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Litter size is an important factor that significantly affects the development of the sheep industry. Our previous TMT proteomics analysis found that three key proteins in the ovarian steroidogenesis pathway, STAR, HSD3B1, and CYP11A1, may affect the litter size trait of Small Tail Han sheep.

The purpose of this study was to better understand the relationship between polymorphisms of these three genes and litter size.

Sequenom MassARRAY detected genetic variance of the three genes in 768 sheep. Real-time qPCR of the three genes was used to compare their expression in monotocous and polytocous sheep in relevant tissues. Finally, bioinformatics analysis predicted the protein sequences of the different SNP variants.

Association analysis showed that there was a significant difference in litter size among the genotypes at two loci of the CYP11A1 gene (p<0.05), but no significant difference was observed in litter size among all genotypes at all loci of the STAR and HSD3B1 genes (p>0.05). However, STAR uld serve as a good molecular marker when breeding to increase litter size in sheep. Our study provides a basis for further revealing the function of the ovarian steroidogenesis pathway in sheep reproduction and sheep breeding.Congenital hearing loss is the most common birth defect, estimated to affect 2-3 in every 1000 births. Currently there is no cure for hearing loss. Treatment options are limited to hearing aids for mild and moderate cases, and cochlear implants for severe and profound hearing loss. Here we provide a literature overview of the environmental and genetic causes of congenital hearing loss, common animal models and methods used for hearing research, as well as recent advances towards developing therapies to treat congenital deafness. © 2021 The Authors.

To explore the barriers to family resilience in caregivers of people who have schizophrenia.

A qualitative descriptive approach was used.

Semistructuredinterviews were conducted with family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia registered at the psychiatry outpatient unit of a hospital center. Content analysis was performed on audio-recorded and verbatim-transcribed interviews. The consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist was applied to this study.

A total of 31 family caregivers participated, the majority of whom were female (71%) with an average age of 57.5 years. Most participants lived with and cared for their relative (90.3%). The caregiver role was assumed mostly by mothers (54.8%) and fathers (22.6%). Barriers to family resilience in caregivers of people experiencing schizophrenia broadly fall under five categories lack of knowledge about the disease, social stigma, expressed emotion, involvement in the relationship, and blame.

In view of the paucity of studies exploring and understanding the barriers to family resilience, this study presents itself as one of the first in this area. There are different barriers to family resilience. This research provides an overview and an understanding of key barriers to family resilience in caregivers of people experiencing schizophrenia.

There is a need for nurses to help families to be resilient. By understanding the barriers to resilience, nurses are able to focus on these factors and help families to remove or reduce their influence.

There is a need for nurses to help families to be resilient. By understanding the barriers to resilience, nurses are able to focus on these factors and help families to remove or reduce their influence.Ebola virus (EBV) disease is a globally acknowledged public health emergency, endemic in the west and equatorial Africa. see more To understand the epidemiology especially the dynamic pattern of EBV disease, we analyse the EBV case notification data for confirmed cases and reported deaths of the ongoing outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) between 2018 and 2019, and examined the impact of reported violence on the spread of the virus. Using fully Bayesian geo-statistical analysis through stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE) allows us to quantify the spatial patterns at every point of the spatial domain. Parameter estimation was based on the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). Our findings revealed a positive association between violent events in the affected areas and the reported EBV cases (posterior mean = 0.024, 95% CI 0.005, 0.045) and deaths (posterior mean = 0.022, 95% CI 0.005, 0.041). Translating to an increase of 2.4% and 2.2% in the relative risks of EBV cases and deaths associated with a unit increase in violent events (one additional Ebola case is associated with an average of 45 violent events). We also observed clusters of EBV cases and deaths spread to neighbouring locations in similar manners. Findings from the study are therefore useful for hot spot identification, location-specific disease surveillance and intervention.

F11R gene encodes junctional adhesion molecule-A protein (JAM-A), which is expressed in various types of cells and is involved in leukocyte extravasation during inflammation. Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease that involves lymphocytes invasion of exocrine glands. F11R has been studied in autoimmune diseases, but any association between F11R and SS has not yet been investigated. Therefore, experiments were undertaken to examine the relationships among F11R gene polymorphism, messenger RNA (mRNA) expression and SS patients.

Three hundred and twenty-nine patients with SS, and 223 healthy controls were enrolled in their recruitment from the Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells and gene polymorphisms were genotyped by TaqMan real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). F11R mRNA expression was quantitated by quantitative real-time PCR with TaqMan Gene Expression Assay.

