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Verze z 30. 9. 2024, 14:18, kterou vytvořil Ehlersarnold1542 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „In this work, we present a coherent distributed radio frequency (RF) array, discover and quantitatively describe the strong positive correlation between re…“)
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In this work, we present a coherent distributed radio frequency (RF) array, discover and quantitatively describe the strong positive correlation between reconstructed signals for the first time. Eight replicable parallel receivers are connected to the phase-locked common trunk link via eight optical couplers spaced 1 km apart. The forward and backward signals at each receiver, extracted from two ports of optical couplers, are recovered to RF signals separately and then mixed to achieve upward frequency conversion. The link delay jitter is counteracted by wavelength-tuning of the optical carrier. With the long-term stability of point-to-multipoint fiber-optic RF dissemination effectively improved, the coherent distributed array is generated, and further the relative frequency stability between signals at different receivers is studied. The proposed correlation coefficient at 103 s is ∼0.8 and shows a slight downward trend with the increase of averaging time based on our experimental results.3D imaging is essential for the study and analysis of a wide variety of structures in numerous applications. Coherent photonic systems such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) are state-of-the-art approaches, and their current implementation can operate in regimes that range from under a few millimeters to over more than a kilometer. We introduce a general method, which we call universal photonics tomography (UPT), for analyzing coherent tomography systems, in which conventional methods such as OCT and LiDAR may be viewed as special cases. We demonstrate a novel approach (to our knowledge) based on the use of phase modulation combined with multirate signal processing to collect positional information of objects beyond the Nyquist limits.Combining digital information science with metasurface technology is critical for achieving arbitrary electromagnetic wave manipulation. However, there is a scarcity of contemporary scholarly studies on this subject. In this paper, we propose an Ultraviolet (UV) sensing metasurface for programmable electromagnetic scattering field manipulation by combining light control with a microwave field. The active sensing of UV light and the real-time reaction of the scattering are achieved by integrating four UV sensors on the metasurface. On the metasurface, a UV sensor ML8511 and a voltage driver module are coupled to control each row of the Positive-Intrinsic-Negative (PIN) diodes. Due to the light sensing capability of the UV sensor, the on or off state of the PIN diode integrated into the programmable metasurface can be switched efficiently through the change of light. When the incident wave changes, various discrete data are transmitted to the FPGA. Then the FPGA performs the corresponding voltage distribution to control the state of the PIN diode. Finally, different metasurface coding sequences are generated to realize different electromagnetic functions. As a result, the spatial distribution of sensing light by sensors can be used to determine the electromagnetic field and connect sensing optical information with the microwave field. The simulation and measured results show that this design is feasible. This work provides a dimension for electromagnetic waves modulation.It is a challenge for all-optical switching to simultaneous achieve ultralow power consumption, broad bandwidth and high extinction ratio. We experimentally demonstrate an ultralow-power all-optical switching by exploiting chiral interaction between light and optically active material in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. We achieve switching extinction ratio of 20.0 ± 3.8 and 14.7 ± 2.8 dB with power cost of 66.1 ± 0.7 and 1.3 ± 0.1 fJ/bit, respectively. The bandwidth of our all-optical switching is about 4.2 GHz. Moreover, our all-optical switching has the potential to be operated at few-photon level. Our scheme paves the way towards ultralow-power and ultrafast all-optical information processing.Aberrations introduced during fabrication degrade the performance of X-ray optics and their ability to achieve diffraction limited focusing. Corrective optics can counteract these errors by introducing wavefront perturbations prior to the optic which cancel out the distortions. Here we demonstrate two-dimensional wavefront correction of an aberrated Kirkpatrick-Baez mirror pair using adaptable refractive structures. The resulting two-dimensional wavefront is measured using hard X-ray ptychography to recover the complex probe wavefield with high spatial resolution and model the optical performance under coherent conditions. The optical performance including the beam caustic, focal profile and wavefront error is examined before and after correction with both mirrors found to be diffraction limited after correcting. The results will be applicable to a wide variety of high numerical aperture X-ray optics aiming to achieve diffraction limited focussing using low emittance sources.In this paper, we observe the distinguishable modulation of the different eigenmodes by lattice mode in terahertz U-shaped metasurfaces, and a remarkable lattice induced suppression of the high order eigenmode resonance is demonstrated. selleckchem With the quantitative analysis of Q factor and loss of the resonances, we clarify that the peculiar phenomenon of suppression is originated from the phase mismatch of the metasurfaces via introducing the phase difference between the neighboring structures. These results provide new