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Verze z 8. 10. 2024, 05:21, kterou vytvořil Kelleherstefansen6131 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Third, we demonstrate the usefulness of farming systems modeling to estimate multidimensional impacts of forages and for reducing agro-environmental trade-…“)
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Third, we demonstrate the usefulness of farming systems modeling to estimate multidimensional impacts of forages and for reducing agro-environmental trade-offs. We conclude that improved forages in East Africa are at a crossroads if adopted by farmers at scale, they can be a cornerstone of pathways toward sustainable livestock systems in East Africa.Agriculture in Africa is expected to meet the dual objectives of providing food and helping people to escape poverty. African agriculture is dominated by smallholdings and donors generally target their agricultural support at the smallholder sector. The expectation is that if the gap between actual and potential yields can be closed, smallholders will grow sufficient crops to feed their families, with a surplus to sell, thus meeting food security needs and bringing in an income to move them out of poverty. In practice, this is often not possible. While technologies already exist that can raise smallholder farmers' yields 3 or 4 times, even under rainfed conditions, the small size of land available to them limits how much can be grown and the per capita income from agriculture is insufficient to allow people to move above the current World Bank-defined poverty line of US$1.90 per day. We link this finding with farmer typologies to further explain that there are large differences between individual farming households themselves in terms of their investment incentives and capability to benefit from field-level technologies that are aimed at increasing farm productivity. We argue for more differentiated policies for agricultural development in Africa and suggest that policymakers should be much more aware of the heterogeneity of farms and target interventions accordingly. It is important to understand where and for whom agriculture will have the main purpose of ensuring food and nutritional security and where and for whom there is the potential for significant increases in incomes and a contribution to wider economic growth. Let us recognize the distinctiveness of these targets and underlying target groups and work towards solutions that address the underlying needs.The COVID-19 pandemic led to a rapid switch from undergraduate classroom teaching to online-teaching; a challenging process for teachers and students. Based on a recent online survey among German pediatric university hospitals the "AG Lehre der DGKJ" (teaching working group of the German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine) summarizes latest experiences with e‑learning during the summer term of 2020. The survey participants from 17 pediatric university hospitals report that the large spectrum of e‑learning formats could sufficiently replace classical lectures and seminars but could not fully replace teaching involving direct contact to patients. The introduction of new digital teaching formats is time-consuming, needs high-quality IT infrastructure, should be embedded in a continuous curriculum and provide the possibility of regular exchange between students and teachers. Teachers should be provided with the opportunity for training in didactic methods and IT skills. read more These results correspond to the literature on e‑learning in general and undergraduate medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic in particular. link2 The experiences summarized here should not only facilitate the development of e‑learning tools during the ongoing pandemic but also stimulate to establish e‑learning as a valuable component of future pediatric medical education. New digital substitutes for teaching involving pediatric patients need to be developed.The statement was drafted by consensus by the German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Working Group on Teaching and approved by the DGKJ board.It is reported about the case of a 3-year-old girl who was admitted to hospital with high fever, vomiting, skin rash, dehydration, suspected staphyloderma and for exclusion of a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2-infection (SARS-CoV‑2 infection). The suspicion of a toxic shock syndrome, among other inflammatory diseases as differential diagnoses, was based on profound erythroderma and arterial hypotension. The diagnostic pathway, treatment and clinical course of this rare disease are described.Humans and other animals are constantly learning new categories and making categorization decisions in their everyday life. However, different individuals may focus on different information when learning categories, which can impact the category representation and the information that is used when making categorization decisions. This article used computational modeling of behavioral data to take a closer look at this possibility in the context of a categorization task with redundancy. Iterative decision bomid modeling and drift diffusion models were used to detect individual differences in human categorization performance. The results show that participants differ in terms of what stimulus features they learned and how they use the learned features. For example, while some participants only learn one stimulus dimension (which is sufficient for perfect accuracy), others learn both stimulus dimensions (which is not required for perfect accuracy). Among participants that learned both dimensions, some used both dimensions, while others show error and RT patterns suggesting the use of only one of the dimensions. The diversity of obtained results is problematic for existing categorization models and suggests that each categorization model may be able to account for the performance of some but not all participants.Transmissivity and absorptivity measurements were carried out simultaneously in the visible (wavelength of 532 nm) at laboratory conditions using