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Verze z 9. 10. 2024, 17:15, kterou vytvořil Edvardsenoddershede0104 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „In this Letter, we experimentally demonstrate self-organization of small tracers under the action of longitudinal Faraday waves in a narrow container. We o…“)
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In this Letter, we experimentally demonstrate self-organization of small tracers under the action of longitudinal Faraday waves in a narrow container. We observe a steady current formation dividing the interface in small cells given by Faraday-wave symmetries. These streaming currents rotate in each cell, and their circulation increases with wave amplitude. This streaming flow drives the tracers to form patterns, whose shapes depend on the Faraday-wave amplitude From low to high amplitudes, we find tracers dispersed on vortices, narrow rotating rings, and a hedgehoglike pattern. We first describe the main pattern features and characterize the wave and tracers' motion. selleck chemicals llc We then show experimentally that the main source of the streaming flow is the spatiotemporal-dependent shear at the wall contact line created by the Faraday wave itself. We end by presenting a 2D compressible advection model that considers the minimal ingredients present in the Faraday experiment, namely, the stationary circulation, the stretching component due to the oscillatory wave, and a steady converging field, which combined produce the observed self-organized patterns.We discuss vortex solutions of the Abelian Higgs model in the limit of large winding number n. We suggest a framework where a topological quantum number n is associated with a ratio of dynamical scales and a systematic expansion in inverse powers of n is then derived in the spirit of effective field theory. The general asymptotic form of giant vortices is obtained. For critical coupling the axially symmetric vortices become integrable in the large-n limit and we present the corresponding analytic solution. The method provides simple asymptotic formulas for the vortex shape and parameters with accuracy that can be systematically improved, and can be applied to topological solitons of other models. After including the next-to-leading terms the approximation works remarkably well down to n=1.Studies of energy flow in quantum systems complement the information provided by common conductance measurements. The quantum limit of heat flow in one-dimensional ballistic modes was predicted, and experimentally demonstrated, to have a universal value for bosons, fermions, and fractionally charged anyons. A fraction of this value is expected in non-Abelian states; harboring counterpropagating edge modes. In such exotic states, thermal-energy relaxation along the edge is expected, and can shed light on their topological nature. Here, we introduce a novel experimental setup that enables a direct observation of thermal-energy relaxation in chiral 1D edge modes in the quantum Hall effect. Edge modes, emanating from a heated reservoir, are partitioned by a quantum point contact (QPC) constriction, which is located at some distance along their path. The resulting low frequency noise, measured downstream, allows determination of the "effective temperature" of the edge mode at the location of the QPC. An expected, prominent energy relaxation was found in hole-conjugate states. However, relaxation was also observed in particlelike states, where heat is expected to be conserved. We developed a model, consisting of distance-dependent energy loss, which agrees with the observations; however, we cannot exclude energy redistribution mechanisms, which are not accompanied with energy loss.We derive a general criterion for determining the onset of superradiant phase transition in electronic bands coupled to a cavity field, with possibly electron-electron interactions. For longitudinal superradiance in 2D or genuine 1D systems, we prove that it is always prevented, thereby extending existing no-go theorems. Instead, a superradiant phase transition can occur to a nonuniform transverse cavity field and we give specific examples in noninteracting models, either through Fermi surface nesting or parabolic band touching. Investigating the resulting time-reversal symmetry breaking superradiant states, we find in the former case Fermi surface lifting down to four Dirac points on a square lattice model, with topologically protected zero modes, and in the latter case topological bands with nonzero Chern number on an hexagonal lattice.The nonlinear optical response of an excitonic insulator coupled to lattice degrees of freedom is shown to depend in strong and characteristic ways on whether the insulating behavior originates primarily from electron-electron or electron-lattice interactions. Linear response optical signatures of the massive phase mode and the amplitude (Higgs) mode are identified. Upon nonlinear excitation resonant to the phase mode, a new in-gap mode at twice the phase mode frequency is induced, leading to a huge second harmonic response. Excitation of in-gap phonon modes leads to different and much smaller effects. A Landau-Ginzburg theory analysis explains these different behaviors and reveals that a parametric resonance of the strongly excited phase mode is the origin of the photoinduced mode in the electron-dominant case. The difference in the nonlinear optical response serves as a measure of the dominant mechanism of the ordered phase.The Hermitian part of the field-mediated dipole-dipole interaction in infinite periodic arrays of two-level atoms yields an energy band of the singly excited states. In this Letter, we show that a dispersion relation, ω_k-ω_k_ex∝(k-k_ex)^s, near the band edge of the infinite system leads to the existence of subradiant states of finite one-dimensional arrays of N atoms with decay rates scaling as N^-(s+1). This explains the recently discovered N^-3 scaling and it leads to the prediction of power law scaling with higher power for special values of the lattice period. For the quantum optical implementation of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger topological model in a dimerized emitter array, the band gap closing inherent to topological transitions changes the value of s in the dispersion relation and alters the decay rates of the subradiant states by many orders of magnitude.High T_c superconductors show a rich variety of phases associated with their charge degrees of freedom. Valence charges can give rise to charge ordering or acoustic plasmons in these layered cuprate superconductors. While charge ordering has been observed for both hole- and electron-doped cuprates, acoustic plasmons have only been found in electron-doped materials. Here, we use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering to observe the presence of acoustic plasmons in two families of hole-doped cuprate superconductors (La_1.84Sr_0.16CuO_4 and Bi_2Sr_1.6La_0.4CuO_6+δ), crucially completing the picture. Interestingly, in contrast to the quasistatic charge ordering which manifests at both Cu and O sites, the observed acoustic plasmons are predominantly associated with the O sites, revealing a unique dichotomy in the behavior of valence charges in hole-doped cuprates.

Autoři článku: Edvardsenoddershede0104 (Gade Dall)