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Verze z 22. 9. 2024, 21:23, kterou vytvořil Currangarcia8223 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „PURPOSE Excessive joint line obliquity (JLO) after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy (OWHTO) induces detrimental stress on the articular cartilage. The purp…“)
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PURPOSE Excessive joint line obliquity (JLO) after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy (OWHTO) induces detrimental stress on the articular cartilage. The purpose of this article is to assess the correlation between JLO and the clinical results after OWHTO. METHODS 68 patients were followed up for more than 1 year. JLO was assessed using a long-leg standing anteroposterior radiograph. L-Mimosine The knee osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS) and KSS (Knee Society score) objective knee score were assessed as clinical scores. The Weight-bearing line ratio (WBLR), medial proximal tibial angle (MPTA), lateral distal femoral angle (LDFA), and joint line convergence angle (JLCA) were assessed as radiological parameters. The timed up-and-go (TUG) test and single-leg standing (SLS) test were performed, and the isometric muscle strength of the quadriceps and hamstrings was assessed to evaluate the knee function. The primary outcomes were the correlations between the JLO and the clinical score, radiological parameters and knee function after OWHTO. The secondary objective of this study was to detect the factor with the greatest influence on JLO. RESULTS There were significant correlations between the postoperative JLO and the KOOS in the subcategories of pain, activities of daily living (ADL), and sports and recreation (r = -0.311, -0.302, -0.282, p = 0.011, 0.014, 0.022, respectively). However, the postoperative JLO was not significantly correlated with the KSS, knee function, or muscle strength. The preoperative LDFA and postoperative MPTA were factors influencing increased JLO after OWHTO. DISCUSSION There was no significant correlation between the JLO and the actual knee function. The preoperative LDFA and postoperative MPTA were factors that influenced the increase in JLO after OWHTO. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, English, French Title Variation interannuelle des communautés de parasites métazoaires de la carangue à gros yeux Caranx sexfasciatus (Pisces, Carangidae). Abstract Les communautés de parasites de Caranx sexfasciatus ont été caractérisées et analysées afin de déterminer si elles connaissent des variations interannuelles dans la structure et/ou la composition des espèces. Au total, 422 C. sexfasciatus ont été collectés dans la baie d’Acapulco, au Mexique, entre mai 2016 et mars 2019. Trente-deux taxons de parasites métazoaires ont été identifiés  cinq Monogenea, treize Digenea, un Acanthocephala, un Cestoda, trois Nematoda, sept Copepoda et deux Isopoda. Les monogènes étaient les espèces de parasites les plus fréquentes et les plus abondantes au cours de toutes les années d’échantillonnage. La richesse en espèces de parasites au niveau de la communauté des composants variait considérablement de 8 (mai 2016) à 25 (mars 2019) et était similaire aux rapports précédents pour d’autres espèces de Carangidae. Les communautés et infracommunautés de C. sexfasciatus étaient caractérisées par un faible nombre d’espèces de parasites, une faible diversité et la dominance d’une seule espèce (le monogène Neomicrocotyle pacifica). La structure des communautés de parasites et la composition des espèces variaient entre les années d’échantillonnage et les saisons climatiques. Les fluctuations saisonnières ou locales de certains facteurs environnementaux biotiques et abiotiques expliquent probablement ces variations.In this work, we used a whole-genome sequencing (WGS) approach to study the features of KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-Kp) spreading in a large Italian long-term acute-care rehabilitation facility (LTACRF), and to track the dynamics of dissemination within this setting. Thirty-eight, non-replicated, KPC-Kp isolates from colonized patients (either already colonized at admission or colonized during admission), collected during 2016, were subjected to antimicrobial-susceptibility testing and WGS. All isolates were resistant to β-lactams, with the exception of ceftazidime/avibactam (97.4 % susceptible). The second most effective agent was fosfomycin, followed by colistin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, gentamicin and amikacin (92.1, 86.8, 60.5, 44.7 and 50 % of susceptibility, respectively). A large proportion of isolates (n=18/38, 47.4%) belonged to clonal group (CG) 101, and most of them (n=15) to a new sequence type (ST) designated as ST2502. All the CG101 isolates had a capsule locus type KL17. The ST2502 harboured the genes encoding for the yersiniabactin siderophore and the ArmA methylase, conferring high-level resistance to aminoglycosides. The second most represented lineage of isolates (16/38, 42.1%) belonged to ST512 of CG258. Analysing WGS data, we were able to ascertain the common origin of some isolates imported from other hospitals, and to track several clusters of in-LTACRF cross-transmissions. The results revealed that, in peculiar epidemiological settings such as LTACRF, new KPC-Kp clones different from those prevailing in acute-care hospitals and associated with uncommon resistance and virulence determinants can successfully emerge and disseminate.Two-component regulatory systems represent the major paradigm for signal transduction in prokaryotes. The simplest systems are composed of a sensor kinase and a response regulator. The sensor is often a membrane protein that senses a change in environmental conditions and is autophosphorylated by ATP on a histidine residue. The phosphoryl group is transferred onto an aspartate of the response regulator, which activates the regulator and alters its output, usually resulting in a change in gene expression. In this review, we present a historical view of the archetype EnvZ/OmpR two-component signaling system, and then we provide a new view of signaling based on our recent experiments. EnvZ responds to cytoplasmic signals that