insights into the phase mismatch mediated transmission amplitude of eigenmode resonance in metasurfaces and open a new path to developing terahertz multifunctional devices.Laser excitation based on the thermoelastic principle is effective for micro-scale actuation, enabled energy conversion from optical to mechanical. The major advantages lie in non-contact actuation, easy miniaturization, and integration. To avoid surface damage, the laser power per unit is limited, leading to several micrometers of the vibration. In this study, a pure nickel millimeter-sized cantilever is successfully actuated at a low-frequency resonance (around Hz) via a nanosecond pulsed laser. By modal interaction, the energy is transferred from a low-intensity, high-frequency (around kHz) excitation to a low-frequency response with millimeter amplitude. The stable low-frequency resonance of the cantilever was maintained by changing the laser pulse parameters and the illumination locations. We also present a method to control the vibration of the cantilever using a modulated wave (MW the laser wave modulated by a rectangular wave). The cantilever's amplitude can be efficiently adjusted by changing the laser power or duty cycle of the MW. The resonance frequency of the cantilever also can be altered by optimizing the geometries to meet various actuation requirements. This study enables large actuation (up to tens of millimeters) by laser excitation, facilitating applications in precision manipulation, microfluidic mixing, lab-on-a-chip device, and other related micro actuation devices.In microscopic imaging of biological tissues, particularly real-time visualization of neuronal activities, rapid acquisition of volumetric images poses a prominent challenge. Typically, two-dimensional (2D) microscopy can be devised into an imaging system with 3D capability using any varifocal lens. Despite the conceptual simplicity, such an upgrade yet requires additional, complicated device components and usually suffers from a reduced acquisition rate, which is critical to properly document rapid neurophysiological dynamics. In this study, we implemented an electrically tunable lens (ETL) in the line-scan confocal microscopy (LSCM), enabling the volumetric acquisition at the rate of 20 frames per second with a maximum volume of interest of 315 × 315 × 80 µm3. The axial extent of point-spread-function (PSF) was 17.6 ± 1.6 µm and 90.4 ± 2.1 µm with the ETL operating in either stationary or resonant mode, respectively, revealing significant depth axial penetration by the resonant mode ETL microscopy. We further demonstrated the utilities of the ETL system by volume imaging of both cleared mouse brain ex vivo samples and in vivo brains. The current study showed a successful application of resonant ETL for constructing a high-performance 3D axially scanning LSCM (asLSCM) system. Such advances in rapid volumetric imaging would significantly enhance our understanding of various dynamic biological processes.Here we demonstrate the two-tier manipulation of holographic information using frequency-selective metasurfaces. Our results show that these devices can diffract light efficiently at designed frequency and environmental conditions. By changing the frequency and refractive index of the surrounding environment, the metasurfaces produce two different holographic images. We anticipate that these environmental dependent, frequency-selective metasurfaces will have practical applications in holographic encryption and sensing.Self-mixing interferometry (SMI) is a well-known non-destructive sensing technique that has been widely applied in both laboratory and engineering applications. In a laser SMI sensing system, there are two vital parameters, i.e., optical feedback factor C and line-width enhancement factor α, which influence the operation characteristics of the laser as well as the sensing performance. Therefore, many efforts have been made to determine them. Most of the existing methods of estimating these two parameters can often be operated in a certain feedback regime, e.g., weak or moderate feedback regime. In this paper, we propose a new method to estimate C and α based on back-propagation neural network for all feedback regimes. A parameter predicting model was trained and built. The performance of the proposed predicting model was tested using simulation and experiment data. The results show that the proposed method can estimate C and α with an average error of 2.76% and 2.99%, respectively. Additionally, the proposed method is noise-proof. The method and results are useful for extending the utilization of SMI technology in practical engineering fields.We demonstrate an electro-optic (EO) switch or in general, an EO controllable power divider based on a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) polarization mode converter (PMC) and a five-waveguide adiabatic coupler integrated on a TiLN photonic circuit chip. In this integrated photonic circuit (IPC) device, the PPLN works as an EO controllable polarization rotator (and therefore a PMC), while the adiabatic coupler functions as a broadband polarization beam splitter (PBS). The 1-cm long PPLN EO PMC of the IPC device is characterized to have a half-wave (or switching) voltage of Vπ∼20 V and a conversion bandwidth of ∼2.6 nm. The splitting ratios of the adiabatic coupler PBS in the IPC device are >99% for both polarization modes over a broad spectral range from 1500-1640 nm. The EO mode of the implemented IPC device is activated when the PPLN EO PMC section is driven by an external voltage; the characterized EO switching/power division behavior of the device is in good agreement with the theoretical fit. The tunability of the EO IPC device in the 100-nm experimental spectral range is also demonstrated via the temperature tuning.

Autoři článku: Ehlersarnold1542 (Kuhn Tillman)