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Verze z 24. 9. 2024, 17:11, kterou vytvořil Crockettpovlsen0415 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „While it is undeniable that the ability of humans to cooperate in large-scale societies is unique in animal life, it remains open how such a degree of pros…“)
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While it is undeniable that the ability of humans to cooperate in large-scale societies is unique in animal life, it remains open how such a degree of prosociality is possible despite the risks of exploitation. Recent evidence suggests that social networks play a crucial role in the development of prosociality and large-scale cooperation by allowing cooperators to cluster; however, it is not well understood if and how this also applies to real-world social networks in the field. selleck compound We study intrinsic social preferences alongside emerging friendship patterns in 57 freshly formed school classes (n = 1,217), using incentivized measures. We demonstrate the existence of cooperative clusters in society, examine their emergence, and expand the evidence from controlled experiments to real-world social networks. Our results suggest that being embedded in cooperative environments substantially enhances the social preferences of individuals, thus contributing to the formation of cooperative clusters. Partner choice, in contrast, only marginally contributes to their emergence. We conclude that cooperative preferences are contagious; social and cultural learning plays an important role in the development and evolution of cooperation.Umbilicaria muhlenbergii is the only known dimorphic lichenized fungus that grows in the hyphal form in lichen thalli but as yeast cells in axenic cultures. However, the regulation of yeast-to-hypha transition and its relationship to the establishment of symbiosis are not clear. In this study, we show that nutrient limitation and hyperosmotic stress trigger the dimorphic change in U. muhlenbergii Contact with algal cells of its photobiont Trebouxia jamesii induced pseudohyphal growth. Treatments with the cAMP diphosphoesterase inhibitor IBMX (3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine) induced pseudohyphal/hyphal growth and resulted in the differentiation of heavily melanized, lichen cortex-like structures in culture, indicating the role of cAMP signaling in regulating dimorphism. To confirm this observation, we identified and characterized two Gα subunits UmGPA2 and UmGPA3 Whereas deletion of UmGPA2 had only a minor effect on pseudohyphal growth, the ΔUmgpa3 mutant was defective in yeast-to-pseudohypha transition induced by hyperosmotic stress or T. jamesii cells. IBMX treatment suppressed the defect of ΔUmgpa3 in pseudohyphal growth. Transformants expressing the UmGPA3G45V or UmGPA3Q208L dominant active allele were enhanced in the yeast-to-pseudohypha transition and developed pseudohyphae under conditions noninducible to the wild type. Interestingly, T. jamesii cells in close contact with pseudohyphae of UmGPA3G45V and UmGPA3Q208L transformants often collapsed and died after coincubation for over 72 h, indicating that improperly regulated pseudohyphal growth due to dominant active mutations may disrupt the initial establishment of symbiotic interaction between the photobiont and mycobiont. Taken together, these results show that the cAMP-PKA pathway plays a critical role in regulating dimorphism and symbiosis in U. muhlenbergii.Enzyme turnover numbers (kcats) are essential for a quantitative understanding of cells. Because kcats are traditionally measured in low-throughput assays, they can be inconsistent, labor-intensive to obtain, and can miss in vivo effects. We use a data-driven approach to estimate in vivo kcats using metabolic specialist Escherichia coli strains that resulted from gene knockouts in central metabolism followed by metabolic optimization via laboratory evolution. By combining absolute proteomics with fluxomics data, we find that in vivo kcats are robust against genetic perturbations, suggesting that metabolic adaptation to gene loss is mostly achieved through other mechanisms, like gene-regulatory changes. Combining machine learning and genome-scale metabolic models, we show that the obtained in vivo kcats predict unseen proteomics data with much higher precision than in vitro kcats. The results demonstrate that in vivo kcats can solve the problem of inconsistent and low-coverage parameterizations of genome-scale cellular models.Animal models of human antigen-specific B cell receptors (BCRs) generally depend on "inferred germline" sequences, and thus their relationship to authentic naive human B cell BCR sequences and affinities is unclear. Here, BCR sequences from authentic naive human VRC01-class B cells from healthy human donors were selected for the generation of three BCR knockin mice. The BCRs span the physiological range of affinities found in humans, and use three different light chains (VK3-20, VK1-5, and VK1-33) found among subclasses of naive human VRC01-class B cells and HIV broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). The germline-targeting HIV immunogen eOD-GT8 60mer is currently in clinical trial as a candidate bnAb vaccine priming immunogen. To attempt to model human immune responses to the eOD-GT8 60mer, we tested each authentic naive human VRC01-class BCR mouse model under rare human physiological B cell precursor frequency conditions. B cells with high (HuGL18HL) or medium (HuGL17HL) affinity BCRs were primed, recruited to germinal centers, and they affinity matured, and formed memory B cells. Precursor frequency and affinity interdependently influenced responses. Taken together, these experiments utilizing authentic naive human VRC01-class BCRs validate a central tenet of germline-targeting vaccine design and extend the overall concept