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OBJECTIVE To report the surgical excision of an iridociliary adenoma and iridal melanocytoma using a postero-anterior cyclo-iridectomy in two dogs. PROCEDURE A 7 year old neutered male English springer spaniel (case 1) and a 7 year old neutered male Labrador mix (case 2) were presented for evaluation of an intrairidal mass OS. RESULTS Complete ophthalmic examination revealed a large, dorsonasal, well-demarcated, intrairidal mass OS. A tan to pink intrairidal mass extending into the iridocorneal angle (case 1) and a pigmented intrairidal mass (case 2) were present. B-mode ultrasonography showed a focal, soft tissue, homogenous mass within the uvea adjacent to and contacting the lens. Neither pars plana involvement nor vitreal extension was present. A postero-anterior cyclo-iridectomy was performed through a polyhedral scleral flap. Thermocautery was used to complete the cyclo-iridectomy (case 1) and partial iridectomy (case 2) to excise the mass en bloc. Histopathology revealed a completely excised iridociliary adenoma (case 1) and iris melanocytoma (case 2). The surgery sites healed without complication. 6-Aminonicotinamide Mild uveitis (cases 1 and 2), scant vitreal hemorrhage (case 1), and mild hyphema (case 2) were present three days postoperatively but had resolved ten days postoperatively. The patients remain visual twenty-two months (case 1) and seven months (case 2) postoperatively with a normal intraocular examination other than an iridal defect and mild dorsonasal lens capsular opacities. CONCLUSIONS The surgical approach described in these cases is utilized in physician-based medicine. This approach and the use of thermocautery provide a viable surgical option for excision of large iridociliary tumors in dogs. © 2020 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.AIM The peak onset of psychotic disorders occurs during adolescence and early adulthood, yet treatments for youth at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis are generally designed for adults. CHR youth, despite poor academic and social engagement, spend hours each day playing complicated videogames. The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of integrating biofeedback and cooperative videogame play within family therapy as a means of engaging and enhancing this population's resilience. METHODS We conducted a feasibility trial of an innovative 12-week family therapy for CHR ages 12-30 ( NCT02531243). We report feasibility outcomes and preliminary effect sizes for pre-post changes and youth-parent differences. RESULTS Of 88 individuals referred to the centre who met age and CHR criteria, 11 (13%) youth-parent pairs met full criteria and engaged in treatment. Ten (91%) completed at least six sessions. Youth found CALMS initially credible, but parents tended to find it more credible and to be more satisfied over time. Surprisingly, parents reported a better game experience than youth. As a group, youth and parent participants reported experiencing reduced stress and perceiving each other as less critical by the end of treatment. Youth were rated as having significantly improved social, but not role or global functioning by the end of treatment. CONCLUSIONS Multiuser videogames may have a role to play in engaging youth at risk for psychosis in therapy and reducing stress and familial risk factors. A number of key developments are needed to enhance the appeal, effectiveness and practicality of this approach. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.BACKGROUND While the importance of commensal microbes in vaginal health is well appreciated, little is known about the effects of gynecological cancer (GynCa) and radiation therapy (RT) on the vaginal microbiome (VM) of postmenopausal women. METHODS We studied women with GynCa, pre- (N = 65) and post-RT (N = 25) and a group of healthy controls (N = 67) by sequencing the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene from vaginal swabs and compared the diversity and composition of VMs between the three groups accounting for potential confounding factors in multivariate analysis of variance. RESULTS Comparisons of cancer vs healthy groups revealed that Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have significantly higher relative abundance in the healthy group, while the cancer group was enriched in 16 phylogroups associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV) and inflammation, including Sneathia, Prevotella, Peptoniphilus, Fusobacterium, Anaerococcus, Dialister, Moryella, and Peptostreptococcus. In our sample, RT affected the α-diversity and correlated with higher abundance of typically rare VM species, including several members of the Lacnospiraceae family, a taxon previously linked to vaginal dysbiosis. In addition to cancer and treatment modalities, age and vaginal pH were identified as significant parameters that structure the VM. CONCLUSIONS This is among the first reports identifying VM changes among postmenopausal women with cancer. RT alone seems to affect several phylogroups (12 bacterial genera), while gynecological cancer and its treatment modalities are associated with even greater significant shifts in the vaginal microbiota including the enrichment of opportunistic bacterial pathogens, which warrants further attention. © 2020 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.We present an experimental in-situ study to investigate the effects of catalyst layer (CL) and cathode microporous layer (MPL C ) perforation on the water management and performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Polymeric pore formers were utilized to produce perforated CL and MPL structures. High-resolution neutron tomography was employed to visualize the liquid water content and distribution within different components of the cell under channel and land regions. Our results revealed that at humid conditions, the perforated layers enhanced the liquid water transport under the channel regions. Moreover, at high current densities, the performance was improved for the cells with perforated layers compared to a baseline cell with non-perforated layers, thanks to reduced mass transport losses. