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Verze z 24. 9. 2024, 15:23, kterou vytvořil Mackayhoff9961 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „The aim of the study was to identify the features of coronary lesions and to determine the correlation between the main risk factors for coronary artery di…“)
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The aim of the study was to identify the features of coronary lesions and to determine the correlation between the main risk factors for coronary artery disease according to the SCORE quality of life scale and the calcium index in MSCT in different age and ethnic groups in men and women living in Kazakhstan. We retrospectively analyzed 935 case histories of patients undergoing MSCT to assess the condition of the coronary arteries. The patients were divided into three groups Kazakhs (66.9%), Russians (21.4%) and other (11.7%) nationalities. There were statistically significant differences between ethnic groups in BMI (p=0.03), type of chest pain (p less then 0.01), statin use (p=0.01), and blood glucose (p less then 0.01). The study showed that the prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis is higher among Russians compared to Kazakhs, even after adjusting for traditional risk factors. In multivariate analysis, the calcium index values were significantly higher in the group of the Russian population by 48% (OR=1.4ults are undoubtedly representative, as patients from different regions of Kazakhstan were treated in two clinics of republican significance. In the future, it is necessary to conduct prospective studies with subsequent follow-up of patients after treatment and in identifying the causes of recurrent coronary events, as was done in the MESA study.The aim of the study was to optimize the methods of selecting patients for inclusion in the «WAITING LIST» for heart transplantation on the basis of available international data and the introduction of selection criteria. The results of the study are based on survey data and dynamic monitoring of 49 patients (median age 38 (16; 65) years, men 44 patients, women 5 patients) who were treated from 2008-2018 in the centers Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Cardiology», Minsk, Republic of Belarus; in the Center of cardiac surgery on the basis of KL «Feofania» DUS, Kyiv, Ukraine. Patients were examined during the initial examination, after 3 months, 6 months and after 1 year. The first group consisted of 24 patients with CHF who were on the waiting list for orthotopic heart transplantation, for circulatory support, median age 40.95 (18.0; 65.0) years, men - 23, women - 1; the second group consisted of 25 patients with CHF who were on the waiting list for orthotopic heart transplantation without circulatory support, median age 38.56 (17.0; 64.0) years, men -21, women-4; Scientific novelty of the obtained results. Scientific novelty of the obtained results. For the first time in Ukraine, a road map has been developed and implemented and the dynamics of the movement of recipients who are in the "waiting list" for heart transplantation has been analyzed. Identified risk factors that affect the long-term outcomes and quality of life of patients with heart failure III-IV functional class according to the NYHA classification. learn more Criteria for selection of patients for primary heart transplantation have been developed and implemented. For the first time in Ukraine, a "Waiting List" for a heart transplant has been formed.The goal is to study the method of photodynamic therapy, which has become widespread in recent decades. This method of treatment has gained popularity in the treatment of both oncological and non-oncological inflammatory diseases in dentistry and other medical fields. We can conclude that the complex action of Rada Dent and Tskaltubo water (inhalation of Tskaltubo water and its use as rinses) leads to a gradual reduction and eventual eradication of the inflammatory process in the case of periodontitis. This can be explained by the unique properties that are characteristic of "Rada Dent" and Tskaltubo water. As we have seen, the above biochemical indicators are the determinants of periodontitis in patients with periodontitis, they are markers of the degree of periodontitis and we have clearly seen the complex action. High efficiency of "Rada Dent" and radon in the water of Tskaltubo - normalization of the action of oral enzymes, slowing down the inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and finally eradication. It is these unique properties that have become triggering the treatment and inhibit the initial stage of periodontitis.Aim of the study -to determine the indices of local immunity in patients who had combined dental pathology (caries) and gastroesophageal reflux disease. In total were exanimated 33 patients with dental caries in age from 18 to 25 years, including 21 men and 12 women. The main group consisted of 17 patients who had a combined dental pathology (caries) and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The comparison group consisted of 16 people who had dental caries without other systemic diseases. All patients, who were included in the study was carried out the following researches a study of the dental status, an immunological study for all patients with the determination of a quantitative assessment of the main populations and subpopulations of lymphocytes, determination of their functional activity, determination of level of serum immunoglobulins, determination of the concentration of circulating immune complexes of various molecular sizes, phagocytic activity of neutrophils and cytokine status in serum and oral fluid, stimulation, and also a significantly lower concentration of secretory IgA. It has been established that in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease combined