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Verze z 4. 10. 2024, 13:26, kterou vytvořil Watsonwang0739 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Phenolic benzotriazoles are ultraviolet-light absorbers used in a variety of industrial and consumer applications. We investigated the toxicokinetic behavi…“)
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Phenolic benzotriazoles are ultraviolet-light absorbers used in a variety of industrial and consumer applications. We investigated the toxicokinetic behaviour of 9 compounds, covering unsubstituted, monosubstituted, disubstituted, and trisubstituted compounds, following a single gavage (30 and 300 mg/kg) and intravenous (IV) (2.25 mg/kg) administration in male rats.Following IV administration, no distinct pattern in plasma elimination was observed for the compounds with half-lives ranging from 15.4-84.8 h. learn more Systemic exposure parameters, maximum concentration (Cmax) and area under the concentration time curve (AUC), generally increased with the degree of substitution.Following gavage administration, Cmax and AUC of unsubstituted compound were lower compared to the substituted compounds. Cmax and AUC increased ≤7-fold with a 10-fold increase in the dose except for the AUC of the unsubstituted compound where the increase was 30-fold. Plasma elimination half-lives for the class ranged from 1.57 to 192 h with the exception of 30 mg/kg drometrizole.Oral bioavailability was low with ∼ 6% estimated for unsubstituted compound and 12.8-23% for others at 30 mg/kg dose. Bioavailability was lower following administration of the higher dose.Taken collectively, these data point to low oral absorption of phenolic benzotriazoles. The absorption decreased with increasing dose. Substituted compounds may be less metabolized compared to the unsubstituted.We present our work as psychoanalysts in the interdisciplinary psychosomatic unit of a paediatric hospital. As the starting point for our work we use Winnicott's understanding of the psychosomatic dilemma delineated in his paper on psychosomatic illness in its positive and negative aspects. The central hypothesis is that splitting the medical field into many highly specialized fields can be understood as a display of the psychosomatic patients' inner need for splitting and their defence against integration. Based on four case examples from different developmental periods, we demonstrate the interconnectedness of the relational environment, developmental processes, and psychic and biological conditions, and show how early experiences of threat and deprivation can cause the soma-psyche unit to fragment. Drawing on several psychoanalytic psychosomatic schools, we delineate treatment principles of the psychoanalytic contribution to the interdisciplinary work and of the individual psychoanalytic treatment.This paper describes the psychoanalytic treatment of a woman patient during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the setting was profoundly disrupted and was transferred from in-person psychoanalysis to telephone sessions. Drawing on Bleger's formulations on the construction of the analytic frame and on André Green's on the function of the framing structure in the construction and elaboration of phantasy life, the case study shows how, in the absence of the physicality of the setting, the most primitive anxieties about the symbiotic relationship with the mother were expressed and contained in the transference and countertransference in the analysis. The author offers some considerations about the notion of "background of the uncanny", derived from Yolanda Gampel, which draws attention to the challenges when both patient and analyst are inserted into the same traumatic wider context. It is suggested that the production of an art object by the patient during this period represents a step in the elaboration of the work of mourning and towards symbolization.Enactment as a psychoanalytic concept was coined by Jacobs in 1986. Since then, it has developed within the psychoanalytic community as a concept. Originally, enactment described an aspect of countertransference expressed through subtle actions within the analytic process, as distinct from noisier performances that fall within the spectrum of "acting out". Nowadays, the concept of enactment poses some difficulties that should not be ignored. As a theoretical concept, enactment has a complex epistemological position, and as a clinical concept it sheds light on contemporary psychoanalytic practices. This paper explores the results from an empirical and conceptual research work, focusing on the history, translations and usages of the term "enactment", and its comparison with related terms. It will also consider the epistemological perspective regarding the current status of enactment as a scientific concept and its relationship with the psychoanalytic theoretical field.What has come into question in our analytic practice with children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic? Do the new practices related to the virtual allow the creation of a therapeutic playground and the continuity of an analytic process? In the literature, the effectiveness and the perplexities raised in teleanalysis with adults are described. Conversely, no research on the use of the virtual in child analysis is available. Given the specificity of the developmental age, the three authors present their clinical experience and theoretical and technical reflections on the remote setting with children and adolescents. Particular emphasis is given to the technical changes and to the deep meaning that these changes have had in reference to the analytic relationship. Using the Winnicottian theoretical vertex, the opposition between fetishistic and transitional use, the denial of separation and recognition of otherness in the analytic virtual space will be discussed using clinical examples. The video tool may generate in children a great excitement and unleash the infantile sexual perversions. The co-creation of an intermediate virtual playground allows sufficient psychic continuity to work on the unconscious material, and even to make emerge previous traumas that then find a chance to be worked-through.This