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Accurate quantification of absorbed radiation dose is important for safe and effective delivery of radiation therapy. An important aspect to this is reference dosimetry, which is performed under reference conditions specified by international codes of practice. Such measurements are usually performed in a water phantom. In the Sun Nuclear Corporation (SNC) three-dimensional (3D) scanner water tank system the detector holder is fixed to a horizontal metallic drive rail (MDR) which is in close proximity to the active volume of the detector. In this project, the dosimetric effects of the MDR on reference dosimetry were investigated for MV photons, MeV electrons, and kV photons by comparing reference dosimetry measurements in the SNC 3D scanner against similar measurements in a Standard Imaging (SI) one-dimensional (1D) tank and against measurements in the SNC 3D scanner with an additional, custom-made spacer placed beneath the chamber holder to increase the chamber - MDR separation. A second experiment investigarican Association of Physicists in Medicine.The already reported low-yielding and non-sustainable Et3N-mediated homocoupling of levoglucosenone (LGO) into the corresponding LGO-Cyrene™ diketone has been revisited and greened-up. Using methanol as both renewable solvent and catalyst and K2CO3 as safe inorganic base, significantly improved the reaction with regards to yield, purification and green aspects. LGO-Cyrene™ was then subjected to a one-pot H2O2-mediated Baeyer-Villiger oxidation/rearrangement, followed by and acidic hydrolysis to produce a novel sterically hindered bicyclic monomer, 2H-HBO-HBO. This diol was further polymerized in bulk with diacyl chlorides to access new promising renewable polyesters that exhibit Tg values from -1 to 81 °C and good thermostability (349 °C less then  Td50%  less then  406 °C). © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Iron (Fe) is indispensible for the growth and development of plants. It is well known that FER-LIKE FE DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT) is a key regulator of Fe uptake in Arabidopsis. Here, we identify the Oryza sativa FIT (also known as OsbHLH156) as the interacting partner of IRON-RELATED BHLH TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 2 (OsIRO2) that is a critical for regulating Fe uptake. The OsIRO2 protein is localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus, but OsFIT facilitates the accumulation of OsIRO2 in the nucleus. Loss-of-function mutations of OsFIT result in decreased Fe accumulation, severe Fe-deficiency symptoms, and disrupted expression of Fe-uptake genes. In contrast, OsFIT overexpression promotes Fe accumulation and the expression of Fe-uptake genes. Genetic analyses indicate that OsFIT and OsIRO2 function in the same genetic node. Further analyses suggest that OsFIT and OsIRO2 form a functional transcription activation complex to initiate the expression of Fe-uptake genes. Our findings provide a mechanism understanding of how rice maintains Fe homeostasis. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Methicillin-resistant S. aureus has been reported as the main pathogen involved in chronic infections, osteomyelitis, and prosthetic joint infections. The host/pathogen interaction is dynamic and requires several changes to promote bacterial survival. Here, we focused on the internalization and persistence behavior of well-characterized Staphylococcus aureus invasive strains belonging to the main ST-MRSA-SCCmec clones. To overcome the limitations of the cell culture method, we comparatively analyzed the ability of internalization within human MG-63 osteoblasts with imaging flow cytometry (IFC). After evaluation by cell culture assay, the MRSA clones in the study were all able to readily internalize at 3h postinfection, the persistence of intracellular bacteria was evaluated at 24h both by routine cell culture and IFC assay, after vancomycin-BODIPY staining. A statistical difference of persistence was found in ST5-SCCmecII (26.59%), ST228-SCCmecI (20.25%), ST8-SCCmecIV (19.52%), ST239-SCCmecIII (47.82%), and ST22-SCCmecIVh (50.55%) showing the same ability to internalize as ATCC12598 (51%), the invasive isolate used as control strain for invasion and persistence assays. We demonstrated that the intracellular persistence process depends on the total number of infected cells. Comparing our data obtained by IFC with those of the cell culture assay, we obtained greater reproducibility rates and a number of intracellular bacteria, with the advantage of analyzing live host cells. Moreover, with some limitations related to the lack of whole-genome sequencing analysis, we validated the different proclivities to persist in the main Italian HA-MRSA invasive isolates and our results highlighted the heterogeneity of the different clones to persist during cell infection. © 2020 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Light signals mediate a number of physiological and developmental processes in plants, such as flowering, photomorphogenesis, and pigment accumulation. Emerging evidence has revealed that a group of B-box proteins (BBXs) function as central players in these light-mediated developmental processes. BBXs are a class of zinc-coordinated transcription factors or regulators that not only directly mediate the transcription of target genes but also interact with various other factors to create a complex regulatory network involved in the precise control of plant growth and development. This review summarizes and highlights the recent findings concerning the critical regulatory functions of BBXs in photoperiodic flowering, light signal transduction and light-induced pigment accumulation and their molecular modes of action at the transcriptional and posttranslational levels in plants This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Autoři článku: Thuesenreyes7062 (Pugh Thyssen)