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Verze z 29. 9. 2024, 18:23, kterou vytvořil Skaaningclayton0268 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) represent the most abundant innate immune cells in tumors. TAMs, exhibiting anti-inflammatory phenotype, are key player…“)
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Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) represent the most abundant innate immune cells in tumors. TAMs, exhibiting anti-inflammatory phenotype, are key players in cancer progression, metastasis and resistance to therapy. A high TAM infiltration is generally associated with poor prognosis, but macrophages are highly plastic cells that can adopt either proinflammatory/antitumor or anti-inflammatory/protumor features in response to tumor microenvironment stimuli. In the context of cancer therapy, many anticancer therapeutics, apart from their direct effect on tumor cells, display different effects on TAM activation status and density. In this review, we aim to evaluate the indirect effects of anticancer therapies in the modulation of TAM phenotypes and pro/antitumor activity.Mastitis caused by bacterial infection has negative impacts on milk quality and animal health, and ultimately causes economic losses to the dairy industry worldwide. Gram-negative bacteria and their component lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can trigger the inflammatory response of endothelial cells (ECs) and subsequently promote EC dysfunction or injury, which is a critical pathogenesis of mastitis-causing sepsis shock. To control the bacterial infection and to minimise the LPS negative effects on ECs, we thus aimed to identify the potential herb extracts that comprised antibacterial activity and protective ability to inhibit LPS-induced cell death. Extracts from seven types of herbs derived from antibacterial screening were investigated for their protective effects on LPS-stimulated bovine endothelial cell line. Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.) Lindau (C. nutans) extract appeared to be the most effective antiapoptotic extract against LPS stimulation. Treatment of C. nutans extract in LPS-stimulated cells significantly lowered apoptotic cell death through modulating pro-survival Bcl-2 and pro-apoptotic Bax expression. The investigation of bioactive compounds using solvent fractionation, HPLC, and LC-MS/MS analysis revealed glyceryl 1,3-disterate (C39H76O5), kaempferol 3-O-feruloyl-sophoroside 7-O-glucoside (C43H48O24), and hydroxypthioceranic acid (C46H92O3) as the candidate components. Our findings indicated that C. nutans extract has great potential to be further developed as an alternative therapeutic agent for mastitis treatment.It has long been recognized that albumin has prognostic value in patients with cancer. However, although the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition GLIM criteria (based on five diagnostic criteria, three phenotypic criteria and two etiologic criteria) recognize inflammation as an important etiologic factor in malnutrition, there are limited data regarding the association between albumin, nutritional risk, body composition and systemic inflammation, and whether albumin is associated with mortality independent of these parameters. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between albumin, nutritional risk, body composition, systemic inflammation, and outcomes in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC). A retrospective cohort study (n = 795) was carried out in which patients were divided into normal and hypoalbuminaemic groups (albumin  10 and less then 10 mg/L, respectively). Post-operative complications, severity of complications and mortality were considered as outcome measures. Categorical al muscle density (p less then 0.001). Hypoalbuminemia was, independently of inflammatory markers, associated with poorer cancer-specific and overall survival (both p less then 0.001). The results suggest that hypoalbuminemia in patients with CRC reflects both increased nutritional risk and greater systemic inflammatory response and was independently associated with poorer survival in patients with CRC.Smart health-care is undergoing rapid transformation from the conventional specialist and hospital-focused style to a distributed patient-focused manner. Several technological developments have encouraged this rapid revolution of health-care vertical. Currently, 4G and other communication standards are used in health-care for smart health-care services and applications. These technologies are crucial for the evolution of future smart health-care services. With the growth in the health-care industry, several applications are expected to produce a massive amount of data in different format and size. Such immense and diverse data needs special treatment concerning the end-to-end delay, bandwidth, latency and other attributes. It is difficult for current communication technologies to fulfil the requirements of highly dynamic and time-sensitive health care applications of the future. Therefore, the 5G networks are being designed and developed to tackle the diverse communication needs of health-care applications in Internet of Things (IoT). 5G assisted smart health-care networks are an amalgamation of IoT devices that require improved network performance and enhanced cellular coverage. Current connectivity solutions for IoT face challenges, such as the support for a massive number of devices, standardisation, energy-efficiency, device density, and security. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of 5G assisted smart health-care solutions in IoT. We present a structure for smart health-care in 5G by categorizing and classifying existing literature. We also present key requirements for successful deployment of smart health-care systems for certain scenarios in 5G. Finally, we discuss several open issues and research challenges in 5G smart health-care solutions in IoT.In recent years, and even more since its legalization in several jurisdictions, cannabis and the endocannabinoid system have received an increasing amount of interest related to their potential exploitation in clinical settings. Cannabinoids have been suggested and shown to be effective in the treatment of various conditions. In cancer, the endocannabinoid system is altered in numerous types of tumours and can relate to cancer prognosis and disease outcome. Additionally, cannabinoids display anticancer effects in several models by suppressing the proliferation, migration and/or invasion of cancer cells, as well as tumour angiogenesis. However, the therapeutic use of cannabinoids is currently limited to the treatment of symptoms and pain associated with chemotherapy, while their potential use as cytotoxic drugs in chemotherapy still requires validation in patients. Along with cannabinoids, cannabis contains several other compounds that have also been shown to exert anti-tumorigenic actions. The potential anti-cancer effects of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, present in cannabis, are explored in this literature review.We present analyses of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) carrier phase observations in multiple kinematic scenarios for different receiver types. Multi-GNSS observations are recorded on high sensitivity and geodetic-grade receivers operating on a moving zero-baseline by conducting terrestrial urban and aerial flight experiments. The captured data is post-processed; carrier phase residuals are computed using the double difference (DD) concept. The estimated noise levels of carrier phases are analysed with respect to different parameters. We find DD noise levels for L1 carrier phase observations in the range of 1.4-2 mm (GPS, Global Positioning System), 2.8-4.6 mm (GLONASS, Global Navigation Satellite System), and 1.5-1.7 mm (Galileo) for geodetic receiver pairs. The noise level for high sensitivity receivers is at least higher by a factor of 2. For satellites elevating above 30 ∘ , the dominant noise process is white phase noise. For the flight experiment, the elevation dependency of the noise is well described by the exponential model, while for the terrestrial urban experiment, multipath and diffraction effects overlay; hence no elevation dependency is found. For both experiments, a carrier-to-noise density ratio (C/N 0 ) dependency for carrier phase DDs of GPS and Galileo is clearly visible with geodetic-grade receivers. In addition, C/N 0 dependency is also visible for carrier phase DDs of GLONASS with geodetic-grade receivers for the terrestrial urban experiment.Activity-based workplaces (ABWs) are implemented with possible implications for health, well-being, and work satisfaction in the workplace. Drawing on the theoretical framework, i.e., sense of coherence (SOC), the aim was to investigate how indicators pf SOC-meaningfulness, manageability and comprehensibility-are associated with, or function as barriers or facilitators for, health, well-being and work satisfaction during relocation to an ABW. We followed the implementation of ABWs at the Swedish Transport Administration (2018-2019). Questionnaires were administered before (n = 536), 3 months (n = 409) and 9 months (n = 373) after relocation. Focus group interviews (15) were conducted before and after. Ko143 inhibitor Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and content analysis. Relocation to an ABW was associated with a reduced work satisfaction (physical p 0.001). The reduction in work satisfaction was smaller among employees with high meaningfulness in the relocation process (p less then 0.001). All SOC indicators were positively associated with overall health, well-being and work satisfaction (p less then 0.001). Interviews suggested that meaningfulness was facilitated by participation in the presented activities and that communication before relocation was crucial. The results indicate that organizations implementing ABWs should promote perceived meaningfulness in the process to mitigate possible declines in satisfaction with the physical and psychosocial work environment.The mobile terminals used in the logistics industry can be exposed to wildly varying environments, which may hinder effective operation. In particular, those used in cold storages can be subject to frosting in the scanner window when they are carried out of the warehouses to a room-temperature space outside. To prevent this, they usually employ a film heater on the scanner window. However, the temperature and humidity conditions of the surrounding environment and the temperature of the terminal itself that cause frosting vary widely. Due to the complicated frost-forming conditions, existing industrial mobile terminals choose to implement rather simple rules that operate the film heater well above the freezing point, which inevitably leads to inefficient energy use. This paper demonstrates that to avoid such waste, on-device artificial intelligence (AI) a.k.a. edge AI can be readily employed to industrial mobile terminals and can improve their energy efficiency. We propose an artificial-intelligence-based approach that utilizes deep learning technology to avoid the energy-wasting defrosting operations. By combining the traditional temperature-sensing logic with a convolutional neural network (CNN) classifier that visually checks for frost, we can more precisely control the defrosting operation. We embed the CNN classifier in the device and demonstrate that the approach significantly reduces the energy consumption. On our test terminal, the net ratio of the energy consumption by the existing system to that of the edge AI for the heating film is almost 141. Even with the common current-dissipation accounted for, our edge AI system would increase the operating hours by 86%, or by more than 6 h compared with the system without the edge AI.

Autoři článku: Skaaningclayton0268 (Monaghan Philipsen)