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Verze z 17. 10. 2024, 15:22, kterou vytvořil Whitevaldez0109 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Humans have both intentional and unintentional impacts on their environment, yet identifying the enduring ecological legacies of past small-scale societies…“)
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Humans have both intentional and unintentional impacts on their environment, yet identifying the enduring ecological legacies of past small-scale societies remains difficult, and as such, evidence is sparse. The present study found evidence of an ecological legacy that persists today within an semiarid ecosystem of western North America. Specifically, the richness of ethnographically important plant species is strongly associated with archaeological complexity and ecological diversity at Puebloan sites in a region known as Bears Ears on the Colorado Plateau. A multivariate model including both environmental and archaeological predictors explains 88% of the variation in ethnographic species richness (ESR), with growing degree days and archaeological site complexity having the strongest effects. At least 31 plant species important to five tribal groups (Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, Ute Mountain Ute, and Apache), including the Four Corners potato (Solanum jamesii), goosefoot (Chenopodium sp.), wolfberry (Lycium pallidum), and sumac (Rhus trilobata), occurred at archaeological sites, despite being uncommon across the wider landscape. Our results reveal a clear ecological legacy of past human behavior even when holding environmental variables constant, ESR increases significantly as a function of past investment in habitation and subsistence. Consequently, we suggest that propagules of some species were transported and cultivated, intentionally or not, establishing populations that persist to this day. SMI-4a clinical trial Ensuring persistence will require tribal input for conserving and restoring archaeo-ecosystems containing "high-priority" plant species, especially those held sacred as lifeway medicines. This transdisciplinary approach has important implications for resource management planning, especially in areas such as Bears Ears that will experience greater visitation and associated impacts in the near future.The concept that gut microbiome-expressed functions regulate ponderal growth has important implications for infant and child health, as well as animal health. Using an intergenerational pig model of diet restriction (DR) that produces reduced weight gain, we developed a feature-selection algorithm to identify representative characteristics distinguishing DR fecal microbiomes from those of full-fed (FF) pigs as both groups consumed a common sequence of diets during their growth cycle. Gnotobiotic mice were then colonized with DR and FF microbiomes and subjected to controlled feeding with a pig diet. DR microbiomes have reduced representation of genes that degrade dominant components of late growth-phase diets, exhibit reduced production of butyrate, a key host-accessible energy source, and are causally linked to reduced hepatic fatty acid metabolism (β-oxidation) and the selection of alternative energy substrates. The approach described could aid in the development of guidelines for microbiome stewardship in diverse species, including farm animals, in order to support their healthy growth.The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is a potentially unstable component of the Earth system and may exhibit a critical transition under ongoing global warming. Mass reductions of the GrIS have substantial impacts on global sea level and the speed of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, due to the additional freshwater caused by increased meltwater runoff into the northern Atlantic. The stability of the GrIS depends crucially on the positive melt-elevation feedback (MEF), by which melt rates increase as the overall ice sheet height decreases under rising temperatures. Melting rates across Greenland have accelerated nonlinearly in recent decades, and models predict a critical temperature threshold beyond which the current ice sheet state is not maintainable. Here, we investigate long-term melt rate and ice sheet height reconstructions from the central-western GrIS in combination with model simulations to quantify the stability of this part of the GrIS. We reveal significant early-warning signals (EWS) indicating that the central-western GrIS is close to a critical transition. By relating the statistical EWS to underlying physical processes, our results suggest that the MEF plays a dominant role in the observed, ongoing destabilization of the central-western GrIS. Our results suggest substantial further GrIS mass loss in the near future and call for urgent, observation-constrained stability assessments of other parts of the GrIS.Multimodal imaging-the ability to acquire images of an object through more than one imaging mode simultaneously-has opened additional perspectives in areas ranging from astronomy to medicine. In this paper, we report progress toward combining optical and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in such a "dual" imaging mode. They are attractive in combination because they offer complementary advantages of resolution and speed, especially in the context of imaging in scattering environments. Our approach relies on a specific material platform, microdiamond particles hosting nitrogen vacancy (NV) defect centers that fluoresce brightly under optical excitation and simultaneously "hyperpolarize" lattice [Formula see text] nuclei, making them bright under MR imaging. We highlight advantages of dual-mode optical and MR imaging in allowing background-free particle imaging and describe regimes in which either mode can enhance the other. Leveraging the fact that the two imaging modes proceed in Fourier-reciprocal domains (real and k-space), we propose a sampling protocol that accelerates