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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 21:46, kterou vytvořil Overbyguthrie8454 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „The novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, causes massive death, threatens the life and health of the world population. Thousands of health professionals wer…“)
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The novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, causes massive death, threatens the life and health of the world population. Thousands of health professionals were died and tested positive.

This study was designed to determine knowledge and precautionary behavior practice for coronavirus disease-19 among health professionals working in public university hospitals in Ethiopia.

A web-based online survey was conducted on health professionals working in Ethiopian public university hospitals. A survey questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic, coronavirus disease knowledge questions and precautionary behavioral practice. The survey questions were designed using Google form. All health professionals working (academic and clinical staff) in university hospitals were invited to participate in the online survey carried out from May 1 to 14, 2020. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 24.0. Descriptive statistics were computed, and tables and figures were used to present thee is a need to motivate and monitor health professionals' adherence to recommended precautionary measures.

There was a significant gap in the implementation of the behavioral practice, especially for wearing masks and gloves. Therefore, there is a need to motivate and monitor health professionals' adherence to recommended precautionary measures.

Following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, some patients experience psycho-mental problems such as hopelessness. The Phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation (CR) program is an important element of the secondary prevention program in treating patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). The present study aimed to determine the effect of the Phase 2 CR program on the level of hope in cardiac patients after CABG surgery.

A clinical trial was conducted from July 2017 to late January 2018 at the Heart Surgery Centre, Al-Zahra Hospital, Shiraz, Iran. The target population was patients who sought CR therapy after CABG surgery. A total of 104 cardiac patients were recruited and equally divided into control and intervention groups. The intervention group received 20 sessions of Phase 2 CR program combined with education and counselling during 8 weeks. The control group only received routine observations and education. L-Mimosine purchase The data were collected pre- and post-intervention using a demographic form and the Miller Hopeombined with education and counseling increased hope in CVD patients after CABG surgery.

Exploring the differences of children's dietary behaviours from different nationalities could provide a reference for targeted nutritional interventions. This study aims to assess the dietary behaviours among Han, Tujia and Miao primary school students and the differences among the ethnic groups.

This cross-sectional survey included 556 primary school students (249 Han, 76 Tujia and 231 Miao students) aged 6-13 years from the representative minority areas of Chongqing, China. Data were collected with a self-administered or one-on-one interview-based questionnaire encompassing questions on sociodemographics, eating habits and dietary intake. Eating habits and dietary intake were categorized into health-protective and health-risk dietary behaviours. χ

tests were conducted to examine the differences in eating habits and dietary intake among the three ethnic groups. Forward stepwise logistic regression models were performed to check the factors affecting dietary intake.

Fewer than half of the students hade low proportion of health-protective dietary behaviours among primary school students from Han, Tujia and Miao ethnicities was found in this study. There were differences in dietary behaviours among the three ethnic groups. This study could provide a reference for implementing national dietary guidelines in consideration of socioeconomic status, ways of preparing and consuming foods, traditional foods and customs of different ethnic groups.

Orphaned childrencarry many psychological and emotional issues with them throughout their lives, which influence every decision they make, including investment decisions. A lack of self-determination and low confidence may make orphans make more risky decisions than their nonorphan counterparts. In this study, we aimed to see how this risky behavior was reflected in investment choices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A well-structured questionnaire was distributed to 230 adult investors (130 orphans and 100 nonorphans) between January 22 and March 13, 2020.

Orphans were found to be risk-takers during the COVID-19 pandemic, as hypothesized from their childhood history. Moreover, female investors showed more sensible (less risky) behavior than male investors when investing in fixed-income securities. Income and age showed significant inverse relationships with risk tolerance, while education showed a positive but insignificant effect.

This study indicates that orphan investors enjoy taking risks and their behavior toward risk remains consistent, even in abnormal conditions, such as a global pandemic. It also suggests that their risk-taking behavior remains stable from orphanhood through to adulthood, contradicting many reports that orphans make reasonable decisions in adulthood.

This study indicates that orphan investors enjoy taking risks and their behavior toward risk remains consistent, even in abnormal conditions, such as a global pandemic. It also suggests that their risk-taking behavior remains stable from orphanhood through to adulthood, contradicting many reports that orphans make reasonable decisions in adulthood.

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common chronic pain disease, whose pathogenic mechanism still remains elusive. Oxidative stress markers and impaired bioenergetics homeostasis have been proposed as relevant events in the pathogenesis of the disease. Hence, the aim of the study is to analyse the potential biomarkers of mitochondrial imbalance in FM patients along with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) as a possible treatment.

