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In vitro tests on Vibrio fischeri bacteria showed that the ecotoxicities of marketed mixtures are significantly higher than that of acetamiprid in aqueous solution; they slightly increase after UV-light exposure. Land-use intensification with a high demand for pesticides is a consequence of human population increase. Feasible alternatives for correct concentrated residues discharge are necessary to avoid soil and water resources contamination. Biobeds are in situ bioreactors for treating pesticide residues, used by several European and American countries due to its low cost and simple construction, whose efficiency has been scientifically proved for over 20 years. This review presents the state of the art of biobeds in Latin America (LA), identifying advances and future research needs. Factors affecting the efficiency of biobeds are discussed, like ideal temperature, moisture, and microbial communities, followed by methods for evaluating the bioreactor's efficiency. It was necessary to adapt this technology to the climatic and economic conditions of Latin-American countries, due to its European origins. Guatemala is the LA country that uses biobeds as official technology. Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica and Chile are examples of countries that are actively investigating new substrates and pursuing legal aspects for the establishment of the biobeds. Robust scientific evidences may enable farmers start using this technology, which is an environmentally safe system to protect water resources. 3-TYP Cyclic volatile methylsiloxaes (cVMSs), namely hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3), octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) and dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6), were studied for a typical indoor environment of male and female dormitories in the campus of Dalian Maritime University (DMU) in China. An empty, frit-fitted SPE cartridge was placed on top of an Isolute ENV + cartridge, sampling cVMSs in particulate and gas phases, respectively. The highest concentration of D3, D4, D5, and D6 was 190, 460, 37,000, and 670 ng m-3, respectively. All cVMSs, especially D5, were higher in female dormitories than that in male dormitories. Emission rate from different sources of cVMSs in dormitories was calculated from a survey of the use of personal care products (PCPs) by students living in the dormitory during the sampling period. The mean emission rate (ER, mg·d-1) of D4 and D5 in male dormitories was 0.12 ± 0.01 and 0.49 ± 0.03 mg d-1, respectively, and that in female dormitories was 0.21 ± 0.05 and 46 ± 17 mg d-1, respectively. Then, we modified an existing mass balance model to predict the indoor air levels of D4 and D5 in both male and female dormitories based on the usage of PCPs. There was a good agreement for D4 and D5 concentrations in female dormitories between modeled and measured concentrations with the ratio of predicted to measured values to be 1.5 and 1.2, respectively, which indicated that use of PCPs was the main source of cVMSs in university dormitories. Mercury (Hg) transformations in sediments are key factors in the Hg exposure pathway for wildlife and humans yet are poorly characterized in Arctic lakes. As the Arctic is rapidly warming, it is important to understand how the rates of Hg methylation and demethylation (wich determine Hg bioavailability) change with temperature in lake sediments. Methylation and demethylation potentials were determined for littoral sediments (2.5 m water depth) in two deep and two shallow lakes in the Canadian Arctic using Hg stable isotope tracers at incubation temperatures of 4, 8, or 16 °C for 24 h. Compared to sediments from other regions, Hg methylation and demethylation potentials in these sediments are low. The maximum depth of the lake from which sediment was collected exerted a stronger influence over methylation potential than sediment Hg concentration or organic matter content; the shallowest lake had the highest Hg methylation potential. Sediments from the shallowest lake also demonstrated the greatest response to the temperature treatments, with significantly higher methylation potentials in the 8 and 16 °C treatments. Sediments from the deep lakes demonstrated greater demethylation potentials than shallow lakes. The methylmercury to total Hg ratio in sediments supported the measured transformation potentials as the lake with the greatest methylation potential had the highest ratio. This study supports previous works indicating that Hg methylation potential may increase as the Arctic warms, but demethylation potential does not respond to warming to the same degree, indicating that Hg methylation may predominate in warming Arctic sediments. The body burdens of eight trace metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Se, Hg, and As, were measured in live mussels (LMs) Mytilus galloprovincialis at 14 coastal sites in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia in winter and summer between 2017 and 2018. The spatial and temporal variations of body burdens were evaluated. The results revealed significantly higher body burdens of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Hg in summer at the sites where the city centre and industries are located. Elevated levels of most trace metals including 3 toxic, non-essential metals (Cd, Pb, and Hg) were detected in LMs from the site of Geelong. The body burdens of Zn, Cr, Se, and As appeared higher at the sites from the Bellarine Peninsula and the mouth of Port Phillip Bay. Besides, the "Artificial Mussels" (AMs) were deployed at the same sites in summer for 28 d and retrieved when the LMs were collected. The accumulations of the eight metals were compared between AMs and LMs summer results. It indicated significant correlations for Pb, Cu, and Cr, lower correlations in Zn and Hg, and irregular correlations for Se and As. The AM results of Cd were below the detection limit of the analytical method. This study demonstrates that AMs are excellent replacement of LMs for the biomonitoring of multiple