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Verze z 23. 9. 2024, 22:17, kterou vytvořil Mcqueenhurley4459 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „We consider a massive particle driven with a constant force in a periodic potential and subjected to a dissipative friction. As a function of the drive and…“)
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We consider a massive particle driven with a constant force in a periodic potential and subjected to a dissipative friction. As a function of the drive and damping, the phase diagram of this paradigmatic model is well known to present a pinned, a sliding, and a bistable regime separated by three distinct bifurcation lines. In physical terms, the average velocity v of the particle is nonzero only if either (i) the driving force is large enough to remove any stable point, forcing the particle to slide or (ii) there are local minima but the damping is small enough, below a critical damping, for the inertia to allow the particle to cross barriers and follow a limit cycle; this regime is bistable and whether v>0 or v=0 depends on the initial state. In this paper, we focus on the asymptotes of the critical line separating the bistable and the pinned regimes. First, we study its behavior near the "triple point" where the pinned, the bistable, and the sliding dynamical regimes meet. Just below the critical damping we uncover a critical regime, where the line approaches the triple point following a power-law behavior. We show that its exponent is controlled by the normal form of the tilted potential close to its critical force. Second, in the opposite regime of very low damping, we revisit existing results by providing a simple method to determine analytically the exact behavior of the line in the case of a generic potential. The analytical estimates, accurately confirmed numerically, are obtained by exploiting exact soliton solutions describing the orbit in a modified tilted potential which can be mapped to the original tilted washboard potential. Our methods and results are particularly useful for an accurate description of underdamped nonuniform oscillators driven near their triple point.The frequent emergence of diseases with the potential to become threats at local and global scales, such as influenza A(H1N1), SARS, MERS, and recently COVID-19 disease, makes it crucial to keep designing models of disease propagation and strategies to prevent or mitigate their effects in populations. Since isolated systems are exceptionally rare to find in any context, especially in human contact networks, here we examine the susceptible-infected-recovered model of disease spreading in a multiplex network formed by two distinct networks or layers, interconnected through a fraction q of shared individuals (overlap). We model the interactions through weighted networks, because person-to-person interactions are diverse (or disordered); weights represent the contact times of the interactions. Using branching theory supported by simulations, we analyze a social distancing strategy that reduces the average contact time in both layers, where the intensity of the distancing is related to the topology of the layers. We find that the critical values of the distancing intensities, above which an epidemic can be prevented, increase with the overlap q. Also we study the effect of the social distancing on the mutual giant component of susceptible individuals, which is crucial to keep the functionality of the system. In addition, we find that for relatively small values of the overlap q, social distancing policies might not be needed at all to maintain the functionality of the system.Extensive Langevin dynamics simulations are used to characterize the adsorption transition of a flexible magnetic filament grafted onto an attractive planar surface. Our results identify different structural transitions at different ratios of the thermal energy to the surface attraction strength filament straightening, adsorption, and the magnetic flux closure. The adsorption temperature of a magnetic filament is found to be higher in comparison to an equivalent nonmagnetic chain. The adsorption has been also investigated under the application of a static homogeneous external magnetic field. We found that the strength and the orientation of the field can be used to control the adsorption process, providing a precise switching mechanism. Interestingly, we have observed that the characteristic field strength and tilt angle at the adsorption point are related by a simple power law.We explore transport properties in a disordered nonlinear chain of classical harmonic oscillators, and thereby identify a regime exhibiting behavior analogous to that seen in quantum many-body-localized systems. Through extensive numerical simulations of this system connected at its ends to heat baths at different temperatures, we computed the heat current and the temperature profile in the nonequilibrium steady state as a function of system size N, disorder strength Δ, and temperature T. The conductivity κ_N, obtained for finite length (N), saturates to a value κ_∞>0 in the large N limit, for all values of disorder strength Δ and temperature T>0. We show evidence that for any Δ>0 the conductivity goes to zero faster than any power of T in the (T/Δ)→0 limit, and find that the form κ_∞∼e^ln(CΔ/T) fits our data. Niraparib in vivo This form has earlier been suggested by a theory based on the dynamics of multioscillator chaotic islands. The finite-size effect can be κ_Nκ_∞ due to direct bath-to-bath coupling through bulk localized modes when the bulk is weakly conducting (the strong disorder case). We also present results on equilibrium dynamical correlation functions and on the role of chaos on transport properties. Finally, we explore the differences in the growth and propagation of chaos in the weak and strong chaos regimes by studying the classical version of the out-of-time-ordered commutator.The difficulty of choice of relaxation rates in multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model (MRT-LBM) is surmounted by solution of least-square problem of entropic stabilizer equations. Relaxation rates in the enhanced MRT-LBM are evolving with time rather than remain constants. To derive entropic stabilizer equations, nonequilibrium population is split into different modes in terms of column vectors in the inverse transform matrix. The entropic stabilizer equations are achieved by minimization of H-function. Different moment representations in MRT-LBM, such as Gram-Schmidt orthogonal moment, natural moment, and central moment, are tested for double periodic shear flow, shock tube problem, and lid-driven cavity flow, which demonstrates the potential of enhanced MRT-LBM.

Autoři článku: Mcqueenhurley4459 (Espensen Zhao)