The symptomatology of patients was recorded with an adaption of the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Mitochondrial imbalance was tested from blood extraction and serum isolation in 33 patients diagnosed with FM and 30 healthy controls. Western blot and HPLC techniques were performed to study the different parameters. Finally, bioinformatic analysis of machine learning was performed to predict possible associations of results.

CoQ10 parameter did not show evidence to be a good marker of the disease, as the values are not significantly different between control and patient groups (Student's

-test,e in mitochondrial homeostasis is involved in the FM pathogenesis. However, whether the increase in oxidative stress is the result of mitochondrial imbalance or the cause of this disease remains an open question. The measurement of this imbalance might be used as a preliminary biomarker for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with FM, and even for the evaluation of the effects of the different antioxidants therapies.

An estimated one in two healthy adults in the United Kingdom suffer from low levels of 25[OH]D. Vitamin D is involved in modulating immune response, but there is less clarity over its role in orthopaedic infection. This study assesses the relationship between serum 25[OH]D concentration and orthopaedic infection.

A total of 205 patients in a tertiary referral centre for orthopaedic infection were included in the study. They were divided into groups based on their infection status, matched by age and gender. Data were statistically analysed to determine presence and direction of relationship.

A total of 114 patients had an infection. There was no statistically significant difference in age or gender between the two groups. Mean serum 25[OH]D concentration was 39 nmol/L in the group with infection and 59 nmol/L in the group without an infection (p<0.01). Overall mean serum 25[OH]D concentration was 48 nmol/L. There was a correlation between low serum 25[OH]D concentration and rate of infection (odds ratio, 5.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.24 to 10.92) with a bivariate correlation of -0.338 (p<0.01).

This study demonstrates an association between low levels of serum 25[OH]D and increased orthopaedic infection. Orthopaedic inpatients suffered from vitamin D insufficiency, and there was a correlation between higher levels of serum 25[OH]D and lower rates of infection. This suggests that prophylactic supplementation of 25[OH]D may improve outcomes, and provides a foundation for randomized controlled trials to assess its effectiveness in practice.

This study demonstrates an association between low levels of serum 25[OH]D and increased orthopaedic infection. Orthopaedic inpatients suffered from vitamin D insufficiency, and there was a correlation between higher levels of serum 25[OH]D and lower rates of infection. This suggests that prophylactic supplementation of 25[OH]D may improve outcomes, and provides a foundation for randomized controlled trials to assess its effectiveness in practice.

The use of baloxavir, a new anti-influenza agent, began in Japan from the 2018 to 2019 season and became the focus of attention due to its efficient viral reduction ability; therefore, we should know the prescription changes of anti-influenza agents.

We analyzed the changes in the prescription of anti-influenza agents between the 2018-19 season and the 2019-20 season in our hospital.

The share of baloxavir was 15%, while the shares of oseltamivir and laninamivir were 42% and 31%, respectively in the 2018-2019 season. However, in the 2019-20 season, the share of baloxavir and laninamivir was reduced to 3% and 17%, respectively, in contrast to an increase in the share of oseltamivir (66%). The total prescription of anti-influenza agents for patients decreased in the 2019-20 season (205 patients), compared with the 2018-19 season (509 patients).

These results suggest significant changes such as a reduction in the prescription of anti-influenza agents, especially baloxavir, likely due to the suspected prevalence of a baloxavir-resistant strain of influenza virus and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Japan.

These results suggest significant changes such as a reduction in the prescription of anti-influenza agents, especially baloxavir, likely due to the suspected prevalence of a baloxavir-resistant strain of influenza virus and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Japan.Transdermal opioid intoxication has only been reported for pharmaceutical fentanyl and buprenorphine patches. Here, we report a rare case of heroin poisoning through damaged skin. A seven-year-old girl with an impaired level of consciousness and difficulty breathing was brought to a local hospital about one hour after burning with boiling water. She had a small second-degree burn on the right elbow. Clinicians were initially unable to obtain any reliable history from relatives about the cause of altered mental status. However, with a clinical suspicion of opioid poisoning, naloxone therapy started, and the patient was moderately improved. She underwent a coma workup; then she was referred to a tertiary care hospital. Further investigation revealed that after the burning, the mother left home to seek for a burn ointment from a neighbor, and the heroin-dependent father sprinkled some heroin powder over the burned area. Heroin was absorbed through the damaged skin and poisoned the child unintentionally. After three days of clinical management, the patient was discharged from the hospital in good condition without any complications.

Autoři článku: Overbyguthrie8454 (Rodriguez Allison)