kinds of trace metals. The present study evaluated the removal capacity of a UASB-HRAP treatment system, combining anaerobic and microalgae-based, aerobic treatment, for eleven organic micropollutants present in raw sewage, including pharmaceuticals, estrogens and xenoestrogens. The UASB reactor and the HRAP were operated at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 7 h and 8 days, respectively. Influent and effluent samples from the UASB and HRAP were collected periodically. All the target compounds were detected in raw sewage, with an occurrence ranging from 70 to 100%. Removal rates in the UASB reactor were generally incomplete, ranging from no removal (-25.12% for the hormone EE2-ethinylestradiol) to 84.91% (E2 - estradiol). However, the overall performance of the UASB + HRAP system was highly efficient for the majority of the compounds, with removal rates ranging from 64.8% (ibuprofen) to 95% (estrone). Gemfibrozil and bisphenol A were the only exceptions, with overall removal rates of 39% and 43%, respectively. Hormones were the compounds with the highest removal rates in the system. The abundance and nitrification activity of ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in bulk water and biofilm in chloraminated and chlorinated water supply systems were investigated. The abundance of AOB varied between cold and warm periods while that was the case for AOA only in biofilm. Lower ammonia concentrations favored the abundance of AOA over AOB. AOA and AOB were found more in distal zones of the distribution system (DS). Higher numbers of AOA and AOB were observed in DS associated with chloramination compared to those associated with chlorination. Significant positive correlations between ammonia-N in bulk water and AOA indicate a possibility of involvement of AOA in nitrification in DS. A separate laboratory-based experiment simulating DS condition was conducted to understand the effects of chlorine and chloramine dosages and temperature on AOA and AOB. AOA were inhibited less than AOB in the presence of lower concentrations of chlorine and chloramine (1.5 and 2.0 mg/L chlorine; 0.05-0.1 and 0.3-0.4 mg/L chloramine) while both of them were not detected at higher dosages (2.5 mg/L chlorine and 1.5-1.6 mg/L chloramine). At a low temperature (10-12 °C), chloramine and chlorine provided similar inhibition trends in which AOB were inhibited more than AOA. At a high temperature (25 °C), chloramine was less inhibitory to AOA and AOB than chlorine. Widespread use of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) as a plasticizer has caused considerable soil pollution; however, little is known about indigenous microbial communities involved in its degradation in soil. In this study, metagenomic sequencing combined with metabolite determination was used to explore microorganisms and genes potentially involved in DEHP degradation in aerobic and anaerobic soils. The results showed that under both dryland aerobic and flooded anaerobic conditions, DEHP was initially hydrolyzed into mono (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate which was then hydrolyzed into phthalic acid; benzoic acid was the central intermediate during further metabolism steps. Bacteria were more responsive to DEHP presence than fungi/archaea, and potential degradative genes stimulated by DEHP were predominantly associated with bacteria, reflecting the dominant role of bacteria in DEHP degradation. Members of the Actinomycetales seemed to be the dominant degraders under aerobic conditions, while a number of phyla i.e. Gemmatimonadetes, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Bacteroidetes appeared to be involved under anaerobic conditions. Interestingly, ~50% of esterase/lipase/cytochrome P450 genes enriched by DEHP under aerobic conditions were from Nocardioides, a bacterial genus that has not been previously directly linked to phthalate ester degradation. The results indicate that novel degraders may play an important role in DEHP degradation in natural soil environments. This study provides a better understanding of the phthalate ester biodegradation processes occurring in soil. Dissolved silica and organic matter are major foulants in reverse osmosis (RO) in brackish water treatment. Though the mechanism of inorganic and organic fouling has been clear, combined silica-organic fouling-resistant membrane have been poorly investigated. In this study, we fabricated membranes with different surface charge. More negatively surface charged membrane (-COOH), acrylic acid (AA) membrane was fabricated through redox free radical grafting method. Ethylamine (EA) and ethylenediamine (ED) membranes with neutral or less negative surface charge were fabricated through -CH3 or -NH2 functional groups grafting. The surface modified membranes were characterized in terms of physicochemical properties and antifouling performance. Compared with the pristine membrane, all the modified membranes possessed better salt rejection without sacrificing water permeability. The AA membrane also showed better antifouling property and higher water flux recovery after physical rinsing. On the other hand, fouling on the EA and ED membranes were aggravated. Unlike the gel-like foulant structure on the EA and ED membrane surfaces, the AA membrane presented more disordered granular structure. Analysis of fouling layer has also proved that there was less silica scaling and organic foulants on the AA membrane surface. Despite the outstanding hydrophilicity of the AA membrane, its antifouling property was mainly attributed to the more negative surface charge, according to regression between flux decline and membrane characteristics. Importantly, we proposed that electrostatic interaction was the dominant fouling mechanism in the combined silica-organic fouling. With more negative surface charge, the AA membrane was prone to prevent foulants from depositing and aggravating, so as to mitigate membrane fouling. Our research provides a simple and practical approach to RO membrane fabrication for anti-inorganic and organic. V.

Autoři článku: Rosendahlrhodes3851 (Bojsen Burt)