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Verze z 2. 10. 2024, 12:05, kterou vytvořil Carterfoldager9885 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Both natural processes and anthropogenic activities have significant effects on groundwater evolution in coal mining regions. In this study, the primary co…“)
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Both natural processes and anthropogenic activities have significant effects on groundwater evolution in coal mining regions. In this study, the primary controlling mechanism of the groundwater chemistry evolution for the Carboniferous groundwater in the Huaibei coalfield, North China was proposed based on the hydrogeochemical indicators combining with multiple isotope tracers. The diversity of hydrochemical types indicates the complexity of the hydrogeochemical environment in the groundwater, which is recharged by precipitation infiltration with minimal evaporation according to the distributions of δD and δ18O. Additionally, ion correlation analysis suggests that minerals dissolution and cation exchange between Na+ and Ca2+ are the dominant processes within that groundwater. The hydrochemical and δ13CDIC characteristics of the groundwater demonstrate that HCO3- is mainly controlled by the dissolution of carbonate minerals and soil CO2, and the proportion of the latter is believed to be dominated by the hydrogeologic conditions. Similarly, the values of SO42- and δ34SSO4 indicate that a small portion of SO42- in the groundwater in the northern part originates from the meteoric precipitation, while it is mainly derived from the dissolution of gypsum in the southern part. Furthermore, mining activities also alter the groundwater level and flow conditions through pumping and drainage, which enhances the interaction between groundwater and aquifer lithologies, thereby affects the hydrogeochemical processes. The findings of this work are of great significance for promoting the safe exploitation of deep coal resources and the sustainable utilization of groundwater in the Huaibei coalfield, as well as the most of other coalfields in North China.This corrects the article DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.052405.This corrects the article DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.103.023205.We consider the ground-state phase diagram of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 XXZ chain with a spatially modulated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the presence of an alternating magnetic field applied along the z[over ̂] axis. The model is studied using the continuum-limit bosonization approach and the finite system exact numerical technique. In the absence of a magnetic field, the ground-state phase diagram of the model includes, besides the ferromagnetic and gapless Luttinger-liquid phases, two gapped phases the composite (C1) phase characterized by the coexistence of long-range-ordered (LRO) alternating dimerization and spin chirality patterns, and the composite (C2) phase characterized by, in addition to the coexisting spin dimerization and alternating chirality patterns, the presence of LRO antiferromagnetic order. In the case of mentioned composite gapped phases, and in the case of a uniform magnetic field, the commensurate-incommensurate type quantum phase transitions from a gapful phase into a gapless phase have been identified and described using the bosonization treatment and finite chain exact diagonalization studies. The upper critical magnetic field corresponding to the transition into a fully polarized state has been also determined. It has been shown that the very presence of a staggered component of the magnetic field vapes the composite (C1) in favor of the composite gapped (C2) phase.A Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes model is presented with the property that it admits self-consistent, high-order spatial profiles in simulations of two-fluid turbulent mixing layers. Raf inhibitor drugs Whereas previous models have been limited by the assumption of a linear mixing profile, the present paper relaxes this assumption and, as a result, is shown to achieve much better agreement with experimental profiles. Similarity analysis is presented to derive constraints on model coefficients to enforce desired self-similar growth rates that are fully consistent with the high-order spatial profiles. Through this similarity analysis, it is shown that care must be taken in model construction, as it is possible to construct certain terms in such a way as to leave growth rates unconstrained. This model, termed the k-ϕ-L-a-V model, is then applied in simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor, Richtmyer-Meshkov, and Kelvin-Helmholtz mixing layers. These simulations confirm that the expected growth parameters are recovered and high-order spatial profiles are maintained.We study the probability distribution of entanglement in the quantum symmetric simple exclusion process, a model of fermions hopping with random Brownian amplitudes between neighboring sites. We consider a protocol where the system is initialized in a pure product state of M particles, and we focus on the late-time distribution of Rényi-q entropies for a subsystem of size ℓ. By means of a Coulomb gas approach from random matrix theory, we compute analytically the large-deviation function of the entropy in the thermodynamic limit. For q>1, we show that, depending on the value of the ratio ℓ/M, the entropy distribution displays either two or three distinct regimes, ranging from low to high entanglement. These are connected by points where the probability density features singularities in its third derivative, which can be understood in terms of a transition in the corresponding charge density of the Coulomb gas. Our analytic results are supported by numerical Monte Carlo simulations.This paper presents a conceptual design for quantum heat machines