Our study showed the genotype -688A/C (rs6695707) was not found in relation to SS patients. The odds ratio of -436A/G (rs12567886) genotype was notably associated with less susceptibility of SS in human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR2 negative and HLA-DR3 negative individuals. F11R mRNA expression was lower in SS patients than in the cells of healthy controls.

The result indicated that G allele of -436A/G genotype has the potential protective effect against SS disease condition. F11R mRNA was expressed significantly lower in SS patients.

The result indicated that G allele of -436A/G genotype has the potential protective effect against SS disease condition. F11R mRNA was expressed significantly lower in SS patients.A classic problem in spoken language comprehension is how listeners perceive speech as being composed of discrete words, given the variable time-course of information in continuous signals. We propose a syllable inference account of spoken word recognition and segmentation, according to which alternative hierarchical models of syllables, words, and phonemes are dynamically posited, which are expected to maximally predict incoming sensory input. Generative models are combined with current estimates of context speech rate drawn from neural oscillatory dynamics, which are sensitive to amplitude rises. Over time, models which result in local minima in error between predicted and recently experienced signals give rise to perceptions of hearing words. Three experiments using the visual world eye-tracking paradigm with a picture-selection task tested hypotheses motivated by this framework. Materials were sentences that were acoustically ambiguous in numbers of syllables, words, and phonemes they contained (cf. link2 English plural constructions, such as "saw (a) raccoon(s) swimming," which have two loci of grammatical information). Time-compressing, or expanding, speech materials permitted determination of how temporal information at, or in the context of, each locus affected looks to, and selection of, pictures with a singular or plural referent (e.g., one or more than one raccoon). Supporting our account, listeners probabilistically interpreted identical chunks of speech as consistent with a singular or plural referent to a degree that was based on the chunk's gradient rate in relation to its context. We interpret these results as evidence that arriving temporal information, judged in relation to language model predictions generated from context speech rate evaluated on a continuous scale, informs inferences about syllables, thereby giving rise to perceptual experiences of understanding spoken language as words separated in time.Understanding the molecular mechanisms of nociception has recently grown impressively. Nociception is mediated by mechanical, chemical, or microbial stimuli that evoke unpleasant feelings, alerting the host of the risk of tissue damage. Such diverse arrays of noxious stimuli trigger various escape reactions, usually altering immune homeostasis. Notably, nociceptors can recognize cytokines or pathogens via sensory molecules or innate immune receptors, participating in immune responses. Accumulating evidence suggests that activated nociceptors produce various humoral factors that affect the immune system and act like endocrine/paracrine signals. Thus, understanding the interplay between the nociceptive and immune systems may open new avenues for the development of an interdisciplinary research field, hereinafter referred to as 'senso-immunology'. This review will discuss the physiological relevance of the senso-immune system in the host defense context, focusing on how senso-immune research might yield novel treatments to cure pain and inflammation.Interactions with livestock in public settings such as county and state fairs can expose people and other livestock to faecal material capable of spreading zoonotic enteric pathogens. The goal of this study was to understand these risks by screening livestock faeces (n = 245) and livestock bedding (n = 155) for common zoonotic pathogens (Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Salmonella and Campylobacter spp.) and by measuring faecal indicator, Escherichia coli, concentrations in drinking water (n = 153), feed containers (n = 124) and bedding material (n = 157) in four livestock species (cattle, sheep, goats and swine) from county fairs in California, USA. Results indicated that sheep were most likely to have pathogens detected in faeces and that Giardia was the most frequently detected pathogen in both faeces (11%) and bedding (21%) across all livestock species. Additionally, increasing the number of animals in a holding pen at fairs, increasing the stocking density of animals in transport trailers to fairs, and having access to water in transport trailers significantly increased the odds of detecting pathogens in livestock faeces of any animal species. Observing solid material in water, stale feed and soiled bedding was associated with detecting higher E. coli concentrations. link3 These findings provide evidence of faecal pathogens present at county fairs and suggest that site observations can aid in assessing levels of faecal exposure. The findings also indicate that the use of biosecurity measures such as (a) routine changing of livestock drinking water, feed and bedding, (b) not overstocking animals in holding pens and trailers and (c) keeping species in separate holding areas may reduce the risk of humans and livestock being exposed to faecal pathogens.

Autoři článku: Mckinnonbrinch8991 (Stentoft Puckett)