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Verze z 23. 9. 2024, 17:03, kterou vytvořil Perezlove6966 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „002). Ewes from the Ca+Mg group had the lowest mean concentration of 1,25(OH)2D3 than the other groups (P = 0.005). Magnesium supplementation improved the…“)
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002). Ewes from the Ca+Mg group had the lowest mean concentration of 1,25(OH)2D3 than the other groups (P = 0.005). Magnesium supplementation improved the plasma Mg concentration over time in ewes (P less then 0.001) and lambs from the control group had lower plasma Mg concentration compared to the treatment groups at +4 W (P = 0.001). Oxidative burst response in lambs supplemented with Ca tended to be greater at +4 W than the other groups at the same time point (P = 0.051) and Mg supplementation increased total antioxidant capacity (TAC) concentration in lambs (P = 0.040). The average daily weight gain of lambs was 204 g/lamb/d for the Ca group, 207 g/lamb/d for the Mg group, 245 g/lamb/d for the Ca+Mg group which were greater than the control group (148 g/lamb/d) (P less then 0.001). Despite the normal concentration of Ca and Mg in the plasma, supplementation of ewes with Ca and Mg from one month prior to lambing to one month post lambing improved TAC concentration and weight gain in lambs.Soyabean meal (SBM) is the major dietary protein source for the poultry industry in sub-Saharan Africa. Due to inadequate local soyabean production, alternative protein sources are required. Two hundred 9-day old Japanese quail chicks were randomly allocated to grower diets wherein Marula nut meal (MNM) substituted SBM on a crude protein (CP) basis at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% and fed for 4 weeks, followed by being fed on similarly formulated finisher diets for 2 weeks, and thereafter they were humanely slaughtered and dressed. Initial pH (pHi) and ultimate (pHu), colour, thawing loss (TL), cooking loss (CL), tenderness, proximate and fatty acid (FA) composition of the breast and thigh meat were determined. The results showed that pHi and pHu of meat from carcasses of quail fed diet 1 was lower, but had lighter and less red meat than that from counterparts fed diet 5 (P 0.05) on TL, CL and tenderness of the meat. The ash content of the meat increased with an increase in dietary MNM, but its CP and fat decreased (P less then 0.05). In addition, the total saturated FA content of meat from birds fed diet 4 was lower (P less then 0.05) than other counterparts. Meat from birds fed diets 1 and 2 had a lower oleic acid (OA) content in comparison to meat from birds fed diets 3, 4 and 5. MNM can potentially be utilised in quail feeds without compromising the physical and proximate properties of the meat. Also, it can be used to produce lean but OA-rich meat with possible potential health benefits to consumers.Vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) is a target enzyme for anticoagulants, such as warfarin, that are used as medicines or rodenticides. Assessing VKOR activity is required to ensure the proper usage of these drugs. Dithiothreitol (DTT) is a typical disulfide reductant that is used as a substrate for in vitro VKOR assays. However, DTT is considered problematic because of its side effects. Tris(3-hydroxypropyl)phosphine (THP) has been found to be a reliable alternative to DTT, as shown by kinetic analyses of the VKOR with them. THP showed significantly lower Vmax and Km values than those of DTT; however, there was no significant difference in their Vmax/Km and IC50 for warfarin.Monitoring arterial blood pressure (BP), represents a more accurate evaluation of hemodynamics than heart rate alone and is essential for preventing and treating intra- and post-operative complications in wildlife chemical immobilization. The objectives of the study were to test the correlation between standard oscillometry and Korotkoff's technique in anesthetized free-ranging brown bears in Croatia and Scandinavia and to assess the blood pressure in both locations. Five bears were snared and darted with xylazine and ketamine in Croatia, and 20 bears were darted from a helicopter with medetomidine and tiletamine-zolazepam in Scandinavia. Blood pressure was simultaneously measured with both techniques every 5 minutes. Correlation between techniques, trends of BP variation, and the factors of the capture which likely influenced BP were assessed. Successful measurements of BP were achieved in 93% of all attempts with the Korotkoff's technique but in only 29% of all attempts with oscillometry. The latter method mostly provided lower values of BP compared to Korotkoff's technique in yearlings. Most bears showed a decreasing trend in systolic and mean BP over time, consistent between the two techniques. All bears were hypertensive the auscultatory technique detected moderate to severe systolic hypertension in 25% and 84% of bears in Croatia and in Scandinavia, respectively, with significantly higher BP in subadults and adults compared to yearlings. Only Korotkoff's method resulted in a reliable and effective tool for BP assessment in brown bears. The anesthetic protocols used in the present study in association with the capture methods produced hypertension in all animals.Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is a widespread, contagious ocular disease that affects cattle, especially dairy breeds. The disease is caused by Gram-negative bacteria mainly Moraxella bovis, and its treatment consists of parenteral or topic antibiotic therapy. The topic treatment approach is used more commonly in lactating cows, to avoid milk disposal. However, treatment failures are common, because the antibiotic is removed during lacrimation. This study aimed to evaluate the susceptibility of commercial cloxacillin and evaluate the efficacy of nanostructured cloxacillin in clinical cases of IBK by Moraxella. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of nanoparticle cloxacillin nanocoated, the nanoparticle without the antibiotic and the commercial cloxacillin were determined in vitro with field samples of Moraxella ovis (5) and Moraxella bovis (5). The efficiency of nanoparticles was tested in three cows naturally infected that were treated with 1.0 mL (with 0.32 mg of nanostructured cloxacillin) for the ocular route. selleck chemicals llc Moraxella bovis was isolated and identified by biochemical and molecular methods before the treatment. The animals were treated every 12 h for six days. The cure was considered by the absence of clinical symptoms and bacteria after treatment. The mucoadhesive nanoparticle-based formulation promoted clinical cure with a low number of doses of antibiotics, probably due to the maintenance of the MIC in the ocular mucosa for longer due to the mucoadhesive characteristics of the nanoparticle. The results indicate that the use of nanocoated cloxacillin is possible to control infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis.

Autoři článku: Perezlove6966 (Carlsen Lentz)