using a pair of coupled double quantum dots (DQDs), each DQD with an excess electron to interact, as an working substance. We define a compression ratio as the ratio between the Coulomb couplings which describes the interaction between the electrons during the isochoric processes of the quantum Otto cycle and then we analyze the arising of different regimes of operations of our thermal machine. We also show that we may change the operation mode of an Otto engine when considering the effects due to the quantum tunneling of a single electron between each individual DQD.We derive a quantum kinetic equation under discrete impurities for the Wigner function from the quantum Liouville equation. To attain this goal, the electrostatic Coulomb potential is separated into the long- and short-range parts, and the self-consistent coupling with Poisson's equation is explicitly taken into account within the analytical framework. It is shown that the collision integral associated with impurity scattering as well as the usual drift term is derived on an equal footing. As a result, we find that the conventional treatment of impurity scattering under the Wigner function scheme is inconsistent in the sense that the collision integral is introduced in an ad hoc way and, thus, the short-range part of the impurity potential is double-counted. The Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) is then derived without imposing the assumption of random impurity configurations over the substrate. The derived BTE would be applicable to describe the discrete nature of impurities such as potential fluctuations.We study the effects of gauge-symmetry breaking (GSB) perturbations in three-dimensional lattice gauge theories with scalar fields. We study this issue at transitions in which gauge correlations are not critical and the gauge symmetry only selects the gauge-invariant scalar degrees of freedom that become critical. A paradigmatic model in which this behavior is realized is the lattice CP^1 model or, more generally, the lattice Abelian-Higgs model with two-component complex scalar fields and compact gauge fields. We consider this model in the presence of a linear GSB perturbation. The gauge symmetry turns out to be quite robust with respect to the GSB perturbation the continuum limit is gauge invariant also in the presence of a finite small GSB term. We also determine the phase diagram of the model. It has one disordered phase and two phases that are tensor and vector ordered, respectively. They are separated by continuous transition lines, which belong to the O(3), O(4), and O(2) vector universality classes, and which meet at a multicritical point. We remark that the behavior at the CP^1 gauge-symmetric critical point substantially differs from that at transitions in which gauge correlations become critical, for instance at transitions in the noncompact lattice Abelian-Higgs model that are controlled by the charged fixed point in this case, the behavior is extremely sensitive to GSB perturbations.The stellarator as a concept of magnetic confinement fusion requires careful design to confine particles effectively. A design possibility is to equip the magnetic field with a property known as quasisymmetry. Though it is generally believed that a steady-state quasisymmetric equilibrium can only be exact locally (unless the system has a direction of continuous symmetry such as the tokamak), we suggest in this work that a change in the equilibrium paradigm can ameliorate this limitation. We demonstrate that there exists a deep physical connection between quasisymmetry and magnetostatic equilibria with anisotropic pressure, extending beyond the isotropic pressure equilibria commonly considered.When two resonantly interacting modes are in contact with a thermostat, their statistics is exactly Gaussian and the modes are statistically independent despite strong interaction. Considering a noise-driven system, we show that when one mode is pumped and another dissipates, the statistics of such cascades is never close to Gaussian, no matter what is the relation between interaction and noise. One finds substantial phase correlation in the limit of strong interaction or weak noise. Surprisingly, the mutual information between modes increases and entropy decreases when interaction strength decreases. We use the model to elucidate the fundamental problem of far-from equilibrium physics where the information, or entropy deficit, is encoded, and how singular measures form. For an instability-driven system, such as laser, even a small added noise leads to large fluctuations of the relative phase near the stability threshold, while far from the equilibrium the conversion into the second harmonic is weakly affected by noise.Networks of stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neurons, both at the mean-field level and in square lattices, present a continuous absorbing phase transition with power-law neuronal avalanches at the critical point. Here we complement these results showing that small-world Watts-Strogatz networks have mean-field critical exponents for any rewiring probability p>0. For the ring (p=0), the exponents are the same from the dimension d=1 of the directed-percolation class. In the model, firings are stochastic and occur in discrete time steps, based on a sigmoidal firing probability function. Each neuron has a membrane potential that integrates the signals received from its neighbors. The membrane potentials are subject to a leakage parameter. We study topologies with a varied number of neuron connections and different values of the leakage parameter. Results indicate that the dynamic range is larger for p=0. We also study a homeostatic synaptic depression mechanism to self-organize the network towards the critical region. These stochastic oscillations are characteristic of the so-called self-organized quasicriticality.

Autoři článku: Carterfoldager9885 (Geertsen Houmann)