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Verze z 1. 10. 2024, 15:49, kterou vytvořil Richgreenberg9060 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „As countries look to ease restrictions and manage second waves of cases, apps are appealing but fraught with issues, reports Adam Vaughan. © 2020.From lif…“)
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As countries look to ease restrictions and manage second waves of cases, apps are appealing but fraught with issues, reports Adam Vaughan. © 2020.From lifestyle to immune system differences, there are a number of reasons why men may be more affected by covid-19, reports Graham Lawton. © 2020.Key scientific data and advice to the UK government won't be published until the coronavirus pandemic ends, reports David Adam. © 2020.Coronavirus will overshadow Earth Day's golden anniversary, but the movement's successes are worth celebrating, says Gary Paul Nabhan. © 2020.Official advice on masks for the general public is mixed, and there are concerns about taking vital supplies away from healthcare workers, reports Jessica Hamzelou. © 2020.Doctors on the front line in the Chinese province where the coronavirus outbreak started tell Donna Lu about their experiences treating covid-19. © 2020.As covid-19 begins to take hold, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has detected its first new Ebola cases in months, reports Peter Yeung. © 2020.Fever can be deadly, but in moderation it could have some surprising upsides, as Linda Geddes discovers. © 2020 Reed Business Information Ltd, England.A young couple in need of a starter home meet an estate agent who is very definitely not what he seems, and nor is the estate he shows them. Vivarium packs a powerful punch, says Simon Ings. © 2020.The new coronavirus has many of us stuck at home. The result could fundamentally reshape how we use the internet, writes Annalee Newitz. © 2020.Children will face many hidden negative effects from the new coronavirus- it's not too late to avert them, says Paul Ramchandani. © 2020.With more than a third of the world living under covid-19 restrictions, it is time to decide what happens next, reports Graham Lawton. © 2020.Coronavirus will play out very differently in the world's poorest nations. © 2020.Knowing the true rate of death from covid-19 will help us fight the pandemic, but for the moment it eludes us, reports Michael Le Page. © 2020.Thousands of people are searching for coronavirus treatments. Which are most promising and when will we have them, asks Carrie Arnold. © 2020 Reed Business Information Ltd, England.David Attenborough's latest film A Life on Our Planet is a powerful and unusually personal call to action, finds Timothy Revell. © 2020.Going out into the natural world is good for your health and mind, and you can still get some of the same benefits even when stuck inside, says Graham Lawton. © 2020.We can't lose sight of the climate emergency when dealing with the covid-19 pandemic, say Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. © 2020.Microsoft-owned firm to go ahead with work to safeguard commonly used data. © 2020.If there is a shortage of breathing machines, doctors and ethicists say priority should go to people with the best chance of recovery, reports Alice Klein. © 2020.UK prime minister Boris Johnson says antibody tests for covid-19 are a game changer, but they may not do much in the short term, argues Michael Le Page. © 2020.Our pandemic response is cutting emissions, but it isn't a climate change fix. PF-07220060 in vitro © 2020.We don't yet know if being exposed to more coronavirus particles leads to more severe covid-19 symptoms, reports Linda Geddes. © 2020.The coronavirus outbreak has hit the city hard and doctors are racing to treat the rapidly increasing cases, reports Carrie Arnold. © 2020.The new coronavirus is no small threat, but we are starting to understand how it works, reports Michael Marshall. © 2020.With the second-highest number of coronavirus cases globally, Italy is taking dramatic steps to slow the spread, reports Adam Vaughan. © 2020 Reed Business Information Ltd, England.This editorial calls for greater use of academic-practitioner workshops to co-create value for academics, practitioners and wider network actors through promotion of research relevance and sharing of problems, ideas and data. It describes how one such workshop, the 2nd Academic-Practitioner Research with Impact Workshop focusing on the design and decision making for customer experience, co-hosted in Manchester on 18th and 19th of June 2018 by Alliance Manchester Business School and Loughborough University's Centre for Service Management (CSM), was delivered. The key processes for success and issues to consider for future such events are discussed. The workshop resulted in 8 papers (six theoretical and two empirical). This Special Issue advances current understanding of CE through the research considering the role of technology (AI and big data) in CE research, atypical CE (vulnerability, deviance behaviours and service failure and recovery) and focusing on important organizational and B2B issues (business model innovation, and CEM in business markets). © 2020 Published by Elsevier Inc.Hyperglycemia is one of the metabolic characteristics of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Considering that GDM is able to cause changes in the gut bacterial community and function in the mother's intestine compared with healthy pregnant women, we aimed to clarify the correlation between hyperglycemia and gut microbiota in a GDM mouse model. Mice were divided into four groups CE0, GDME0, CE18, and GDME18. C and GDM represent the control (C) and GDM groups, while E0 and E18 represent early or late trimesters of embryo day 0 or 18, respectively. GDM mouse models were created by injecting streptozocin on embryo day 0. The gut microbiota was characterized using the Illumina