image reconstruction in sparse-imaging scenarios. Our work suggests interesting possibilities for the simultaneous optical and low-field MR imaging of targeted diamond nanoparticles.The programmability of DNA oligonucleotides has led to sophisticated DNA nanotechnology and considerable research on DNA nanomachines powered by DNA hybridization. Here, we investigate an extension of this technology to the micrometer-colloidal scale, in which observations and measurements can be made in real time/space using optical microscopy and holographic optical tweezers. We use semirigid DNA origami structures, hinges with mechanical advantage, self-assembled into a nine-hinge, accordion-like chemomechanical device, with one end anchored to a substrate and a colloidal bead attached to the other end. Pulling the bead converts the mechanical energy into chemical energy stored by unzipping the DNA that bridges the hinge. Releasing the bead returns this energy in rapid (>20 μm/s) motion of the bead. Force-extension curves yield energy storage/retrieval in these devices that is very high. We also demonstrate remote activation and sensing-pulling the bead enables binding at a distant site. This work opens the door to easily designed and constructed micromechanical devices that bridge the molecular and colloidal/cellular scales.Quantifying the abundance of species is essential to ecology, evolution, and conservation. The distribution of species abundances is fundamental to numerous longstanding questions in ecology, yet the empirical pattern at the global scale remains unresolved, with a few species' abundance well known but most poorly characterized. In large part because of heterogeneous data, few methods exist that can scale up to all species across the globe. Here, we integrate data from a suite of well-studied species with a global dataset of bird occurrences throughout the world-for 9,700 species (∼92% of all extant species)-and use missing data theory to estimate species-specific abundances with associated uncertainty. We find strong evidence that the distribution of species abundances is log left skewed there are many rare species and comparatively few common species. By aggregating the species-level estimates, we find that there are ∼50 billion individual birds in the world at present. The global-scale abundance estimates that we provide will allow for a line of inquiry into the structure of abundance across biogeographic realms and feeding guilds as well as the consequences of life history (e.g., body size, range size) on population dynamics. Importantly, our method is repeatable and scalable as data quantity and quality increase, our accuracy in tracking temporal changes in global biodiversity will increase. Moreover, we provide the methodological blueprint for quantifying species-specific abundance, along with uncertainty, for any organism in the world.Parallel adaptation provides valuable insight into the predictability of evolutionary change through replicated natural experiments. A steadily increasing number of studies have demonstrated genomic parallelism, yet the magnitude of this parallelism varies depending on whether populations, species, or genera are compared. This led us to hypothesize that the magnitude of genomic parallelism scales with genetic divergence between lineages, but whether this is the case and the underlying evolutionary processes remain unknown. Here, we resequenced seven parallel lineages of two Arabidopsis species, which repeatedly adapted to challenging alpine environments. By combining genome-wide divergence scans with model-based approaches, we detected a suite of 151 genes that show parallel signatures of positive selection associated with alpine colonization, involved in response to cold, high radiation, short season, herbivores, and pathogens. We complemented these parallel candidates with published gene lists from five additional alpine Brassicaceae and tested our hypothesis on a broad scale spanning ∼0.02 to 18 My of divergence. Indeed, we found quantitatively variable genomic parallelism whose extent significantly decreased with increasing divergence between the compared lineages. We further modeled parallel evolution over the Arabidopsis candidate genes and showed that a decreasing probability of repeated selection on the same standing or introgressed alleles drives the observed pattern of divergence-dependent parallelism. We therefore conclude that genetic divergence between populations, species, and genera, affecting the pool of shared variants, is an important factor in the predictability of genome evolution.Plants depend on the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) for CO2 fixation. However, especially in C3 plants, photosynthetic yield is reduced by formation of 2-phosphoglycolate, a toxic oxygenation product of Rubisco, which needs to be recycled in a high-flux-demanding metabolic process called photorespiration. Canonical photorespiration dissipates energy and causes carbon and nitrogen losses. Reducing photorespiration through carbon-concentrating mechanisms, such as C4 photosynthesis, or bypassing photorespiration through metabolic engineering is expected to improve plant growth and yield. The β-hydroxyaspartate cycle (BHAC) is a recently described microbial pathway that converts glyoxylate, a metabolite of plant photorespiration, into oxaloacetate in a highly efficient carbon-, nitrogen-, and energy-conserving manner. Here, we engineered a functional BHAC in plant peroxisomes to create a photorespiratory bypass that is independent of 3-phosphoglycerate regeneration or decarboxylation of photorespiratory precursors. While efficient oxaloacetate conversion in Arabidopsis thaliana still masks the full potential of the BHAC, nitrogen conservation and accumulation of signature C4 metabolites demonstrate the proof of principle, opening the door to engineering a photorespiration-dependent synthetic carbon-concentrating mechanism in C3 plants.

Autoři článku: Whitevaldez0109 (MacKinnon Ashley)