with dental caries observing changes in the immune system, which bear the features of subclinical immune inflammation. The study revealed a higher intensity of the carious process in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is associated with permanent acid damage of the oral mucosa. Furthermore, it was found violation in terms of concentration with increasing local immunity oral liquid proinflammatory factors and a reduced concentration of secretory IgA namely with concomitant pathologies of the gastroesophageal reflux disease.Aim of the study was to assess electrophysiologic characteristics of masticatory muscles, right and left temporalis and right and left masseter, in nasal and oronasal breathing modes. The study was conducted on the group of 30 female volunteers who were referred to the clinic for orthodontic problems. Conflict of interests was ruled out. The research was carried out within a frame of population-based study. In subjects with nasal breathing electromyographic indicators fall within standardized range. In the group of subjects with oronasal breathing electrical activity of masseter and temporalis muscles is asymmetrical. Asymmetry between sides and unevenness between muscle pairs during normalized muscle activity may result from functionally unstable occlusion. When teeth clench on a cotton roll, dentoalveolar proprioceptive signal is too weak to affect electromyographic indicators offering possibility to obtain data solely on muscle activity during maximal voluntary contraction. Indicators of the degree of mean muscle contractility recorded as a result of standardized maximal voluntary contraction show that, in nasal breathing, muscle activity is homogenous and symmetric in the right and left masseter and temporalis muscles, while, in oronasal breathing, it becomes more dissociated with electrical activity - more pronounced in temporalis muscles. Electrophysiologic activity and, consequently, contractility of both temporalis and masseter muscles are reduced compared to subjects with nasal breathing which must be caused by recruitment of less excitable motor units. Results yielded by the study suggest the significance of the state of neuromuscular balance of the masticatory apparatus in the assessment of orthodontic status and possibility of applying electromyographic indicators to estimate the degree of orthodontic dysfunction and develop individualized treatment plans. Study continues in this respect.The emergence of new concepts and mechanisms for remineralization is of great interest to study. The study objective was to evaluate the clinical efficiency of use of modern remineralizing formulas "Enamel-sealing liquid" ("Tiefenfluorid", Humanchemie, Germany), "FluoroLux" (TechnoDent, Russia), "InnoDent" (PLC, "InnoDent", Kazakhstan) and ClinproTM XT Varnish (3M ESPE, Germany) in treatment of focal demineralization. According to the number of studied drugs in the framework of a clinical study, four groups of patients with a diagnosis of caries of enamel were formed (n=36) Group 1 (n=9 people, 30 teeth); Group 2 (n=9 people, 29 teeth); Group 3 (n=9 people, 28 teeth); Group 4 (n=9 people, 31 teeth). Evaluation of the clinical efficacy of enamel caries treatment was carried out using 1) vital staining with a 2% aqueous solution of methylene blue followed by evaluation using a control gradation 10-point grayscale; 2) laser-fluorescence method using the apparatus "DiagnoDent Pen" (KaVo). Statistical processing of the obtained results was performed using the Wilcoxon and Money-Whitney test. The confidence level was considered at p≤0.05. According to the data of laser fluorescence of enamel and vital staining, the median index with high statistical significance decreased in all groups after 3 months compared with the data before treatment. Thus, all the studied drugs showed remineralizing activity in the elimination of enamel demineralization foci. This study is the basis for the search and development of new remineralizing compounds for the prevention and treatment of focal enamel demineralization.Bruxism has become more and more debatable and pressing issue all over the world last years. the etiology of bruxism has been changing diverse definitions, over the years, however recently it is defined as a repetitive jaw-muscle activity characterized by clenching or grinding of the teeth and by bracing or thrusting of the mandible. This literature review discusses the possible risk factors of bruxism in children and adolescence, among which behavioral abnormalities and sleep disturbances predominates. Moreover, it reviews pathological impact of bruxism on general health and quality of life. The literature review has been carried out using the "ScienceDirect", "Scopus" and "PubMed" databases in order to define relevant scientific works - published in English, during the last 5 years. 31 most relevant articles were chosen. Bruxism is a psychophysiological disorder that can take place during the day and/ or night, in a form of clenching and grinding. It can cause health problems such as tooth sensitivities, headaches, facial myalgia, ear ache, tightness/stiffness of the shoulders, limitation of mouth opening, sleep disruption, sleep disruption of bed partner due to noise, excess tooth mobility, inflamed & receding gums, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, tooth wear and breakage and tongue's deformation. Considering the potential negative consequences of bruxism on dental and oral health, various clinical methods have been devised to assess it over the years. As the etiology is multifactorial, there is no exact treatment to prevent bruxism. Counselling and behavioral strategies, splint therapy, medications, and contingent electrical stimulation can be used as different ways reducing the effects of bruxism.

Autoři článku: Mackayhoff9961 (Skipper Hackett)