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Verze z 30. 9. 2024, 14:16, kterou vytvořil Henryalbright9679 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „44 vs 5.89, <br /><br /> = .004), and fewer complications, including lower rates of drug/alcohol withdrawal (.4% vs 1.1%, <br /><br /> = .030), pneumonia (…“)
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44 vs 5.89,

= .004), and fewer complications, including lower rates of drug/alcohol withdrawal (.4% vs 1.1%,

= .030), pneumonia (.5 vs 1.6%,

= .004), and urinary tract infections (.0 vs 1.1%,

< .001). Upon performing a multivariable logistic regression model, prisoner trauma patients had a similar associated risk of mortality compared to non-prisoners (OR 1.61, CI .52-4.94,

= .409).

Our results suggest that prisoner trauma patients at least receive equivalent treatment in terms of mortality and may have better outcomes when considering some complications. Future prospective studies are needed to confirm these results and explore other factors, which impact prisoner patient outcomes.

Our results suggest that prisoner trauma patients at least receive equivalent treatment in terms of mortality and may have better outcomes when considering some complications. Future prospective studies are needed to confirm these results and explore other factors, which impact prisoner patient outcomes.The discovery of accelerated expansion of the Universe opened up the possibility of new scenarios for the doom of our space-time, besides eternal expansion and a final contraction. In this paper, we review the chances that may await our universe. In particular, there are new possible singular fates (sudden singularities, big rip, etc.), but there also other evolutions that cannot be considered as singular. In addition to this, some of the singular fates are not strong enough in the sense that the space-time can be extended beyond the singularity. For deriving our results, we make use of generalized power and asymptotic expansions of the scale factor of the Universe. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1'.We consider the problem of asymptotic synchronization of different spatial points coupled to each other in inhomogeneous space-time and undergoing chaotic Mixmaster oscillations towards the singularity. We demonstrate that for couplings larger than some threshold value, two Mixmaster spatial points [Formula see text], with [Formula see text] in the past of [Formula see text], synchronize and thereby proceed in perfect unison towards the initial singularity. We further show that there is a Lyapunov function for the synchronization dynamics that makes different spatial points able to synchronize exponentially fast in the past direction. We provide an elementary proof of how an arbitrary spatial point responds to the mean field created by the oscillators, leading to their direct interaction through spontaneous synchronization. These results ascribe a clear physical meaning of early-time synchronization leading to a resetting effect for the two BKL maps corresponding to two distinct oscillating spatial points, as the two maps converge to each other to become indistinguishable at the end of synchronization. Our results imply that the universe generically organizes itself through simpler, synchronized, states as it approaches the initial singularity. A discussion of further implications of early-time inhomogeneous Mixmaster synchronization is also provided. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1'.A [Formula see text]-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravitational model including the Gauss-Bonnet term and the cosmological term [Formula see text] is considered. Exact solutions with exponential time dependence of two scale factors, governed by two Hubble-like parameters [Formula see text] and [Formula see text], corresponding to factor spaces of dimensions [Formula see text] and [Formula see text], respectively, are found. Under certain restrictions on [Formula see text], the stability of the solutions in a class of cosmological solutions with diagonal metrics is proved. A subclass of solutions with small enough variation of the effective gravitational constant [Formula see text] is considered and the stability of all solutions from this subclass is shown. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1'.In a modest attempt to present potentially new paradigms in cosmology, including its inflationary epoch, and initiate discussions, I review in this article some novel, string-inspired cosmological models, which entail a purely geometrical origin of the dark sector of the Universe but also of its observed matter-antimatter asymmetry. The models contain gravitational (string-model independent, Kalb-Ramond (KR)) axion fields coupled to primordial gravitational anomalies via CP-violating interactions. The anomaly terms are four-space-time-dimensional remnants of the Green-Schwarz counterterms appearing in the definition of the field strength of the spin-one antisymmetric tensor field of the (bosonic) massless gravitational string multiplet, which also plays the role of a totally antisymmetric component of torsion. I show how in such cosmologies the presence of primordial gravitational waves can lead to anomaly condensates and dynamical inflation of a 'running-vacuum-model' type, without external inflatons, but also to leptogenesis in the radiation era due to anomaly induced Lorentz and CPT violating KR axion backgrounds. I also discuss how the torsion-related KR-axion could acquire a mass during the QCD epoch, thus playing the role of (a component of) dark matter. Phenomenological considerations of the inflationary and post-inflationary (in particular, modern) eras of the model are briefly discussed, including its potential for alleviating the observed tensions in the cosmological data of the current epoch. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1'.In this short review, we present some recently obtained traversable wormhole models in the framework of general relativity (GR) in four and six dimensions that somehow widen our common ideas on wormhole existence and properties. These are, first, rotating cylindrical wormholes, asymptotically flat in the radial direction and existing without exotic matter. The topological censorship theorems are not violated due to lack of asymptotic flatness in all spatial directions. Second, these are cosmological wormholes constructed on the basis of the Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi solution. They connect two copies of a closed Friedmann world filled with dust, or two otherwise distant parts of the same Friedmann world. Third, these are wormholes obtained in six-dimensional GR, whose one entrance is located in 'our' asymptotically flat world with very small extra dimensions while the other 'end' belongs to a universe with large extra dimensions and therefore different physical properties. The possible observable features of such wormholes are briefly discussed. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1'.The 2020 Nobel prize in Physics has revived the interest in the singularity theorems and, in particular, in the Penrose theorem published in 1965. In this short paper, I briefly review the main ideas behind the theorems and then proceed to an evaluation of their hypotheses and implications. I will try to dispel some common misconceptions about the theorems and their conclusions, as well as to convey some of their rarely mentioned consequences. check details In particular, a discussion of space-time extensions in relation to the theorems is provided. The nature of the singularity inside black holes is also analysed. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1'.We prove the nonlinear stability of the asymptotic behaviour of perturbations of subfamilies of Kasner solutions in the contracting time direction within the class of polarized [Formula see text]-symmetric solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations with arbitrary cosmological constant [Formula see text]. This stability result generalizes the results proven in Ames E et al. (2022 Stability of AVTD Behavior within the Polarized [Formula see text]-symmetric vacuum spacetimes. Ann. Henri Poincaré. (doi10.1007/s00023-021-01142-0)), which focus on the [Formula see text] case, and as in that article, the proof relies on an areal time foliation and Fuchsian techniques. Even for [Formula see text], the results established here apply to a wider class of perturbations of Kasner solutions within the family of polarized [Formula see text]-symmetric vacuum solutions than those considered in Ames E et al. (2022 Stability of AVTD Behavior within the Polarized [Formula see text]-symmetric vacuum spacetimes. Ann. Henri Poincaré. (doi10.1007/s00023-021-01142-0)) and Fournodavlos G et al. (2020 Stable Big Bang formation for Einstein's equations the complete sub-critical regime. Preprint. (http//arxiv.org/abs/2012.05888)). Our results establish that the areal time coordinate takes all values in [Formula see text] for some [Formula see text], for certain families of polarized [Formula see text]-symmetric solutions with cosmological constant. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1'.In this paper, I shall show how the notions of Finsler geometry can be used to construct a similar geometry using a scalar field, f, on the cotangent bundle of a differentiable manifold M. This will enable me to use the second vertical derivatives of f, along with the differential of a scalar field φ on M, to construct a Lorentzian metric on M that depends upon φ. I refer to a field theory based upon a manifold with such a Lorentzian structure as a scalar-scalar field theory. We shall study such a theory when f is chosen so that the resultant metric on M has the form of a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker metric, and the Lagrangian has a particularly simple form. It will be shown that the scalar-scalar theory determined by the Lagrangian can generate self-inflating universes, which can be pieced together to form multiverses with non-Hausdorff topologies, in which the global time function multifurcates at t = 0. Some of the universes in these multiverses begin explosively, and then settle down to a period of much quieter accelerated expansion, which can be followed by a collapse to its original, pre-expansion state. This article is part of the theme issue 'The future of mathematical cosmology, Volume 1'.To understand the nature of the birth of our Universe and its eventual demise is a driving force in theoretical physics and astronomy and, indeed, for humanity. A zoo of definitions has appeared in the literature to catalogue different types of cosmological milestones such as 'Big Bangs', 'Big Crunches', 'Big Rips', 'Sudden Singularities', 'Bounces' and 'Turnarounds'. Quiescent cosmology is the notion that the Universe commenced in a Big Bang that was highly regular and smooth, and evolved away from this initial isotropy and homogeneity due to gravitational attraction. The quiescent cosmology concept meshes well with Penrose's ideas regarding gravitational entropy and the clumping of matter, and the associated Weyl Curvature Hypothesis. Conformal frameworks, such as the Isotropic Past Singularity (IPS), have been devised to encapsulate initial and final states for the Universe which are in accordance with these programmes. These geometric definitions are independent of models, coordinates and the equation of state of the source of the gravitational field.

Autoři článku: Henryalbright9679 (Cherry Shah)