MiSeq platform targeting the V3-4 region of the 16S rRNA. Operational taxonomic unit analysis revealed a significant difference between CE18 and CE0, in which Akkermansia and Prevotellaceae were more abundant in the early trimester group, CE0. Moreover, the Clostridiales_vadinBB60 group was more abundant, while Parasutterella was much lower in GDME18 than in CE18. The gut microbiota community structure correlated with the GDM state, and LEfSe and molecular ecological network analysis further confirmed these diversities. Our research shows that changes in the community structure of the gut microbiota from the early to late trimester correlate with the GDM state. Changes in the abundance of the probiotic bacteria Akkermansia, Prevotellaceae, and Parasutterella may be involved in the GDM state. © Association of Microbiologists of India 2020.Pattern recognition and feature extraction of images always have been important subjects in improving the performance of image classification and Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Recently, Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms are utilized widely in order to achieve these targets. In this research, an efficient method for image description is proposed which is developed by Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms. This method is created using combination of an improved AlexNet Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) descriptors. Furthermore, the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm has been used for dimension reduction. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the offered method compared to existing methods by improving the accuracy, mean Average Precision (mAP) and decreasing the complex computation. The experiments have been run on Corel-1000, OT and FP datasets. © 2020 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), including c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), play important role in the regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and signaling cascades. Therefore, JNKs are key targets for the treatment of cytokine/JNK-driven diseases. Herein, we developed electrospray poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles doped with novel JNK inhibitor 11H-indeno[1,2-b]quinoxalin-11-one oxime (IQ-1). Optimized electrospray parameters allowed us to produce IQ-1-doped microparticles with round shape, smooth and non-porous surface, and mean diameter of 0.9-1.3 μm. We have shown that IQ-1 was well integrated into the polymer matrix and had a prolonged release in two steps via non-Fickian release. The fabricated particles doped with IQ-1 exhibited anti-inflammatory effects, as indicated by inhibited neutrophil activation and cytokine secretion by human monocytic MonoMac-6 cells. Overall, our study demonstrates that PLGA microparticles doped with a novel JNK inhibitor (IQ-1) could be a promising delivery system for treatment of JNK-mediated English, Polish Celem pracy jest analiza potencjalnych zagrożeń zawodowych związanych z fluorouracylem (FU) i doksorubicyną (DOX). Przegląd piśmiennictwa przeprowadzono, korzystając z faktograficznych i bibliograficznych baz naukowych obejmujących czasopisma recenzowane oraz z tzw. szarej literatury. W Polsce od 2014 r. trwa proces ustalania dopuszczalnych poziomów narażenia zawodowego dla wybranych leków przeciwnowotworowych, a podstawą do wyznaczenia najwyższych dopuszczalnych stężeń jest zwykle stężenie ekwiwalentne 0,1% najmniejszej znalezionej w piśmiennictwie dawki terapeutycznej. Stosuje się także współczynniki niepewności, które uwzględniają mechanizm działania cytostatyku, dynamikę metabolizmu, ocenę klasyfikacji i oznakowania pod kątem właściwości rakotwórczych, mutagennych oraz genotoksycznych, szkodliwego działania na rozrodczość, działania toksycznego na narządy, zdolność kumulacji cytostatyku, ocenę działania łącznego z innymi cytostatykami, postać fizykochemiczną oraz kompletność danych. Jeśli jest to możliwe, szacuje się ryzyko wystąpienia dodatkowego nowotworu. W Unii Europejskiej kluczowym rozwiązaniem prawnym dotyczącym zdrowia publicznego, ukierunkowanym na problematykę nowotworów zawodowych, jest dyrektywa CMD (carcinogens and mutagens directive). Omawiane cytostatyki wykazują działanie genotoksyczne i są zaliczone do grupy leków niebezpiecznych. Ich poważnym działaniem ubocznym jest zagrażające życiu uszkodzenie serca. W przeprowadzonej analizie wykazano, że włączenie leków niebezpiecznych do wykazu substancji podlegających wymaganiom dyrektywy CMD jest całkowicie uzasadnione. Procedura klasyfikacji i oznakowania cytostatyków powinna zostać zharmonizowana w całej Unii Europejskiej zapewniłoby to rzetelne i wiarygodne zarządzanie ryzykiem. Med. Pr. 2020;71(3).in English, Polish WSTĘP Wprowadzenie renty szkoleniowej do systemu ubezpieczeń społecznych miało na celu przywrócenie na rynek pracy osób, które z powodu choroby stały się niezdolne do wykonywania dotychczasowego zawodu. Osoby te – po specjalistycznym szkoleniu – mogą uzyskać nowe kwalifikacje pozwalające na aktywność zawodową na ogólnym rynku pracy. Celem badania była ocena roli Zakładu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (ZUS) w aktywizacji zawodowej osób z problemami zdrowotnymi, realizowanej poprzez wydawanie orzeczeń o celowości przekwalifikowania zawodowego. Materiał i metody Analizie poddano 460 akt spraw, w których w 2009 r. wydano orzeczenie o celowości przekwalifikowania zawodowego ze względu na niezdolność do pracy w dotychczas wykonywanym zawodzie. MATERIAŁ I METODY Analizie poddano 460 akt spraw, w których w 2009 r. wydano orzeczenie o celowości przekwalifikowania zawodowego ze względu na niezdolność do pracy w dotychczas wykonywanym zawodzie. WYNIKI Z wydanych orzeczeń 40,9% zostało wystawionych niezgodnie z zasadami orzekania o niezdolności do pracy i obowiązującymi przepisami prawa.

Autoři článku: Richgreenberg9060 (Skovbjerg Foged)