of the reverse vaccinology approach to vaccine development.Channelrhodopsins are light-gated ion channels widely used to control neuronal firing with light (optogenetics). We report two previously unknown families of anion channelrhodopsins (ACRs), one from the heterotrophic protists labyrinthulea and the other from haptophyte algae. Four closely related labyrinthulea ACRs, named RubyACRs here, exhibit a unique retinal-binding pocket that creates spectral sensitivities with maxima at 590 to 610 nm, the most red-shifted channelrhodopsins known, long-sought for optogenetics, and more broadly the most red-shifted microbial rhodopsins thus far reported. We identified three spectral tuning residues critical for the red-shifted absorption. Photocurrents recorded from the RubyACR from Aurantiochytrium limacinum (designated AlACR1) under single-turnover excitation exhibited biphasic decay, the rate of which was only weakly voltage dependent, in contrast to that in previously characterized cryptophyte ACRs, indicating differences in channel gating mechanisms between the two ACR families. Moreover, in A. limacinum we identified three ACRs with absorption maxima at 485, 545, and 590 nm, indicating color-sensitive photosensing with blue, green, and red spectral variation of ACRs within individual species of the labyrinthulea family. We also report functional energy transfer from a cytoplasmic fluorescent protein domain to the retinal chromophore bound within RubyACRs.Avian-origin influenza viruses overcome the bottleneck of the interspecies barrier and infect humans through the evolution of variants toward more efficient replication in mammals. The dynamic adaptation of the genetic substitutions and the correlation with the virulence of avian-origin influenza virus in patients remain largely elusive. Here, based on the one-health approach, we retrieved the original virus-positive samples from patients with H7N9 and their surrounding poultry/environment. The specimens were directly deep sequenced, and the subsequent big data were integrated with the clinical manifestations. Unlike poultry/environment-derived samples with the consistent dominance of avian signature 627E of H7N9 polymerase basic protein 2 (PB2), patient specimens had diverse ratios of mammalian signature 627K, indicating the rapid dynamics of H7N9 adaptation in patients during the infection process. In contrast, both human- and poultry/environment-related viruses had constant dominance of avian signature PB2-701D. The intrahost dynamic adaptation was confirmed by the gradual replacement of 627E by 627K in H7N9 in the longitudinally collected specimens from one patient. These results suggest that host adaptation for better virus replication to new hosts, termed "genetic tuning," actually occurred in H7N9-infected patients in vivo. Notably, our findings also demonstrate the correlation between rapid host adaptation of H7N9 PB2-E627K and the fatal outcome and disease severity in humans. The feature of H7N9 genetic tuning in vivo and its correlation with the disease severity emphasize the importance of testing for the evolution of this avian-origin virus during the course of infection.Bacterial species are hosts to horizontally acquired mobile genetic elements (MGEs), which encode virulence, toxin, antimicrobial resistance, and other metabolic functions. The bipartite genome of Vibrio cholerae harbors sporadic and conserved MGEs that contribute in the disease development and survival of the pathogens. For a comprehensive understanding of dynamics of MGEs in the bacterial genome, we engineered the genome of V. cholerae and examined in vitro and in vivo stability of genomic islands (GIs), integrative conjugative elements (ICEs), and prophages. Recombinant vectors carrying the integration module of these GIs, ICE and CTXΦ, helped us to understand the efficiency of integrations of MGEs in the V. cholerae chromosome. We have deleted more than 250 acquired genes from 6 different loci in the V. cholerae chromosome and showed contribution of CTX prophage in the essentiality of SOS response master regulator LexA, which is otherwise not essential for viability in other bacteria, including Escherichia coli In addition, we observed that the core genome-encoded RecA helps CTXΦ to bypass V. cholerae immunity and allow it to replicate in the host bacterium in the presence of similar prophage in the chromosome. Finally, our proteomics analysis reveals the importance of MGEs in modulating the levels of cellular proteome. link2 This study engineered the genome of V. cholerae to remove all of the GIs, ICEs, and prophages and revealed important interactions between core and acquired genomes.Terrorist attacks often fuel online hate and increase the expression of xenophobic and antiminority messages. link3 Previous research has focused on the impact of terrorist attacks on prejudiced attitudes toward groups linked to the perpetrators as the cause of this increase. We argue that social norms can contain the expression of prejudice after the attacks. We report the results of a combination of a natural and a laboratory-in-the-field (lab-in-the-field) experiment in which we exploit data collected about the occurrence of two consecutive Islamist terrorist attacks in Germany, the Würzburg and Ansbach attacks, in July 2016. The experiment compares the effect of the terrorist attacks in hate speech toward refugees in contexts where a descriptive norm against the use of hate speech is evidently in place to contexts in which the norm is ambiguous because participants observe antiminority comments. Hate toward refugees, but not toward other minority groups, increased as a result of the attacks only in the absence of a strong norm. These results imply that attitudinal changes due to terrorist attacks are more likely to be voiced if norms erode.

Autoři článku: Crockettpovlsen0415 (Todd Murdock)