arise from changes in the extracellular milieu, and OmpR acts canonically (requiring phosphorylation) to regulate the porin genes and noncanonically (without phosphorylation) to activate the acid stress response. Herein, we describe how insights gleaned from stimulus recognition and response in EnvZ are relevant to nearly all sensor kinases and response regulators.The health benefits of fruit, vegetables and dietary fibre have been promoted for many years. Much of the supporting evidence is circumstantial or even contradictory and mechanisms underlying health benefits of specific foods are poorly understood. Colorectal cancer shows marked geographical differences in incidence, probably linked with diet, and explanations for this require knowledge of the complex interactions between diet, microbiota and the gut epithelium. Dietary fibres can act as prebiotics, encouraging growth of saccharolytic bacteria, but other mechanisms are also important. Some but not all soluble fibres have a 'contrabiotic' effect inhibiting bacterial adherence to the epithelium. This is particularly a property of pectins (galacturonans) whereas dietary fructans, previously regarded as beneficial prebiotics, can have a proinflammatory effect mediated via toxic effects of high butyrate concentrations. This also suggests that ulcerative colitis could in part result from potentially toxic faecal butyrate concentrations in the presence of a damaged mucus layer. Epithelial adherence of lectins, either dietary lectins as found in legumes, or bacterial lectins such as the galactose-binding lectin expressed by colon cancer-associated Fusobacterium nucleatum, may also be important and could be inhibitable by specific dietary glycans. Conversely, emulsifiers in processed foods may increase bacterial translocation and alter the microbiota thus promoting inflammation or cancer. Focusing on one condition is of limited value although in developing public health messages and growing evidence for impacts of dietary components on all-cause mortality is gaining more attention. We are only just starting to understand the complex interactions between food, the microbiota and health.AIMS AND METHOD Northern Ireland presents itself as an anomaly - a region in which only 31.8% of doctors enter into any training programme after completion of the Foundation Programme, but where Core Psychiatry has been consistently oversubscribed. Here, we aim to find what other regions can learn from this success. All doctors of any grade, working in psychiatry, who had been though the Foundation Programme were questioned on their motivations for becoming a psychiatry trainee. RESULTS Sixty-two doctors currently working in psychiatry responded, including over 60% of current trainees, and 45% stated they had not considered a career in psychiatry before their foundation attachment. Over 80% preferred foundation placements in FY2 only, rather than in either foundation year 1 or FY2. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS This survey identifies that for the majority of people who ultimately chose to train in psychiatry, in a region that has consistently attracted candidates to core and higher level training, completion of a foundation psychiatry post was an influencing factor in this decision. A strong majority of doctors prefer the foundation psychiatry placement to be offered in FY2.BACKGROUND Thyroid nodules are a common clinical entity with high incidence. Ultrasound is often employed to detect and evaluate thyroid nodules. The development of an efficient automated method to detect thyroid nodules using ultrasound has the potential to reduce both physician workload and operator-dependence. OBJECTIVES To study the method of automatic detection of thyroid nodules based on deep learning using ultrasound, and to obtain the detection method with higher accuracy and better performance. METHODS A total of 1200 ultrasound images of thyroid nodules and 800 ultrasound thyroid images without nodule are collected. An improved faster R-CNN based detection method of thyroid nodule is proposed. Instead of using VGG16 as the backbone, ResNet is employed as the backbone for faster R-CNN. SVM, CNN and Faster-RCNN methods are used for thyroid nodule detection test. Precision, sensitivity, specificity and F1-score indicators are used to evaluate the detection performance of different methods. RESULTS The method based on deep learning is superior to that based on SVM. Faster R-CNN method and the improved method are better than CNN method. Compared with VGG16 as the backbone, RestNet101 backbone based faster R-CNN method achieves better thyroid detection effect. From the accuracy index, the proposed method is 0.084, 0.032 and 0.019 higher than SVM, CNN and faster R-CNN, respectively. Similar results can be seen in precision, sensitivity, specificity and F1-Score indicators. CONCLUSION The proposed method of deep learning achieves the best performance values with the highest true positive and true negative detection compared to other methods and performs best in the detection of thyroid nodules. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at The purpose of this study was to investigate T1 relaxation time of the human Achilles tendon, to test its short-term repeatability as well as the minimal detectable change, and to assess the extent that correlate with clinical symptoms. METHODS Twenty asymptomatic volunteers and eighteen patients with clinically and sonographically confirmed tendinopathy were scanned for ankle using a 3 Tesla (T) MR scanner. T1 maps were calculated from a variable flip angle gradient echo Ultra-short echo time sequence (VFA-GE UTE) and inversion recovery spin echo sequence (IR-SE) using a self-developed matlab algorithm in three regions of interest of Achilles Tendon (AT). Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) between the two sequences was evaluated. INTRA-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC), Coefficient of Variation (CV) and the Least Significant Change (LSC) were calculated, to test short-term repeatability of T1. Subjects were assessed by the VISA-A clinical score. P values less than 0.005 were considered statistically significant.

Autoři článku: Currangarcia8223 (Pilegaard Steele)