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Verze z 5. 10. 2024, 21:17, kterou vytvořil Villumsenkragh5318 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Dependency links in single-layer networks offer a convenient way of modeling nonlocal percolation effects in networked systems where certain pairs of nodes…“)
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Dependency links in single-layer networks offer a convenient way of modeling nonlocal percolation effects in networked systems where certain pairs of nodes are only able to function together. We study the percolation properties of the weak variant of this model Nodes with dependency neighbors may continue to function if at least one of their dependency neighbors is active. We show that this relaxation of the dependency rule allows for more robust structures and a rich variety of critical phenomena, as percolation is not determined strictly by finite dependency clusters. We study Erdős-Rényi and random scale-free networks with an underlying Erdős-Rényi network of dependency links. We identify a special "cusp" point above which the system is always stable, irrespective of the density of dependency links. We find continuous and discontinuous hybrid percolation transitions, separated by a tricritical point for Erdős-Rényi networks. For scale-free networks with a finite degree cutoff we observe the appearance of a critical point and corresponding double transitions in a certain range of the degree distribution exponent. We show that at a special point in the parameter space, where the critical point emerges, the giant viable cluster has the unusual critical singularity S-S_c∝(p-p_c)^1/4. We study the robustness of networks where connectivity degrees and dependency degrees are correlated and find that scale-free networks are able to retain their high resilience for strong enough positive correlation, i.e., when hubs are protected by greater redundancy.We investigate how the properties of inhomogeneous patterns of activity, appearing in many natural and social phenomena, depend on the temporal resolution used to define individual bursts of activity. To this end, we consider time series of microscopic events produced by a self-exciting Hawkes process, and leverage a percolation framework to study the formation of macroscopic bursts of activity as a function of the resolution parameter. We find that the very same process may result in different distributions of avalanche size and duration, which are understood in terms of the competition between the 1D percolation and the branching process universality class. Pure regimes for the individual classes are observed at specific values of the resolution parameter corresponding to the critical points of the percolation diagram. A regime of crossover characterized by a mixture of the two universal behaviors is observed in a wide region of the diagram. Ginkgolic The hybrid scaling appears to be a likely outcome for an analysis of the time series based on a reasonably chosen, but not precisely adjusted, value of the resolution parameter.Mobile charge in an electrolytic solution can in principle be represented as the divergence of ionic polarization. After adding explicit solvent polarization a finite volume of an electrolyte can then be treated as a composite nonuniform dielectric body. Writing the electrostatic interactions as an integral over electric-field energy density we show that the Poisson-Boltzmann functional in this formulation is convex and can be used to derive the equilibrium equations for electric potential and ion concentration by a variational procedure developed by Ericksen for dielectric continua [J. L. Ericksen, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 183, 299 (2007)AVRMAW0003-952710.1007/s00205-006-0042-4]. The Maxwell field equations are enforced by extending the set of variational parameters by a vector potential representing the dielectric displacement which is fully transverse in a dielectric system without embedded external charge. The electric-field energy density in this representation is a function of the vector potential and the sum of ionic and solvent polarization making the mutual screening explicit. Transverse polarization is accounted for by construction, lifting the restriction to longitudinal polarization inherent in the electrostatic potential based formulation of Poisson-Boltzmann mean field theory.The inference of Shannon entropy out of sample histograms is known to be affected by systematic and random errors that depend on the finite size of the available data set. This dependence was mostly investigated in the multinomial case, in which states are visited in an independent fashion. In this paper the asymptotic behavior of the distribution of the sample Shannon entropy, also referred to as plug-in estimator, is investigated in the case of an underlying finite Markov process characterized by a regular stochastic matrix. As the size of the data set tends to infinity, the plug-in estimator is shown to become asymptotically normal, though in a way that substantially deviates from the known multinomial case. The asymptotic behavior of bias and variance of the plug-in estimator are expressed in terms of the spectrum of the stochastic matrix and of the related covariance matrix. Effects of initial conditions are also considered. By virtue of the formal similarity with Shannon entropy, the results are directly applicable to the evaluation of permutation entropy.We study the orientational order of an immobile fish school. Starting from the second Newton law, we show that the inertial dynamics of orientations is ruled by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. This process describes the dynamics of alignment between neighboring fish in a shoal-a dynamics already used in the literature for mobile fish schools. First, in a fluid at rest, we calculate the global polarization (i.e., the mean orientation of the fish), which decreases rapidly as a function of noise. We show that the faster a fish is able to reorient itself the more the school can afford to reorder itself for important noise values. Second, in the presence of a stream, each fish tends to orient itself and swims against the flow so-called rheotaxis. So, even in the presence of a flow, it results in an immobile fish school. By adding an individual rheotaxis effect to alignment interaction between fish, we show that in a noisy environment individual rheotaxis is enhanced by alignment interactions between fish.The infiltration of a solute in a fractal porous medium is usually anomalous, but chemical reactions of the solute and that material may increase the porosity and affect the evolution of the infiltration. We study this problem in two- and three-dimensional lattices with randomly distributed porous sites at the critical percolation thresholds and with a border in contact with a reservoir of an aggressive solute. The solute infiltrates that medium by diffusion and the reactions with the impermeable sites produce new porous sites with a probability r, which is proportional to the ratio of reaction and diffusion rates at the scale of a lattice site. Numerical simulations for r≪1 show initial subdiffusive scaling and long time Fickean scaling of the infiltrated volumes or areas, but with an intermediate regime with time increasing rates of infiltration and reaction. The anomalous exponent of the initial regime agrees with a relation previously applied to infinitely ramified fractals. We develop a scaling approach that explains the subsequent time increase of the infiltration rate, the dependence of this rate on r, and the crossover to the Fickean regime.

Autoři článku: Villumsenkragh5318 (Woodard Bradshaw)