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at mimics the wall of the uterus or making pregnancy hormones. Infigratinib mouse There is a real need for a renewable supply of placental cells in pregnancy research. Animal placentas are not the same as human ones, so it is not possible to learn everything about human pregnancy from animal models. A renewable supply of trophoblast stem cells could aid in studying how the placenta forms and why this process sometimes goes wrong. This could help researchers to better understand miscarriage, pre-eclampsia and other conditions that affect the growth of an unborn baby. In the future, it may even be possible to make custom trophoblast stem cells to study the specific fertility issues of an individual. © 2020, Dong et al.More than 30% of genes in higher eukaryotes are regulated by promoter-proximal pausing of RNA polymerase II (Pol II). Phosphorylation of Pol II CTD by positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) is a necessary precursor event that enables productive transcription elongation. The exact mechanism on how the sequestered P-TEFb is released from the 7SK snRNP complex and recruited to Pol II CTD remains unknown. In this report, we utilize mouse and human models to reveal methylphosphate capping enzyme (MePCE), a core component of the 7SK snRNP complex, as the cognate substrate for Jumonji domain-containing 6 (JMJD6)'s novel proteolytic function. Our evidences consist of a crystal structure of JMJD6 bound to methyl-arginine, enzymatic assays of JMJD6 cleaving MePCE in vivo and in vitro, binding assays, and downstream effects of Jmjd6 knockout and overexpression on Pol II CTD phosphorylation. We propose that JMJD6 assists bromodomain containing 4 (BRD4) to recruit P-TEFb to Pol II CTD by disrupting the 7SK snnzyme called MePCE, which belongs to the group of proteins that hold P-TEFb in its inactive form. Lee, Liu et al. then tested the relationships between these proteins in living human and mouse cells. The levels of activated Pol II were lower in cells without JMJD6 and higher in those without MePCE. Together, the results suggest that JMJD6 cuts MePCE to release P-TEFb, which then activates Pol II. JMJD6 appears to know where to cut by following a specific pattern of elements in the structure of MePCE. When MePCE was mutated so that the pattern changed, JMJD6 was unable to cut it. These results suggest that JMJD6 and related enzymes belong to a new family of proteases, the molecular scissors that can cleave other proteins. The molecules that regulate transcription often are major drug targets, for example in the fight against cancer. Ultimately, understanding the role of JMJD6 might help to identify new avenues for cancer drug development. © 2020, Lee et al.Khoomei is a unique singing style originating from the republic of Tuva in central Asia. Singers produce two pitches simultaneously a booming low-frequency rumble alongside a hovering high-pitched whistle-like tone. The biomechanics of this biphonation are not well-understood. Here, we use sound analysis, dynamic magnetic resonance imaging, and vocal tract modeling to demonstrate how biphonation is achieved by modulating vocal tract morphology. Tuvan singers show remarkable control in shaping their vocal tract to narrowly focus the harmonics (or overtones) emanating from their vocal cords. The biphonic sound is a combination of the fundamental pitch and a focused filter state, which is at the higher pitch (1-2 kHz) and formed by merging two formants, thereby greatly enhancing sound-production in a very narrow frequency range. Most importantly, we demonstrate that this biphonation is a phenomenon arising from linear filtering rather than from a nonlinear source. plain-language-summary The republic of Tuva, a r2020, Bergevin et al.Do developmental systems preferentially produce certain types of variation that orient phenotypic evolution along preferred directions? At different scales, from the intra-population to the interspecific, the murine first upper molar shows repeated anterior elongation. Using a novel quantitative approach to compare the development of two mouse strains with short or long molars, we identified temporal, spatial and functional differences in tooth signaling center activity, that arise from differential tuning of the activation-inhibition mechanisms underlying tooth patterning. By tracing their fate, we could explain why only the upper first molar reacts via elongation of its anterior part. Despite a lack of genetic variation, individuals of the elongated strain varied in tooth length and the temporal dynamics of their signaling centers, highlighting the intrinsic instability of the upper molar developmental system. Collectively, these results reveal the variational properties of murine molar development that drive morphological evolution along a line of least resistance. © 2020, Hayden et al.During development, many mutations cause increased variation in phenotypic outcomes, a phenomenon termed decanalization. Phenotypic discordance is often observed in the absence of genetic and environmental variations, but the mechanisms underlying such inter-individual phenotypic discordance remain elusive. Here, using the anterior-posterior (AP) patterning of the Drosophila embryo, we identified embryonic geometry as a key factor predetermining patterning outcomes under decanalizing mutations. With the wild-type AP patterning network, we found that AP patterning is robust to variations in embryonic geometry; segmentation gene expression remains reproducible even when the embryo aspect ratio is artificially reduced by more than twofold. In contrast, embryonic geometry is highly predictive of individual patterning defects under decanalized conditions of either increased bicoid (bcd) dosage or bcd knockout. We showed that the phenotypic discordance