoning for a correct inference of hypothermia.

to understand families' behaviors and eating practices in the face of childhood obesity.

a qualitative study, which used the Grounded Theory as a methodological framework and the Complexity Theory as a theoretical framework. Twenty-six informants participated in the study, who were part of two sample groups. Data were collected through intensive interviews, using a semi-structured script.

"The family system seeking to change eating behavior patterns in the face of childhood obesity" emerged as a central concept, relating three conceptual categories "Recognizing its behavior patterns and eating practices"; "Reorganizing in the face of childhood obesity"; "Responding to change".

the family influences children's eating behavior and contributes to changes that occur in it, which highlights the relevance of the family approach in childhood obesity care, raising reflection on the current nursing practice together with families who experience the same problem.

the family influences children's eating behavior and contributes to changes that occur in it, which highlights the relevance of the family approach in childhood obesity care, raising reflection on the current nursing practice together with families who experience the same problem.

To analyze the time trend, spatial distribution, and the cases of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome cases with social determinants of health.

Ecological and analytical study, carried out based on the cases of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome notified in a state in the Brazilian Midwest, from 2009 to 2018. The study used descriptive analysis, polynomial regression, and geospatial analysis.

In 10 years, there were 9,157 notifications, growing each year. There was a growing trend for both sexes (p<0.001, r2=0.94). The City Human Development Index was related to the higher number of cases (city of notification, p=0.01; and city where the person lives, p=0.02). The highest concentration was in cities that house health macro-regions.

Social determinants have a relationship with the time trend and the spatial distribution of cases and can direct strategies for prevention and care.

Social determinants have a relationship with the time trend and the spatial distribution of cases and can direct strategies for prevention and care.

to apply an empathy map to assess nursing professionals' needs, desires, frustrations and aspirations regarding educational actions.

a cross-sectional study, carried out in a hospital institution with 164 nursing professionals, who responded to the empathy map, which clarified their participation in institutional educational actions, which were collected from 2019 to 2020, and analyzed using descriptive statistics.

when using the empathy map, educational actions focused on routines predominated, with the sharing of knowledge; promotion of improvements in care; agreement of commitment with proposed actions; insufficient compliance; little incentive to participate; dispersed guidelines among professionals; increased labor demand; and educational activity during the working day.

the empathy map, applied as an instrument for assessing the institutional educational process, qualified as appropriate educational actions or opportunities to improve significant learning for professional nursing education.

the empathy map, applied as an instrument for assessing the institutional educational process, qualified as appropriate educational actions or opportunities to improve significant learning for professional nursing education.

to understand the meanings attributed to the changes experienced after bariatric surgery by people with obesity.

this is a study with a qualitative approach, with a theoretical framework in Symbolic Interactionism; and methodological, in the Grounded Theory. There were 12 participants who underwent bariatric surgery in two health services (bariatric surgery clinic; general hospital). Data collection took place between July and October 2020, through an intensive interview. Testimonies were recorded using an electronic device and transcribed in full. Data were coded in the MAXQDA 2020 software and analyzed considering the adopted theoretical framework.

two categories emerged Rebuilding a social life; and Rediscovering self-esteem. From the articulation of these categories, the phenomenon "Re-signifying life after bariatric surgery" was constructed.

bariatric surgery contributed to significant changes in the daily lives of participants, and Symbolic Interactionism allowed the understanding of how participants interpreted their meanings.

bariatric surgery contributed to significant changes in the daily lives of participants, and Symbolic Interactionism allowed the understanding of how participants interpreted their meanings.

to evaluate the coordination of the attention for continuing treatment for smoking cessation in the Primary Health Care, from the perspective of users.

the conceptual base was longitudinal care, which is an attribute of the National Policy of Primary Care. The methodological framework was that of an evaluative research, as informed by theory-based evaluation. Data collection used observation with moderate participation in the groups to abandon smoking, intensive interviews with 22 users, and analysis of medical records. Selleck CDDO-Im The interviews used initial and focused coding, which are analytical stages of the Grounded Theory, with the aid of the MaxQDA® software.

the interviewees had a positive evaluation of their treatment for smoking, although they mentioned limitations for medium- and long-term continuity.

the smoking treatment sessions, even if infrequent, were found to be a successful experience for smoking cessation.

the smoking treatment sessions, even if infrequent, were found to be a successful experience for smoking cessation.

Reflect on how the evolution of legislation related to blood and blood-based products has shaped the role of nurses in hemotherapy services.

A reflective study, carried out employing surveys in databases, about the evolution of the nurse's role in hemotherapy services.

Several legislations, published since 1950, have encouraged blood donation and shaped the work of nurses in hemotherapy services, being the most relevant Law #10.205/2001 (Lei nº 10.205/2001), about blood collection, processing, storage, distribution, and blood transfusion; and COFEN's resolution # 629/2020 (COFEN nº 629/2020), which addresses in detail the practice of these services.

The evolution of legislation related to blood and blood-based products contributed to the consolidation of nurses' attributions in hemotherapy services since it guaranteed legal support and defined the practices in these services.

The evolution of legislation related to blood and blood-based products contributed to the consolidation of nurses' attributions in hemotherapy services since it guaranteed legal support and defined the practices in these services.

Autoři článku: Nievesmontgomery3932 (Caldwell Due)