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Verze z 29. 9. 2024, 21:37, kterou vytvořil Benderdaniels7903 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Tale misura può, in alcune condizioni, non essere sufficiente rendendo necessario effettuare valutazioni più approfondite e individuali. Tuttavia i casi…“)
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Tale misura può, in alcune condizioni, non essere sufficiente rendendo necessario effettuare valutazioni più approfondite e individuali. Tuttavia i casi qui illustrati per i DMIA hanno evidenziato fenomeni di interferenza solo in limitate configurazioni sperimentali, nonostante i livelli dei campi elettrici e magnetici generati dalle sorgenti fossero superiori ai limiti per la popolazione English, Italian Obiettivi. Il lavoro presenta alcuni elementi utili ai fini della valutazione del richio da radiazioni ottiche negli ambienti di lavoro e alcune criticità emerse in attività ove tale rischio è rilevante. Metodi. Vengono illustrate le principali metodiche per la valutazione ed il controllo del rischio in presenza di sorgenti in grado di esporre a radiazioni ottiche di elevata intensità, quali ad esempio saldatrici ad arco, forni di fusione di vetro o metalli, impiego di lampade germicida in cappe sterili e per la sterilizzazione di ambienti. Risultati. Per i casi studio esaminati vengono presentati i principali risultati ottenuti in differenti scenari espositivi e le principali criticità riscontrate nell’attuazione delle misure di prevenzione e protezione. Conclusioni. Alla luce delle criticità emerse nei casi studio illustrati, ove il rischio espositivo può essere rilevante, anche dal punto di vista degli infortuni causati da esposizioni accidentali ed incontrollate, appare indispensabile che gli attori aziendali della prevenzione acquisiscano un crescente grado di consapevolezza e competenza sul rischio da radiazioni ottiche e sulle appropriate misure di tutela da mettere in atto ai fini della prevenzione dello English, Italian Recentemente sono state proposte metodologie supplementari per la valutazione dell’esposizione a vibrazioni trasmesse al sistema mano-braccio e revisioni della stadiazione clinica dei sintomi vascolari e neurosensitivi della sindrome da vibrazioni mano-braccio. In particolare, (i) nel Technical Report ISO/TR 185702017 viene proposto un metodo supplementare per la predizione del rischio vascolare (fenomeno di Raynaud secondario) da vibrazioni manobraccio, ad integrazione della metodologia definita nello standard ISO 5349-12001; (ii) le esperienze accumulate in campo clinico e di laboratorio da parte di un panel internazionale di clinici del lavoro, appartenenti a istituzioni europee e nord-americane e attivi nei settori accademici e assistenziali per la diagnostica della sindrome da vibrazioni mano-braccio, hanno suggerito l’opportunità di procedere ad una revisione della stadiazione dei sintomi vascolari e neurosensitivi da vibrazioni mano-braccio precedentemente classificati nelle scale dello Stockholm Workshop 1986. In questo lavoro vengono riportati i nuovi criteri internazionali per la valutazione del rischio vascolare da vibrazioni mano-braccio e la stadiazione clinica della sindrome da vibrazioni mano-braccio.Hair analysis is capable of determining both an individual's long-term drug history and a single exposure to a drug, which can be particularly important for corroborating incidents of drug-facilitated crimes. As a source of forensic evidence that may be used in a court of law, it must be credible, impartial and reliable, yet the pathways of drug and metabolite entry into hair are still uncertain. Many variables may influence drug analysis results, most of which are outside of the control of an analyst. An individual's pharmacokinetic and metabolic responses, hair growth rates, drug incorporation routes, axial migration, ethnicity, age and gender, for example, all display interpersonal variability. At present there is little standardization of the analytical processes involved with hair analysis. Both false positives and negative results for drugs are frequently encountered, regardless of whether a person has consumed a drug or not. In this regard, we have categorized these variables and proposed a three-stage analytical approach to facilitate forensic toxicologists, hair analysis experts, judiciaries and service users in the analytical and interpretation process. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Two new carotenoids, sapotexanthin 5,6-epoxide and sapotexanthin 5,8-epoxide, have been isolated from the ripe fruits of red mamey (Pouteria sapota). Sapotexanthin 5,6-epoxide was also prepared by partial synthesis via epoxidation of sapotexanthin, and the (5R,6S) and (5S,6R) stereoisomers were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography-electronic circular dichroism (HPLC-ECD) analysis. Spectroscopic data of the natural and semisynthetic derivatives obtained by acid-catalyzed rearrangement of cryptocapsin 5,8-epoxide stereoisomers were compared for structural elucidation. © 2020 The Authors. Chirality published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.The presence of eczema and elevated IgE in pediatric patients does not always indicate atopic dermatitis. Rare genodermatoses may share this clinical presentation and should be considered in the differential diagnosis for patients with congenital immunodeficiency and severe refractory dermatitis. We describe a case of severe dermatitis, allergies, and metabolic wasting syndrome, due to a novel mutation in DSG1 gene, an additional example of this uncommon genetic disorder of desmosome function. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Aerobic ammonia oxidation to nitrite has been established as an important ecosystem process in regulating the level of nitrogen in marine ecosystems. This process is carried out by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) within the classes Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria and ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (AOA) from the phylum Thaumarchaeota, and the latter of which has been established as more prevalent in marine systems. This study investigated the presence, abundance, and activity of these groups of microbes at a beach near Springmaid Pier in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, through the implementation of next generation sequencing, quantitative PCR (qPCR), and microcosm experiments to monitor activity. Sequencing analysis revealed a diverse community of ammonia-oxidizing microbes dominated by AOA classified within the family Nitrosopumilaceae, and qPCR revealed the abundance of AOA amoA genes over AOB by at least an order of magnitude in most samples. Selleckchem Resiquimod Microcosm studies indicate that the rates of potential ammonia oxidation in these communities satisfy Michaelis-Menten substrate kinetics and this process is more active at temperatures corresponding to summer months than winter. Potential rates in AOA medium were higher than that of AOB medium, indicating a potentially greater contribution of AOA to this process in this environment. In conclusion, this study provides further evidence of the dominance of AOA in these environments compared with AOB and highlights the overall efficiency of this process at turning over excess ammonium that may be present in these environments. link2 © 2020 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.The extracellular matrix (ECM) consists of proteins and carbohydrates that supports different biological structures and processes such as tissue development, elasticity, and preservation of organ structure. Diseases involving inflammation, fibrosis, tumor invasion, and injury are all attributed to the transition of the ECM from homeostasis to remodeling, which can significantly change the biochemical and biomechanical features of ECM components. While contrast agents have played an indispensable role in facilitating clinical diagnosis of diseases using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), there is a strong need to develop novel biomarker-targeted imaging probes for in vivo visualization of biological processes and pathological alterations at a cellular and molecular level, for both early diagnosis and monitoring drug treatment. Herein, we will first review the pathological accumulation and characterization of ECM proteins recognized as important molecular features of diseases. link3 Developments in MRI probes targeting ECM proteins such as collagen, fibronectin, and elastin via conjugation of existing contrast agents to targeting moieties and their applications to various diseases, are also reviewed. We have also reviewed our progress in the development of collagen-targeted protein MRI contrast agent with significant improvement in relaxivity and metal binding specificity, and their applications in early detection of fibrosis and metastatic cancer. This article is categorized under Diagnostic Tools > in vivo Nanodiagnostics and Imaging Biology-Inspired Nanomaterials > Peptide-Based Structures Biology-Inspired Nanomaterials > Protein and Virus-Based Structures. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.A reusable water bottle was swabbed as part of the citizen science project "Swab and Send," and a Klebsiella grimontii isolate was recovered on chromogenic agar and designated SS141. Whole-genome sequencing of SS141 showed it has the potential to be a human pathogen as it contains the biosynthetic gene cluster for the potent cytotoxin, kleboxymycin, and genes for other virulence factors. The genome also contains the antibiotic-resistant genes, blaOXY-6-4 , and a variant of fosA, which is likely to explain the observed resistance to ampicillin, amoxicillin, and fosfomycin. We have also shown that SS141 forms biofilms on both polystyrene and polypropylene surfaces, providing a reasonable explanation for its ability to colonize a reusable water bottle. With the increasing use of reusable water bottles as an alternative to disposables and a strong forecast for growth in this industry over the next decade, this study highlights the need for cleanliness comparable to other reusable culinary items. © 2020 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neem, is an evergreen tree of the tropics and sub-tropics native to the Indian subcontinent with demonstrated ethnomedicinal value and importance in agriculture as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. This ancient medicinal tree, often called the "wonder tree", is regarded as a chemical factory of diverse and complex compounds with a plethora of structural scaffolds that is very difficult to mimic by chemical synthesis. Such multifaceted chemical diversity leads to a fantastic repertoire of functional traits, encompassing a wide variety of biological activity and unique modes of action against specific and generalist pathogens and pests. Until now, more than 400 compounds have been isolated from different parts of neem including important bioactive secondary metabolites such as azadirachtin, nimbidin, nimbin, nimbolide, gedunin, and many more. In addition to its insecticidal property, the plant is also known for antimicrobial, antimalarial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory more secure and sustainable future. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.Ocotea fasciculata presents yangambin (YAN) and its isomer epi-yangambin (EPI-YAN) as major lignans, which are employed as the plant markers for quality control purposes and as potential pharmacological compounds. However, a gap between the pure isomers and safety and efficacy protocols is faced by the scientific community. In this context, this work aimed to report (i) a new and advantageous purifying process in a semi-preparative scale for YAN and EPI-YAN isolation from Ocotea fasciculata, and (ii) an in vitro cytotoxicity study to estimate, for the first time, the LD50 values of the isolated epimers, as well as the influence of albumin concentration in cell culture medium. The best condition for epimers isolation was achieved in normal-phase liquid chromatography. The lignan fraction (LF), previously obtained from the plant ethanolic extract, was purified yielding 17% and 29% of YAN and EPI-YAN, respectively. The in vitro study demonstrated that YAN and EPI-YAN were safe, and only at the highest concentration studied, a decrease on cell viability was observed.

Autoři článku: Benderdaniels7903 (Pike Harboe)