particle-laden filters obtained from a three-wavelength particle/soot absorption photometer (PSAP). The particles were collected on filters from wildland fires over the Pacific Northwest during the Department of Energy Biomass Burning Observation Project (BBOP) field campaign in 2013. The objective of this investigation was to apply this measurement approach, referred to as simultaneous transmission/absorption photometry (STAP), to estimate the aerosol extinction coefficient from actual field-campaign filter aerosol, and compare results with the PSAP. The STAP approach offers several advantages over the PSAP, including estimation of the extinction coefficient from temperature measurements (avoiding the complexities associated with filter reflectivity/scattering measurements), as well as determination of the filter optical properties and filter effects on particle abt matched the darkness of the filter coating, however the PSAP-filter results did not follow the same order. Although there were differences in transmissivity between the two techniques, the estimated values for absorption coefficient were in good agreement.As the COVID-19 crisis continues to develop, communities around the world find themselves living in new and uncertain times. School and university closures are significantly disrupting the lives of students, educators and researchers alike. With the sudden shift to online learning platforms, the limitations on research projects and the lack of standardised policies and procedures, many concerns arise surrounding the unequal impacts of this crisis. This article brings together diverse perspectives on the effects of COVID-19 on post-secondary life for students and scholars engaged in the field of Indigenous health research. The authors reflect on how this time has impacted them as a graduating student, incoming PhD student, junior faculty member and mid-career faculty member respectively. Their experiences of teaching and learning at a large, research-intensive university in Toronto, Canada have been profoundly transformed, and will continue to change the way they work, research and interact at the graduate level. link3 Working with Indigenous communities and organisations requires relationship building, collaboration and ceremony. In these unprecedented times, scholars cannot simply continue "business as usual". They must adapt everything, including how they teach, learn and work with Indigenous peoples, who are particularly vulnerable to this pandemic. Reflecting on the impacts that have already occurred and those that are still likely to come, the authors discuss what changes may need to be made in academia to support diverse actors within their scholarly community. They suggest changes to their scholarship with Indigenous communities in Canada to help them continue to work in a respectful, reciprocal and culturally appropriate way.In this article, organisers of the annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), held during March and April 2020, share their story of moving the planned on-site conference to a virtual space, as necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Their analysis of the vCIES (the name given to the virtual conference) process not only provides an example of a disruption to the status quo of the institution of conferencing as a result of a global pandemic, but also extends it by addressing the multiplying concerns, urgent considerations and actions needed within academic communities for more equal and accessible conferencing in the unfolding climate catastrophe. The authors begin by discussing the challenge of academic conferencing in the age of COVID-19 and climate crisis. They highlight how their decolonial political stance (which critiques accepting Western knowledge and Western culture as the norm) and their climate-conscious approach informed their preparation of a virtual conference pilot already intended as an experimental extension to this year's on-site event. They suggest the development of this pilot provided the necessary platform for transforming the vCIES into an effective and engaging virtual experience for participants. The vCIES process, including considerations concerning its structure and format and the necessary technology, is detailed in the subsequent sections. In the final part of their article, the authors briefly identify and discuss some of the opportunities, challenges and implications emerging from their vCIES experiences. Ultimately, they suggest that in a time of instability, insecurity and uncertainty, there need to be alternatives to large on-site conferences which require excessive and extensive academic mobility. The vCIES was a step in that direction as an accessible, environmentally responsive, more equal, and intergenerational and multispecies event that welcomed families, children and pets, while opening the space for new interdisciplinary encounters.Materials with a stochastic fiber network as the main structural constituent are broadly encountered in engineering and in biology. These materials are characterized by multiscale heterogeneity and hence their properties evaluated numerically or experimentally are generally dependent on the size of the sample considered. In this work we evaluate the size effect on the linear and non-linear mechanical response of three-dimensional stochastic fiber networks and determine its dependence on material parameters and on the degree of affinity of network deformation. The size effect is more pronounced in non-affine than in affine networks and decreases slowly when the model size increases. In order to eliminate this effect, models lager than can be effectively solved with current computers have to be considered. To address this issue, we propose a method that allows using relatively small models, while accurately predicting the small and large strain behaviors of the network. The method is based on the generalized boundary conditions introduced in (Glüge 2013, Computational Materials Science 79, 408-416), which are being adapted here to the requirements imposed by fibrous materials.

Autoři článku: Kelleherstefansen6131 (Goodman Antonsen)