can be traced back to variations in the gap gene expression, which is rendered sensitive to the geometry of the embryo under mutations. © 2020, Huang et al.Axon caliber plays a crucial role in determining conduction velocity and, consequently, in the timing and synchronization of neural activation. Noninvasive measurement of axon radii could have significant impact on the understanding of healthy and diseased neural processes. Until now, accurate axon radius mapping has eluded in vivo neuroimaging, mainly due to a lack of sensitivity of the MRI signal to micron-sized axons. Here, we show how - when confounding factors such as extra-axonal water and axonal orientation dispersion are eliminated - heavily diffusion-weighted MRI signals become sensitive to axon radii. However, diffusion MRI is only capable of estimating a single metric, the effective radius, representing the entire axon radius distribution within a voxel that emphasizes the larger axons. Our findings, both in rodents and humans, enable noninvasive mapping of critical information on axon radii, as well as resolve the long-standing debate on whether axon radii can be quantified. © 2020, Veraart et al.in English, French Title Implication d’Anopheles funestus dans la transmission du paludisme dans la ville de Yaoundé au Cameroun. Abstract La contribution d’Anopheles funestus à la transmission du paludisme en milieu urbain n’est pas encore bien documentée. La présente étude évalue l’implication d’An. funestus dans la transmission du paludisme dans la ville de Yaoundé. L’étude a été menée dans deux quartiers de la ville de Yaoundé, Nsam et Mendong. Des moustiques adultes ont été collectés à l’aide des pièges lumineux de type CDC et sur volontaires humains d’avril 2017 à mars 2018. Les moustiques appartenant au genre Anopheles ont été analysés afin de déterminer leur statut infectant grâce à la technique ELISA. Des bio-essais ont été effectués sur des femelles d’An. funestus et An. gambiae s.l. âgées de 2 à 5 jours afin de déterminer leur sensibilité à la perméthrine, la deltaméthrine et le dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane (DDT). Six espèces d’anophèles ont été collectées dans le quartier périurbain de Mendong  An. gambiae, An. coluzzii, An. funestus, An. leesoni, An. ziemanni et An. marshallii ; seule les quatre premières ont été trouvées à Nsam. Des deux espèces du complexe An. gambiae retrouvées, An. coluzzii était la plus abondante. Anopheles gambiae s.l. était l’espèce prédominante à Nsam, tandis que An. funestus était la plus abondante à Mendong. Les deux espèces An. funestus et An. gambiae s.l. étaient infectées par des Plasmodium humains dans les deux sites, et se sont avérés résistantes au DDT, à la perméthrine et à la deltaméthrine. Cette étude confirme la participation d’An. funestus à la transmission du paludisme à Yaoundé et souligne la nécessité de cibler également cette espèce pour une lutte durable contre le paludisme.Two Gram-stain-negative, aerobic, motile and rod-shaped bacteria, one designated as strain AXBT, capable of degrading estrogens, and another, YL23T, capable of degrading estrogen and bisphenol A, were isolated from activated sludge in Xiamen City, PR China. The optimum temperature and pH of both strains were 25-35 °C and pH 7.0-8.0. While strain AXBT could tolerate 3 % (w/v) NaCl, YL23T could only grow between 0-1 % (w/v) NaCl. They contained ubiquinone-10 as the major quinone, spermidine as the major polyamine, summed feature 8 (comprising C181ω6c and/or C181ω7c) as the major fatty acids and diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and sphingoglycolipid as the major polar lipids. The DNA G+C contents of strains AXBT and YL23T were 63.6 and 63.7 mol%, respectively. Based on the results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strains AXBT and YL23T belonged to the genus Sphingobium. Strain AXBT was most closely related to Sphingobium chlorophenolicum NBRC 16172T (97.5 %) and Sphingobium chungbukense DJ77T (97.2 %), and strain YL23T was most closely related to S. chlorophenolicum NBRC 16172T (97.4 %) and S. quisquiliarum P25T (97.1 %). Average nucleotide identity values between these two strains and S. chlorophenolicum NBRC 16172T, S. chungbukense DJ77T, Sphingobium chinhatense IP26T, Sphingobium quisquiliarum P25T and Sphingobium japonicum UT26ST were from 80.7 to 85.8 %. In conclusion, strains AXBT and YL23T represent novel species of the genus Sphingobium, for which the names Sphingobium estronivorans sp. nov. and Sphingobium bisphenolivorans sp. nov. are proposed, respectively. The type strains of S. estronivorans and S. bisphenolivorans are AXBT (=MCCC 1K01232T=DSM 102173T) and YL23T (=MCCC 1K02300T=DSM 102172T), respectively.A Gram-stain-negative, non-motile and rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain 5.0403-2T, was isolated from a cave soil sample collected from Tiandong Cave, Guizhou Province, south-west PR China. Cells showed positive oxidase and catalase reactions. The predominant isoprenoid quinone was MK-7. The major fatty acids were identified as iso-C15  0, summed feature 3 (C16  1 ω7c and/or C16  1 ω6c), iso-C17  0 3OH and summed feature 9 (iso-C17  1 ω9c or C16  0 10-methyl). The cellular polar lipids contained phosphatidylethanolamine, one unidentified phospholipid, three unidentified phosphoglycolipids and four unidentified lipids. The genomic DNA G+C content was 36.0 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain 5.0403-2T should be assigned to the genus Sphingobacterium. Results of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity analysis showed that strain 5.0403-2T was most similar to Sphingobacterium bovisgrunnientis KCTC 52685T (98.7 %), Sphingobacterium composti KCTC 12578T (98.0 %) and Sphingobacterium alimentarium DSM 22362T (97.

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