article follows almost chronologically the COVID crisis between March and May 2020 during what is called, at least in Europe, the "first wave". Each 'Act' of our internal and external theatre is therefore a moment with a specific date, with the questions that were then pertinent. These 'Acts' were First was the setting up of remote sessions under health pressures and the recommendations of our psychoanalytic institutions. This change in the frame and its consequences will be presented from various technical points of view, which have ostensibly raised some original metapsychological hypotheses.Then, concerning our profession, its very status as either essential or inessential has been discussed by public authorities, and inevitably by our patients, who will après-coup have to give meaning to our reactions during this crisis.We will next study the effects of remote sessions, particularly from its psychoanalytic 'economic' perspective, and as a kind of 'credit for in-presence' in the early stages of quarantine.We will then be looking at the hypothesis of a maternal element in the sessions, imperceptible in normal times, but suddenly palpable in the context of the absence of physical bodies.Finally, we will propose developments through workshops as an option in order to find a response to this unexpected event at the global scale.Using Winnicott's theory, this article produces an account of the individual's relation to a given conceptual framework. Whereas Winnicott's ideas have been almost exclusively discussed in developmental and psychopathological contexts, the present article extends Winnicott's theory and applies it to the problem of interpersonal understanding. Taking a lead from one of Winnicott's letters to Klein, the article investigates the problem of expressing one's idiosyncratic insights in the confines of a given conceptual framework. The article examines Winnicott's theory of compliance and creativity, discusses the plea that Winnicott makes to Klein, analyses the encounter with a "dead language", and investigates the asymmetrical structure of interpersonal understanding. Cashing out the latter in terms of an "illusion of contact", the article enhances our interpretation of the successes and shortcomings of interpersonal encounters - in everyday life, in clinical settings, and in the historical community of researchers. By focusing on the last mentioned in particular, the article brings forth neglected aspects of Winnicott's thinking and uses these to assess the conditions of an open dialogue within the psychoanalytic community.This essay is about what it is like to read Freud again in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. It offers a close reading of Freud's essay "On Transience" and it brings to light how it might be read differently with the thoughts of world-catastrophe on our minds.Grotstein's concept of projective transidentification led the author to reconsider the reasons that have led to the plurality of psychoanalytic models. The solution proposed is the existence of a fundamental frontal-occipital oscillatory dynamic, responsible for the projective-introjective dynamic that is at the basis of psychoanalytic theory and, at the same time, of the development and maintenance of mother-infant attunement. Such an oscillatory dynamic, according to this perspective, operates as a "bridge" between two seminal theoretical models of development - the psychoanalytic and the infant research model. A set of neurological hypotheses regarding how maternal interaction may act to modify the infant's projective-introjective dynamic and general brain development is proposed. The different possible modifications of this dynamic offer an explanation of the variety and complexity of psychoanalytic models and the opportunity for a unitary approach, both clinical and theoretical. Given that it is considered to be the basis for cerebral activity, the oscillatory dynamic appears intrinsically connected with the default mode network's functions of Self-cohesiveness and environmental monitoring, suggesting an important interface between psychoanalysis and the neurosciences.Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) represents an established, evidence-based dietary therapy used in Crohn's disease (CD); although successful, EEN is extremely restrictive with limited acceptability and prolonged use. The Crohn's disease exclusion diet (CDED) is a new, sustainable and patient-friendly dietary therapy used for the management of pediatric CD. CDED is designed to reduce exposure to dietary components hypothesized to negatively affect the microbiome, intestinal barrier and immunity. By focusing on five clinical cases, this article illustrates the benefits of using CDED as mono- or co-therapy with partial enteral nutrition in children with mild to moderate CD. CDED combined with partial enteral nutrition is a safe and effective therapeutic option for both induction and maintenance therapy in children with mild to moderate CD. It ensures sustained remission and can induce mucosal healing in children with mild to moderate Crohn's disease.A multi-wave study across two months tested changes in motivation for staying at home at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in the UK and US in 683 living-alone older adults (mean age = 53 years), those that might experience greater psychological costs of being isolated for long periods of time. The study was focused on changes in two types of motivation autonomous motivation- finding importance in the task of staying at home, and controlled motivation- staying at home because of felt pressure or choicelessness, as autonomous motivation predicts effective behavior change better than controlled motivation, especially long-term. Predictions grounded in self-determination theory (SDT) tested whether three motivating aspects of messages to stay at home from governmental and public health agencies, physicians, the news, and family and friends predicted changes in these motivations across time. Perceiving messages to stay at home as controlling predicted increases in controlled motivation and decreases in autonomous motivation over two months.

Autoři článku: Watsonwang0739 (Nyholm Sehested)